TV Bloggers Go Dark in Solidarity with the Writers Guild of America
November 13, 2007 by Kath Skerry
On November 13th, this blog and the blogs listed below will be on strike for the day in solidarity with the Writers Guild of America. As fellow writers and as TV fans, we are coming together to express our strong support for the writers and their goals. We believe that when a writer’s work makes money for a company, that writer deserves to be paid.
Many writers depend on residuals for a stable income, and that income shouldn’t be based on an outdated formula which ignores the existence of new media and all but a tiny percentage of DVD sales. The talented writers responsible for so much of what we love about television should and must be paid fairly and equitably, and we will stand with them until they reach that goal. For everyone’s sake, and for the sake of television, we hope both sides can come to an agreement quickly.
To further that goal, we are calling on our readers to sign this petition and to contact the following television networks, voicing support for the writers and for a return to the negotiating table:
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521
(818) 460-7777FOX
10201 W. Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(310) 369-1000CBS
7800 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 575-2345NBC / Universal
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
(818) 777-1000
After the blackout, we intend to continue our campaign to support the WGA until the dispute has been resolved fairly. Since we will not be posting any new content on the 13th, we encourage our readers to visit United Hollywood instead for frequent updates about the strike.
In solidarity-
The CineManiac
Daemon’s TV
Ducky Does TV
Gabby Babble
Give Me My Remote
Glowy Box
I am a TV Junkie
Mikey Likes TV
Pass the Remote
The Pie Maker
Ramblings of a TV Whore
Seriously? OMG! WTF?
Silly Pipe Dreams
Tube Talk
The TV Addict
TV Series Finale
Watch with Intelligence
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Filed under Writers Strike
Do you really think this will help? Why bother for just one day?
[from GMMR: moved comment from broken link]
Aw damn, does this mean no GMMR tomorrow? I so wanted to talk about Chuck. It was so good tonight. I support the writers too so good luck and thanks for doing this.
[from GMMR: moved comment from broken link]
Why do you care? You aren’t going to make any more money if the writers do. They make enough and probably more than you. Don’t waste your time. Do you think the networks are going to cave because of this strike?
I love GMMR and I come here every day but I’m sick of the writers strike already.
You not writing has zero impact ….
…writers may deserve to make more money IF networks & producers are making more. I am not sure, at the moment, that is the case.
There is way too much money in entertainment but everyone deserve to make their share IF their work is making profit for someone else.
Let’s not price entertainment out of the reach of the average person.
[from GMMR: moved comment from broken link]
Rick, HH, WhoCares and others who may read this soon…
I’m not sure that it’s going to matter to many of you, but I just wanted to be clear – No, I don’t think this one day blackout is going to save the world (you have to save the cheerleader first, right?) or even have a major impact on the strike. This is just one way that this site, as well as other TV bloggers, can show a little support for the WGA.
If you share our support for the WGA this one day blackout and subsequent post provides you with a few ways you can help to support the writers.
If you don’t share our support for the WGA that’s fine as well. That’s the beauty of it all…you can have a different opinion and you aren’t wrong.
In the few hours since word of this TV bloggers strike has made its way out there we’ve been bashed by some for our efforts. But the way I see it, who are we hurting here? No one! We are sharing our opinion on a subject matter that is important to us. If you don’t agree with our tactics or with the WGA strike, that’s your right, but before you start to leave nasty comments please ask yourself why you feel it is necessary to do so.
I only speak for myself and not the other TV bloggers when I say that I’m just a person who is interested in talking about television. I certainly don’t consider myself a journalist – just a fan who has created her own tiny corner of the internet where I can talk about TV. Again, this is TV and not world peace so I think it’s important to keep it all in perspective.
Feel free to leave your thoughts on this post today but please know that, per usual, I ask that you keep all comments respectful and please don’t bother making personal attacks against other posters as they will be purged.
We will be back to talking about TV tomorrow
Dr. Robert Weed –
I’m not sure if this video addresses your issue with whether or not the networks are making money. I assure you they are.
