Monday, October 31, 2005

Why Monday's Don't Suck (as much)

Until fairly recently, I personally couldn't find one redeeming thing about Mondays. Having to get up early after a rough weekend, knowing that I had 5 whole days of work ahead. No thanks. But oh, how things have changed. See, being obsessed with TV means that a night's line-up can have an affect on my day. Sad & pathetic? Maybe, but do I care? Not a bit.

Thanks to Fox, Monday's are something I look forward to. With Arrested Development, Kitchen Confidential, and Prison Break, I can settle in for a few hours of TV that doesn't even require me to pick up the remote.

After years of begging by Kristin Vietch, I finally tuned into Arrested Development. And I am damn glad that I did. That show is freakin' hysterical. I have no idea what kind of crack AD's writers are smoking, but I hope they keep smuggling that shit in b/c it's well worth the risk. C'mon, any show with a Volvo/vulva joke in the first 10 minutes is quality!!!

Although not nearly as funny as Arrested Development, I've really come to like Kitchen
Confidential. To be honest, I wasn't expecting to. I really only tuned into the first ep for health reasons. See, I sit in front of a computer all day, and my poor eyes are paying the price. I figured I could sooth and treat my overworked retinas by letting them focus on Bradley Cooper for a half hour a week. But to my utter surprise, I actually like Kitchen Confidential. It's something just different enough that it doesn't get lost among some of the other cookie cutter sitcoms. Oh, did I mention that Alias alum(?) Michael Vartan will be guest starring on an upcoming ep? Yup, Bradley and Michael...Will Tippen and Michael Vaughn...back together. You'll understand if I want to watch that ep all alone, right?

And the show de resistance of Fox's Monday night line-up? Prison Break. This is one of my few (ha!) not miss shows. Much like Alias, Prison Break is much more palpable when you look past the absurdity and get caught up in the suspense. For me, it has the same twist and turns that makes (or made) Alias so damn good. (Yes, I'm putting Prison Break in the same category as Alias, and as FS can attest to - that's a big deal!). I know, I know you think my opinion is soley based on how f-ing gorgeous Wentworth Miller is, but I can assure you it's not. He is dreamy, and the way he penetrates the camera with his eyes...damn! but, the show is "worthy" of your viewing, even without Went-worthy Miller.

So Thank You Fox for making Monday's a little more bearable. And on behalf of women and gay men everywhere...thanks for Wentworth.


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