BONES Season Finale: The Beginning in the End - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES Season Finale: The Beginning in the End

May 21, 2010 by  

Before I turn things over to Seels, I just wanted to take a moment to thank her for her wonderful coverage of BONES on behalf of  Every week her recaps facilitate fantastic conversations with the BONES community here on GMMR.  At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about for me.  So thank you Seels, and thank you BONES fans for a wonderful season.  See you back here next year. — Kath (GMMR)

Now, over to Seels.

I can’t believe season five is over. I feel like we were JUST live chatting during the premiere, gasping when Booth said, “I’ve got you, baby.” This has been one crazy ride from that point till now, and BONES fans, you have rocked all season long. Other TV shows wish they had as loyal of fans as BONES does. There is a lot to discuss, so let’s get to it. For one thing, B&B. And for another, HOARDERS! AH…but also…

Freaking. Daisy.


I really liked this case! The victim is found when his remains & his third floor apartment fall into the apartment below his. The victim, Tim Murphy, was a level five hoarder, with piles of papers and ‘garbage’ as some people called it, not to mention bugs of all kinds, snakes, fans, etc, etc. EW, but interesting, as most BONES bodies are. Booth & Brennan and the team try to sift through the mess, determining what exactly IS evidence, not to mention the exact cause of death. It’s a surprise when it’s revealed that Tim suffered what appear to be knife wounds, especially surprising when the actual cause of death is that he starved to death. So it’s up to the team to figure out why and how he was attacked to the point where he couldn’t move around his apartment enough to eat the food there. Suspects include the disgruntled, but prepared, landlord who wanted him out of the apartment, a fellow accountant he worked with for eight years in corporate accounting, and a man who wanted something Tim had, a $50,000 Fiesta-ware gnome. In the end, Brennan identifies the marks on Tim’s skull as wounds from a fan. After Hodgins and Sweets find photos of Tim and the accountant together in romantic poses, B&B interrogate her again and find out that she was trying to save him from his apartment. She shoved the fan into his face and ran, not knowing she’d killed him.


Daisy sucks. She sucks my will to live. She is evil. I have been NICE to her all season (haha, shhhhh) but not anymore. Thank God Booth feels the same as me. So does Brennan, although Brennan’s love of anthropology outweighs her disdain for Daisy. I for one felt MUCH better about Brennan going on her trip for the very fact that I want Daisy to not get an ounce of credit for anything. Freaking. Daisy. I’ve said it before; I’ll say it again. She plays lead tambourine in a band called Gormogon; that’s pretty much all you need to know about her. How DARE her tell Brennan that she holds Booth back like he holds HER back? Maybe…maybe it’s true, but whatever, Daisy. Get away from me.

Sweets on the other hand…does not suck. I LOOOOOVE that he was like “I’m not waiting for you.” I like also that he called Booth out on his affections for Brennan, and I really liked his Mr. Adventure side-kick attitude. Also, it was fun when he was ‘all squinted up’.

Cam: I liked her reaction to Daisy as well, and I really liked how she DIDN’T explain to Brennan what she meant about Brennan being irreplaceable.

Angela & Hodgins were great, both in their work and the balance of their personal life. I LOVED Angela’s dad scaring Hodgins at the crime scene. Hahahahahaha! I also loved the end scene when Angela was talking about everything changing and Hodgins was like “I’m not going to talk about that.” And I love the idea of them going to Paris for a year. The whole stealing back the car storyline didn’t do anything for me, but all in all, I liked everything else about this episode.

Booth & Brennan:

I really have no problem with Brennan wanting to go on the trip to Indonesia. Of course she was asked to be the leader. It’s a groundbreaking find. The show HAS downplayed her world-renowned anthropologist status. She’s not running away, and I believe her when she says to Angela she wants to sort some things out, that she needs a break. I believe her when she says she’s worried all the time, that Booth might get hurt on a case and she can’t prevent it, worried about her partnership with Booth and what that means. This isn’t like dating other people to make sure that another person is really the one…this is her (I hope) realizing where anthropology and her brain and Booth and their partnership, and her career and her other career, and just everything, everything she has in her life fits together. It’s the same thing that Sully told her ABOUT anthropology in season two…now it’s true of her FBI work. The work she does with the FBI and the Jeffersonian is important, but it’s not important enough to be her whole life. She has to see that, as rewarding as her careers are, both with the FBI and anywhere else in the world, that she is a person outside of those things, outside of her partnership with Booth. And THAT person is the woman, Temperance Brennan.