When I was reading a Q&A on the Watch with Kristin site, they mentioned an idea of mailing four pennies to the addresses you have listed above. I don’t know if you have covered it already, but this seemed like a creative idea.
[from GMMR: moved comment from broken link]
I’ve been reading all up on the strike this past week trying to educate myself on the real issue. I can honestly say that while I feel for the writers I do feel more for those who are going to lost their jobs because of the strike. It’s just my opinion.
GMMR I read your post and your comment and I have to even though we might not be 100% on the same page on this one, no one with even a modicum of intelligence can fault you for having an opinion and choosing to express it as such.
[from GMMR: moved comment from broken link]
There’s some obvious bias in that video and I find the irony in posting an Internet video during this strike amusing.
The issue, however, is with money. And I think some people might be underestimating the costs it takes to run a TV network these days. Shows are commanding higher production costs as the production values are so high these days. “24″ looks like a big budget action film, and “Pushing Daisies” looks like a feature film.
Yes, a network may bring in 2B in the upfront and 100-300MM in digital (that’s generous). But think about all of that money divided among the various properties, and then the money needed to pay for everyone’s salaries at NBC Universal who works on the network side, and it doesn’t seem like so much money anymore. Does it?
Sure, the writers are entitled to some of the money from digital. However, I see no harm in some tough negotiations as striking’s been a pillar of this country since Upton Sinclair and the Triangle Shirtwaist fire, and the rise of unions. Assembling is protected by the First Amendment, too. So while we must deal with repeats, I think, as long as I don’t die before the strike end, I’ll be okay. We’ll all be okay. Netflix some old shows, or recent ones you never got to watch, peoples, and we’ll get through this!
[from GMMR: moved comment from broken link]
Heather – very well put. It’s nice to hear a dissenting opinion expressed intelligently. I don’t comment here often but I enjoy reading the interesting and intelligent thoughts of GMMR readers.
GMMR – I support the WGA and I support the methods in which you choose to support the WGA.
I also support my right to be bummed that we won’t be talking about ‘House’ tomorrow night.
[from GMMR: moved comment from broken link]
I’m in your corner, GMMR. I’m not officially a TV blogger, but I do blog primarily about my fav shows, so I’ll be going dark tomorrow as well.
[from GMMR: moved comment from broken link]
As others have stated, I think this one day black out is kinda pointless. Why do we have to be all doom and gloom before the reruns even start?
I wanted to see what others on here thought of heroes instead another semi-lecture on the poor writers. Blah, I support the WGA, but these token gestures aren’t really gonna do anything. Now if you went dark till the strike was over that would be something, but I doubt any of the bloggers listed are willing to make that kind of sacrifice. Or when/if it does go all reruns for an extended period of time these blogs refuse to cover reality tv and any other fillers the networks are gonna use or just stop covering tv all together and change the subject matter of these blogs until the strike is over. Again I have my doubts. Or how about a tv strike all together? I think stop if these blogs organized a mass turning off the tv sets it would atleast but a small ripple in the pond.
If you were going to make a token gesture why not make it when all the scripted shows are on reruns or on a saturday when there’s not much tv to talk about anyway?
Oh well go WGA go and all that jazz.
I say there is nothing wrong with a gesture of any kind. Did you all not read when GMMR said this wasn’t about changing the strike but rather sharing an opinion?
Why should the bloggers wait until reruns start to voice their concern?
Thank you for the support. I think what you are trying to do is let everyone know where you stand and point them in a direction where they can help. I see nothing wrong with this. I’m glad you’ll be back to talking about TV tomorrow. I support the WGA.
GMMR, can you also publish the addresses of some of the major advertisers on the networks? I’m thinking the big car companies, airlines, retail stores, etc.
I don’t think that letters to the networks is going to have anywhere near the effect that same letter writing campaign would have on advertisers. And let’s face it– advertisers are the only ones who might actually be pursuasive. Let’s get our tv shows back!!! Thanks.
