Friday, February 03, 2006

Recap of The Office: Boys & Girls

The worst part of my week is Thursday at 10:01pm. That's when The Office is over. I get sad. Sniffle, sniffle. It's definitely my favorite show on TV right now. Lost and Veronica Mars are right behind it, but I gotta give the edge to The Office. It's the one time during the week that I am guaranteed to laugh, well that and when I get my paycheck.

This week's episode entitled "Boys & Girls" was fantastic. It was hysterically funny, but with just enough special Jam moments to keep me happy. It was written by the fabulous BJ Novak who I will be having a little Q&A with next week.

If you missed the show, don't worry. An awesome reader named turnituploudcapn, wrote a fantastic recap. Check out the recap of The Office (Boys & Girls) here.

And if you feel like spending the money to download last night's episode on iTunes, you can find the link on the right hand side of this very page. I aim to please.

By the way, writing about The Office give me an opportunity to post pics of John Krasinski, and you all know how I love that!


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