Likewise, Seeley Booth, the man, he has to figure out where he fits in the world. I don’t think it’s as a soldier for life, and although I really liked his FBI work in this episode, I also don’t think his life’s destiny is only to be an FBI agent only. The work he does is important, but it’s not important enough to be his whole life. What did you think about his scene with Parker? How about Parker feeling guilt that people might die because Booth wasn’t going to go back into the Army? Those Booth men…they have a lot of guilt. A lot of guilt. Parker’s growing up though, that’s for sure. We haven’t talked too much lately about Booth’s hero complex, but this episode touched on it many times. Interesting that Brennan asked him NOT to be a hero, not to be himself. To me, that was her way of asking Booth to wait for her. And Booth’s reply was to take her hand and promise to meet her in a year. Where? The place where they became the center, of course. And, say it with me…the center must hold.

The entire episode, they were supportive of one another, AND neither one left the other. Does that make sense? I was hoping the episode wasn’t going to end with one of them watching a plane fly away, standing there lonely. Yeah…them holding hands (and not kissing…come on…please tell me I wasn’t the only one like KISS HER!) at the airport was sad, though touching, and we had better darn well see the reunion at the reflection pond, but even though they are moving in opposite physical directions on the globe, I still had the feeling that they are still together on the same path.

I really liked this episode, and I think my favorite part is the scene where it’s obvious Brennan has asked Booth to meet her so that she can tell him about Indonesia, and she calls him out about not making eye contact. Such fantastic acting from DB and ED.

What say you? Did you like this episode? If so, what was your favorite part? What was your fave episode this season? Do you think season six will start with B&B in Afghanistan and Indonesia, or will a year have passed by? AH! Talk to me, BONES pals! It’s our last chance to talk till the fall! I want you ALL to comment! Come on, now!


41 Responses to “BONES Season Finale: The Beginning in the End”

  1. bonesjonsing on May 21st, 2010 10:44 am

    Absolutely hated the scene with Parker. It is insulting to military families and trivializes how a child would fee about a parent leaving. It perpetuates that boys have to be heroes. Terrible message if you ask me. The episode was disjointed. It did not strike an emotional chord with me at all. It was flat. I thought some of the scenes were fillers and there was little B&B interaction. The ending was anti-climatic. Booth is “her best friend”. He is going into a war zone and she doesn’t hug him good bye. Extremely disappointing to this loyal fan of the show who has watched since day one.

  2. leK on May 21st, 2010 10:44 am

    Nice way to end the season! I thought the case was a little odd for a season finale. Last week’s case was much more serious and dramatic, which is what most season finales seem to be. But the way it all ended, I thought was perfect.

    I think that the season 6 premiere will begin one year later with B&B reuniting, as well as the whole Jeffersonian team. Things will be different obviously, but I’m really glad that the show is taking this risk in order to develop the characters and not be stale. I’m excited for next season!

    Seeleybaby – Thank you for your fantastic episode reviews every week!

  3. annie on May 21st, 2010 11:00 am

    I am not so happy with the episode – I didn’t like it so much. It was done really well, but I’m so sad about the outcome that I am having difficulty rising above that. I’m not sure if that is a normal adult reaction, though, so I’m a little concerned about how this TV show affects my mood (but enough about me).

    I understand Brennan’s need/desire to go – and she probably should (that seemed realistic to me). I have much more trouble with Booth going back – and nobody stopping him! He’s been portrayed as tormented by his past in the army and as a sniper, and although he is the quintessentail ‘hero’ on this show, I didn’t buy his returning to the rangers. The scene with Parker really made me angry – there is no child who wants their parent to go save the world and take a chance on being killed ( and I have a 7 & 9 yo). He seems to be leaving mostly to get away from the unhappiness that is is life w/o Brennan.