At what point in your life did someone say your opinion meant anything? There are millions of people with online opinions. You are not a writer! And for you to support writers is goofy. Ninety percent of what is currently on television beyond sucks. The studios need to CLEAN HOUSE.
Disgruntled–if her opinion means nothing, then why are you getting up in arms over her going dark for a single day?
Just because the studios need to ‘clean house’ as you say doesn’t mean these writer’s don’t deserve some financial protection for their work. That is what they are fighting for here. Everyone understands that changes are going to have to be made; a lot of these writers know that they might lose their jobs in the long run. They are protecting current and future writers of the industry.
Bravo GMMR. And all you haters–this is her blog! She has a loyal fanbase and even though not everyone agrees with her opinions all the time, she is standing up for a cause she believes is noble. And I applaud her for that.
I think what upsets me the most is that the biggest complaint from most people in terms of the strike (not just here) is their TV. A lot of people I know support the writers but acknowledge that they are going to miss their shows. i feel the same way. But on the other hand, some people out there (I’ve read so many blog comments on hundreds of TV blogs it’s making my head spin) are selfishly demanding their shows back for the sole purpose of entertaining themselves. And yes, that is their right–they pay for their TV, they want their shows. But at the same time, we need to think of ALL writers here, not just the ones that make a lot of money and have writer/producer credits under their belt that ensures them a bigger piece of the pie. What about the little writers? The interns? The college student who is now out of an internship and is forced to wait tables after working her ass off for 4 years in college to get this far? What about their families? The crew members who are out of a job? It’s more than just you and me here, people. This has a massive trickle down effect. The studio execs don’t have to worry about their financial future when they are making millions a year. They can afford to not have shows come in. But what about everyone else? People who want the writers to ‘stop writing’ are basically telling them that their product (you know, the one that actually makes the money) is worthless and they shouldn’t be compensated for it. Tell that to the faces of the wives, husbands and children affected by this strike as well.
And what you may think is crap another person may think is gold
Remember that, because it could be YOUR show that gets canned because of the strike.
sorry, I meant to say
“People who want the writers to stop whining are basically telling them that their product is worthless and they shouldn’t be compensated for it”
its not like the bbc site is stricking. There are tonz more sites like these.
I think too many of you are being completely rude and disrespectful. If you don’t like it, fine. But you don’t have to be immature about it.
I have you say well done for what you are doing in Solidarity. I am glad a popular blog will go dark for an issue that you (and i) believe in. I am glad that you can get the message out there. Even though people are entitled to their opionions, I believe that yea it sucks that I’m not going to get a new episode of my fave show that not only the writers but everyone involved should be compentated for their work. The writers are getting crap for something that is going to happen again when the SAG and DGA contracts are up in the summer. As much as TV is a part of my life (my friend says that it is a hobby), I’ll be ok because writing is not my livelyhood. Well done, GMMR, well done!
You go Jackie,
I honestly think the writers are being greedy and not considering what this is doing to the people lower on the totum pole like the production staff, but I also think everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and this is a good place to sound off (without being disrespectful, like disgruntled was being).
just popping in to agree with my pal Jackie and support GMMR. its amazing to me how selfish and ignorant people are about this strike. the MAJORITY of people in the WGA are NOT millionaire showrunners, they are people who live (residual) pay check to paycheck, they have families, mortgages, kids to put through college, retirement funds. The studios seem to forget the fact these are the WRITERS – the people that make every hit show EXIST. They *create* the product and the actors, directors and producers just interpret it on screen. This is a BIG DEAL, this isn’t like baseball with a bunch of Alex Rodriguez’s making 25 million a year going on strike to make 5 million more.
And think that most things on TV are crap now anyway is. NOT. the. POINT. the point is that these people create products that they are not getting paid for and that is absolutely wrong.
