Veronica Mars Renewal Easter Egg(?) and Season 3 Info - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Veronica Mars Renewal Easter Egg(?) and Season 3 Info

May 10, 2006 by  

So I just finished watching the finale of Veronica Mars (again), and I just freaked out after watching the Duncan/Clarence Weidman scene. Here’s the dialogue:

Duncan: CW?

Clarence: It’s a done deal.

I love ya Rob Thomas for sneaking that in there. I’m thinking that’s a positive indication of CW’s pick up of Veronica Mars for Season 3!!!!

Speaking of Rob Thomas, he answered many of our questions about tonight’s finale, as well as the fate of the current actors, and hints on season 3.  You must checkt out Michael Ausiello’s new column on  Seriously Michael, I loved that you anticpated our questions, and got Rob to anwer them right away!!  You rock!!!

Question: OMG, Veronica Mars was amazing. What was in the case Kendall gave to Keith?  — Kim

Ausiello: That’s the million-dollar question, and one of the few series creator Rob Thomas wouldn’t answer. You see, I anticipated that you guys would have tons of questions about the finale, so I got Mr. Mars on the horn yesterday and grilled him for 30 minutes straight about the four-star climax. (There was also some mild gushing, but it was mostly grilling.) Warning: If you haven’t seen last night’s episode, do not read. Major spoilers throughout.

Ausiello: What’s in the briefcase?

Rob Thomas: (Laughs) That one I’m not going to answer.

Ausiello: I knew it was a long shot. Care to shed any light on what Kendall asked Keith to do?
Rob: Um, not really. I really want to keep that a secret. The thing I’ll say about it is, it’s pressing enough for him to stand up his daughter at the airport. It is desperately important and Keith recognizes that.

Ausiello: So we can assume that he has, in fact, stood her up? Or is there still a chance he might just show up late?
Rob: He has, in fact, stood her up; that I can answer definitively.

Ausiello: Did you ever consider keeping Keith on that plane when it exploded?
Rob: Never. He’s the backbone of the show. It’s half the reason Veronica is going to Hearst and not Stanford. I couldn’t think of a good reason for Keith to move to Palo Alto.

Ausiello: I loved how Duncan referred to Clarence Weidman as CW. I had to stop and think, “Was he always referred to as CW?
Rob: (Laughs) No, it’s the first time anyone’s called him CW. But his name has always been Clarence Weidman, so… we didn’t actually change anything to make that happen. It certainly made the entire writing staff giggle.


Filed under Veronica Mars

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