    I was so annoyed by Daisy this episode! Never loved her, but she was beyond cold this episode (like the early series Breenan but so much less nuanced).

    Loved Caroline though – she makes so much sense and they both hear her – but still it’s as though they are intent on destroying themselves.

    So that’s what I don’t get. The B&B they have portrayed have grown so much together over the past 5 seasons, often because of each other, that the ending does not feel realistic to me. They will try with others but not with the one they trust most? A year is a very long time, and love, while it lasts, does not stay strong/stagnant. I don’t see how a series that has at it’s core the relationship between these 2 people can play with it to this extent – it’s not real and it’s heart-crushing!

    And they’ve left us not with a cliffhanger, but a bad feeling that when they come back to each other, as they will – it’s their show – it wil be more pain and forced heartsickness. Not the happy anticipation that I wanted this summer!

  4. Samantha on May 21st, 2010 11:28 am

    I actually really liked this episode! The case was interesting, and you could see how Booth and Brennan’s opportunities were affecting their work. Plus, then end while sad, truly showed the depth of their affection for one another. I mean, Booth sneaking off base to say good bye and Brennan telling him not to be himself/hero… oh, so touching!!

    I think it is natural for Brennan to want to go, she is after all an anthropologist, and this is a huge find. So I was ok with that, plus, she was clearly torn between her passion for her job and her love for Booth (even if she wouldn’t admit it!).

    Booth’s situation felt a little more forced. I didn’t like that Parker felt people were dying because of him, because his dad chose to be with him instead of at war. Having lost my father when I was young, though not in the military, I was a little perturb by the fact that Parker didn’t mind the fact that his dad could die or that he would not see his dad for a year. Plus I agree bonesjonsing that it sort of trivialized the feelings of military families. I don’t know, I didn’t like that the writers used Parker as a devise to get Booth to go. I think Brennan leaving was enough to do that. I don’t think Booth could work with another forensic anthropologist. Plus he is a hero and a soldier, so he couldn’t not go.

    At the end, I totally thought they were going to kiss, not just once but twice I thought “kiss!!”. First when Booth took Brennan’s hand and then again when they were walking away and then stopped to look back at each other… oh, I had tears in my eyes. And my reaction was the same as Cam’s and Angela’s at seeing Booth in his army digs, he looked so good!!

    I am hopeful for Season 6, I think this situation will bring B&B together, not push them apart. I think it is a little “absence makes the heart grow fonder” kind of thing. I think Brennan will sort out whatever she said to Angela and come back to realize how important Booth is in her life… or perhaps I am just hoping or projecting!!

    Also, I hope Daisy gets lost in Indonesia! Her screaming really annoyed me.

    Thanks Seels for your great reviews, I look forward to them every Friday morning!!

  5. DripPan on May 21st, 2010 11:31 am

    Hey Seels,

    I totally disagree with your review. This was the worst script ever written for Bones with so many holes and disbeliefs.

    First, I would like to mention that I am a Marine and a father of 3 who served his country for 14 years. Two of my kids are in the military right now. Not only did they not like me leaving for any reason but it would have been worse if they knew I was going to a war zone. As a parent of service men, I don’t even want to see my own kids go. Parker is 8.5 years old and his only loyalty is to his dad. I feel that Fox and the producers made light of the hardship our military families endure for a plot device.

    The case opened up weak and was weak throughout the episode. Yes, it was cool to investigate a hoarder but it feel flat.

    The Billy G wanting Hodgins to do something for him cause he was family was another thing that took away from the episode. It was wasted time as the writers tried to interact some type of comedy into this episode.

    As far as Daisy/Sweets relationship, I don’t think anyone really cares about this couple.

    Booth and Brennan are once again being shown as idiots even after 5 years of partnership. The writing for this pair has been anything but consistant.

    With HH & Co. yelling at the top of their lungs that if they got B&B together that the show would be over, the writers have become uncreative and the storyline have become very stale. Even this seperation for a year is going to give the writers a chance to do more boring story lines to keep B&B apart as they try to get back to what they had with the trust and stuff.

    The irony behind this episode is that the case reflected perfectly on the writing, that is Garbage In, Garbage Out.