I totally agree with what you guys are doing, GMMR. It never hurt anyone to show support to those who they support. I for one am cheering on the writers in this one. They are the ones that are creating and writing the shows that I love. They are part of the reason we tune in every week. If me watching and tuning in is bringing these large corporations revenue then I would like some of that revenue that is made based on ME viewing to go to those who are responsible for the shows I watch (ie writers/actors/etc)
Thanks, from the bottom of my soon to be unemployed heart.
The reality, like it or not, is that if you want to support the WGA and its cause, boycott TV and online viewing, period. Nothing will hurt a network more than a loss in their viewership. This is the bread and butter of how the networks make money and pay the salaries on the network side and on the production side. And, no, it does not matter if your house does not have a Nielsen box.
Sadly, most of these supporters don’t seem to have that much will power or even conviction to do so. All I read from those who support the strike is how the networks should “just pay the writers what they deserve” and how they “miss their show.”
The networks realize what kind of battle this is and are not willing to concede everything to the writers, especially since actors’ negotiations are around the corner as well. As much as the public relations beating the networks are taking, they all know that you guys are still watching the shows online and on TV.
What’s sad is blogs like OfficeTally think they are doing the right thing by continuing to post blogs for upcoming shows and opening it up for viewer comments. Is that really supporting the writers’ cause, if viewers are still watching the shows and then providing comments on the show, giving the current circumstances?
I agree with the Nov 13 black out it’s a step in the right direction, albeit a small step. Maybe we’ll see an entire week of blogs striking. That impact will be felt by bloggers and their audiences everywhere.
Although, I don’t agree with the writers cause 100%, we as the public can accelerate negotiations between the union and the networks, by demanding some resolution.
I totally agree with you. I have stopped viewing shows online (as much as it pains me) and once a couple of shows are finished for the season (the office, heroes), I won’t be turning into the shows I haven’t had a chance of watching yet (Samantha Who, for one). That’s hwat they want us to do–they want us to give the mid season shows the boost and get them more advertisers. That’s what the AMPTP is expecting to happen. As long as they got mid season shows (and reality crap like American Idol that will keep FOX afloat through the spring, up until So You Think You Can Dance starts again), they think they are winning and won’t go back to the table. That’s where we need to hurt them.
Throw all the new and crappy reality shows at us, studio execs. Think you are being cleaver by smirking and releasing a bagillion midseason shows, producers. I have a huge stack of books that I need to read until you guys get some balls and admit you are wrong.
Just wanted to say that I support you and the strike. Even though im in Australia and it doesnt affect me as much over here, I think that what your doing is good. you and ducky and all those other bloggers are showing much needed support for the writers, so kudos for that. Sure, I miss my favourite shows, but when you think about it, if it wasnt for the writers, then we wouldnt even have such great shows on television, which would be possibly one of the worst things in the world. So, anyways that was just what I was thinking. Keep up the good work Kath, we’re here to support you!! Well, some of us anyways…
I urge anyone willing to help to check out:
The site is intended to publicize a letter writing campaign that will really target the offending CEOs who refuse to address new media.
It contains all the addresses of the CEOs who REALLY call the shots, has a sample letter and breaks down WHICH CEO is responsible for almost every show, so fans can make the letters specific to their favorite shows.
Please spread the word!
As to the dissenters:
First, for those concerned about how much money it takes to run an internet operation or a network, please remember that the residual percentage is taken from the studios’ NET profit — after all production and distribution costs have been recouped. Therefore, the writer’s percentage doesn’t kick in until the studio is solidly in the black. The network does not factor, as they pay a license fee to the studio, and they usually only pay what their ad rates will allow. Only the studio can lose money. Since deregulation, however, the studios now own networks and often “sell” shows to themselves. On, everytime you see a show with only one CEO listed, it’s a case of a studio producing a show for a “sister” network.
From my perspective, this really comes down to defining the future of the entertainment industry. The producers have specifically carved out ad-supported streaming media as “promotional” — even if they show programs in their entirety and and even if those platforms make windfall profits.
Once that becomes acceptable to any major union, the concept of residuals is in the dustbin of history. The internet will be the future, and the major studios and networks (all controlled by the same handful of CEOs) want that future to be one in which they alone profit.