    Bones is no longer ‘The Little Engine that Could”. It is now “The Little Engine That Won’t”. It is a shame that HH & Co. still hold onto old Hollywood ideas vice coming up with something more innovative like they did during S1-3.


  6. Pwee on May 21st, 2010 12:08 pm

    Not a good episode at all ! No climax, no cliffhanger, I hope season 6 will be better !

    Anyway … you said in your interview with EM and HH that a new Nemesis would be introduced, who is that nemesis ?

  7. Patty on May 21st, 2010 1:02 pm

    Ooooh. Lots of people didn’t like this episode! Interestingly. Especially after that mess last year. Now THAT was a crappy cliffhanger!

    I liked this episode. First? HOARDERS! Love it! Makes everything so complicated. And it was sad what actually happened.

    I hate Daisy too and love that everyone on the show and out here IRL hates her too. Maybe a trip to Kapoopoo with Brennan will either kill her or maybe it will make Brennan understand how people sometimes see HER when she says weird thing. But I am really glad that Sweets is not going to wait. I am of the school that sometimes time part is necessary and if you want it to? The relationship with be better when that time apart is over. Same for Booth and Brennan. I think they both need some perspective. I have no problem with them jumping a year to allow all the characters to grow. Both B&B has some major life challenges in the past couple of years and they have both come to depend on each other for everything. Except the sex of course but everything else. So do they love each other as best friends or do they love each other as life partners? Sometimes it’s hard to tell when you are too close. So a year apart doing what they each love to do apart from their work at the FBI and each other. Good for them.

  8. Michele on May 21st, 2010 1:17 pm

    She hugged Hodgins and told him she loved him. But not Booth? Come on!

  9. Beth on May 21st, 2010 1:25 pm

    I have lots of mixed feelings regarding this episode. I knew going in nothing amazing was going to happen between B&B (i’ve stopped waiting for that to happen) but was expecting BIG changes. So yes, everything I expected to happen, happened, but I felt they went about it in an underwhelming way.

    I am usually ALL about the subtle, nuanced looks and small, but important comments thrown around, but I feel like with something this huge (a whole year- thats a long time people!) the reaction between B&B, and even at least Angela, would have been more- say what you mean! I know Brennan isn’t “good” at that, but come on. (I know Brennan needs to go re-find herself and analyze her life but why do I feel like HH thinks that means another man will help that?)

    On the flip side- I think the ending with B&B is telling- he is the only one who she did not hug- they actually got to look into each other’s eyes and take in their last moment. I will say that DB and ED were amazing actors, yet again, in pulling off what they are given. I think Brennan really left with a sense of ‘what if I do not see him again’ (which leads me back up to the top).
    I LOVED adventurous Sweets, seriously, so cute.

    I think my big beef with this episode is I was disappointed in my characters that I’ve grown to love. I know I will go back and re-watch it and be okay with what HH gave me for the summer, I will find the silver lining like I always do, but for now, the more I think about it, I was disappointed. Talk to me in a few days and I’m sure I will be ok with what they did and think it’s brilliant for the characters, etc. I am excited about the whole ‘one year later’ thing- its going to be great seeing the actors have to channel what their characters went through during the year!

    Thanks for all the recaps- I look forward to reading them!! Enjoy your summer 🙂

  10. DD on May 21st, 2010 3:17 pm

    Liked your review, Seels. Thanks for your time, your insights, and your commitment to going with what did happen vs what didn’t. I appreciate it.

    I liked the episode for what DID happen, obviously.

    Why Brennan is going, professionally, only makes sense. If she was passed over or passed on something so important … well, everything she and show has proclaimed about her would be a lie. Why she is going personally was covered well also, mostly with Angela but also intimated in the episodes (especially the GD one) leading up to the finale. I believe it: she is not “running away” like before; she is needed at this dig AND she needs some time to just … think.

    Why Booth re-upped with the Rangers was not as well fleshed out. I agree with the complaints about using Parker like they did: not believable. BUT I do think why he is going, why he said “This is probably the best thing for me” was given, just not loudly. His pain is a result of being a sniper. His “cosmic balance sheet” is all about that. But there is more to it. The not so talked about pain is Teddy Parker, how he didn’t save him, how much he loved that idiot kid, how he didn’t save him, didn’t save him, didn’t save him… There’s a reason Booth named his son Parker. Teddy, and Teddy’s death, is the “more” to why Booth left the military and … still mourns. The entire conversation between him and Hodgins — go back, listen to it. And notice what Booth is flipping through back at his desk. THAT is what Booth can maybe only resolve, come to terms with … by going back and helping to save some idiot kids from becoming more Teddys?

    Brennan needs to think and the time to think.
    Booth needs to heal — and the time to heal.

    Can’t wait to see what they do with this, if they pick up on it all, come this fall. 🙂

  11. MasterMK7 on May 21st, 2010 3:32 pm

    For a season finale episode, it was boring and nothing shocking happened. Last years season finale episode was much better than this on. Seels you try to put a positive spin on this episode but it just plan sucked for season finale episode.

  12. Randi on May 21st, 2010 5:15 pm

    I really did like the episode!! At the end when Booth showed up to say goodbye I really did want them to kiss, but now that I think about it, maybe it wouldn’t have worked very well. I mean if Brennan had admitted that she loved him too would they have left? or would they have just stayed together in DC? Or would they have just waited for each other and gotten together when they got back? or would Brennan just cover it up as just a good luck kiss and nothing else? We shall never know! However I did really like there goodbye. They didn’t directly tell each other “i love you’ they said it in there own way. Booth snuck off the base and told her to be careful in the forests and Brennan told him not to be a hero and not to be himself. Although i would have enjoyed a goodbye hug I thought it was pretty decent!

  13. Deb on May 21st, 2010 6:24 pm

    Thanks DD. I hadn’t even thought about the possible Teddy Parker influencing Booth’s decision. It makes so much more sense than Parker (his son) influencing him and feeling guilty about his dad not going to war. I mean, seriously, what kid would want his dad (a great dad) to go away?

    I’ve got a feeling that Booth will suffer a lot of changes in that year. I’m not sure where they are going with Brennan, but Booth in war again just screams out “pain”. He’s hardly over the last time he was over there. I know it’s not remotely the same job, but still, it’s war.

  14. Emily on May 21st, 2010 6:56 pm

    I … I’m not sure how I felt. Brennan going away felt organic. Booth… not so much. It just felt like they threw that in there so it wouldn’t be a Brennan going on somewhere, while Booth stays home stagnant, pining for her. And the scene with Parker, felt so damn fake. I’m clearly working with the wrong kids, because no kid I know would talk like that. No adult I know would talk like that.
    And I hated Daisy! I ususally don’t mind her. But this episode….
    I did enjoy the ending, and I was praying for a kiss also.

    (Oh, and Angela/Hodgins/Daddy-O – I was so over that storyline since…. Season 2?)

    And I’m pretty sure S6 will be them all reuniting. I just can’t see how they can make it work without that. I almost thought for a second it would try, but having them all come back for whatever reason, but I just can’t see them making the four of them fail for whatever reason and come back early, so I’m going for time jump.

  15. Marta on May 21st, 2010 7:04 pm

    The finale just felt flat, like someone put a filter over everything and that very little emotion was coming through the dialoge. I think I may have hit that place where my love affair with this show needs to end. I’m rarely satified with the episodes, as a whole, these days and the continuity issues across episodes is just atrocious.

    Marissa, I know you are friends with the producers and want to keep on their goodside, but I don’t know how anyone (Hart, specifically) could feel that this was a payoff for anything. It was so lackluster. I’m not even rewatching episode lately because I’ve become apathetic towards the show. I was hoping the finale would spark something in me, but after having so many shows have well thought out and delivered finales (The Vampire Diaries, House, Castle, Greys, etc), this really stood out as being subpar.

    So, I’ve made a decision. I’ll give them two episodes to make me care again, or I’ll silently take my female demo (18-34) to another deserving show. I’m just bored with the game now.