As proof, the WGA removed almost all other negotiating points — even the DVD residuals — in exchange for a hope that the AMPTP would negotiate a fair new media deal. The AMPTP walked out on the talks, precipitating the strike.
I feel for the crews. That’s the worst part. But the AMPTP are the ones who are not talking. A less-than-2.5% on the NET profits of internet usage (remember — only payable when these models are profitable) would end this strike tomorrow.
Urge the studio CEOs to negotiate a fair new media deal and get our shows back on the air!
What’s up with calling out Office Tally for not joining in this pointless token gesture? If you want to support what these blogs have done for a whole 24 hours that’s fine, but don’t act like its a shame if other sites aren’t. The impact of this is going to be nothing at all. Its not even a small step.
The office season hasn’t gone to reruns yet and plenty of viewers are still interested in talking about the show. Also Office Tally has covered the strike plenty and voiced her support of the writers.
Forgive those of us who haven’t gone to the sackcloth and ashes and are still enjoying new episodes of our favorite shows while we can.
C.Stevens – Not that I think it warrants justification but since you called the site out specifically I think you should know that is doing the right thing by encouraging people to watch this week’s episode and discussing it. The writers are getting paid for this week’s episode and why not support them? OfficeTally has gone above and beyond in its coverage of the strike and should only be applauded for its effort in educating Office fans (a very active online fanbase) on what these writers are striking for.
In the future, let’s not call out other individuals or blogs for that matter – especially when the criticisms is unwarranted.
[…] Die amerikanischen Autoren lassen sich nicht weiter mit geringen Tantiemen abspeisen und Streiken für bessere Bezahlung und Beteiligungen an den Verwertungsrechten ihrer geschriebenen Werke. Einige bekannte US-TV-Blogger haben sich solidarisch gezeigt und dies mit Beiträge in ihre Blogs kund getan. Example by Give Me My Remote […]
The question is not whether OfficeTally does or does not support the WGA. It’s abundantly clear that the website does. I didn’t call her out for that. Re-read my post.
The question I raised was whether that tactic is a smart one given the strike? Most people seem to understand what the strike has meant in terms of writers not working and thousands more in cast and crew also sit by the wayside.
Yet, we, the public continue to watch TV like nothing is really going on. We voice our concerns via chat rooms, blogs and even write a letter or two to the studios. All good stuff. But if what the studios are doing is that appalling, complete and total boycott is the only and most effective policy.
GMMR, you say that the writers were already paid for episodes that are or were airing. That is the faultiest of reasoning and you are completely missing the core of what’s at stake. Those same episodes and future episodes are and will be available online – the very core of the issue. NBC is sticking it to the writers by making these episodes available online. And we’re the suckers for watching them. Those who watch them on TV and online are hurting the writers. Every click to any network website with online content with commercials is a click that writers do not get paid for. You can argue that they’re paid for the TV portion, but what kind of symbolic gesture is that?
Regarding your last point about ‘unwarranted criticisms’. This is a blog, a public forum to express opinions, pros and cons. I was neither derogatory or defamatory to the OfficeTally website. If this doesn’t suit you, I’m sure you can find a way to censor me out.
Members of the WGA have stated and have contacted me individually to state that we should not discourage viewers from watching the programs already filmed.
You seem to be more in the know than members of the WGA so maybe I should defer to you in the future.
“You seem to be more in the know than members of the WGA so maybe I should defer to you in the future.”
With that kind of attitude, it’s abundantly clear to me that you are not really open to an open discussion, just a discussion on what you believe.
Good luck.
GMMR, I think you were only opening the discussion more by asking where C. Stevens is getting his or her information from.
C. Stevens, I’m interested in knowing why you think we need to call for a total boycott of TV if the WGA has not yet asked for it. I’m not being snarky, I’m really interested. If there is somewhere that is being suggested I’d be interested in reading more about it so I can be better informed.
Until then I find it suspect as to why you are calling out GMMR and Office Tally for their efforts.
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