  16. Cheryl on May 21st, 2010 9:52 pm

    I really liked this ep. The acting on all parts just superb. Emily and David well it justs doesn’t get any better. Was I emotionally drawn in? Way more than I wanted to be. Logically the storyline was right in character. B&B needed to be apart for awhile. I would have been disappointed if Brennon had not gone and I can’t see Booth just waiting around.

    What makes this difficult for me is I fell in love with someone I had been friends with for 16 years. I professed my love and was turned down. Neither one of us has moved on. We do this dance. We love each other as friends, but we may or may not ever be lovers. As far as B&B are concerned they will get together. They have come along way since season 1. We have seen it in the beginning of the finale in S4.

    I would like to see the show put them together and deal with adults in a relationship. The longer they draw it out the less people will care and may stop watching. I would hate to see such good TV and writing go away sooner than it should.

    wdon’t think

  17. amber on May 21st, 2010 10:10 pm

    Hmmm…this finale drove me absolutely nuts and after hyperventilating and several eye rollings from my husband, I calmed down and watched it again this time separately from the episode that I had created in my brain and expected to see happen.

    I ended up liking it more, especially when B&B said “I love you” to each other (…after Brennan’s explanation to Hodgins what excessive advice means). Back to the 100th, even though Booth made his feelings known, neither Booth or Brennan ever said “I love you”, just Booth saying to give things a shot. Perhaps the change is Brennan catching up to Booth’s openness and both evolving from there? From a feminist perspective, rock on for Brennan being her own free person to take time for herself and pay attention to her career…and Angela is so getting knocked up in Paris…

    Curious about the woman soldier in the photograph though…

  18. DeeDee on May 21st, 2010 10:26 pm

    Bones is one of the best TV shows that I’ve watched and I’ve not missed an episode since it began. This finale congers up a vast array of possibilities for the future.

    To me this show has just enough of the forensics and the personal lives of the characters to be an interesting balance, with the exception of Cam. She is so far out-of-line for the theme of this story it almost smacks you in the face. For instance, the rest of the crew are dressed in their blue lab coats and Cam wiggles in wearing spandex and stillettos, her arms crossed and strikes a run-way pose. Out of her mouth spew little tid bits such as, “Oh, the guy with one gonad has balls”, or “Let’s wrap this case up people so I can have the week-end for jello shots and poker”, etc. How realistic is it to have a character of this sort, as the head of a famous museum? I realize this is just a story, but to me it’s irritating. I vote to bring back the other guy.

    Wouldn’t it be fun if Zack showed up on that dig. Maybe Daisy could contract poison ivy and get sent home or fall into a viper pit. Can you emagine spending a whole year in close proximity with Daisy? Make’s me nuts thinking about it and I’m not even in the story.

    Don’t fret fans. I have faith they’ll all get back together again in the next season, with hopefully some cast changes. Who knows, maybe Sweets will grow up in the year ahead, or at least someone will tell him his prying, is none of his damn business.

  19. alli on May 21st, 2010 11:32 pm

    *HATED* it. What a horrible season, altogether (with exception to the 100th episode, which SPARKLED in comparison, even if a bit sad), and a lifeless, souless soggy cardboard pizza box of an ending. Are the actors cringing behind their characters, recountting those tired lines like “i dont know what you mean by that” with so little belief behind them? ufff. they are just going throgh the motions, and the lines are now nothing but little stilts with no meaning at all to flesh it out! and dont get me started on Fox’s disgusting tendency to use reductive, hawkish war-“patriotism,” painted up and trotted out along with half-hearted references to family values (booth with son) as desperate plot device outta a can.
    uyyy: I want my soul back.

  20. Amy on May 21st, 2010 11:50 pm

    I love Bones above all my many TV shows. I lived for Thursdays. However, I do NOT understand how any Bones fan could have been happy with this finale. It was by FAR THE WORSE BONES FINALE EVER!! The case was so uninteresting it didn’t even hold Bone’s attention. I did not find Dr. Sweets’s willingness to so easily part from the woman he loves believable. Nor did the whole cast’s reaction to Bones leaving seem at all believable. Sure Bones wanting to go do something else is normal. But leaving at the airport and not even so much as as hugging good bye?!! Come one! Some one needs to fire the writers. It’s bad enough that they lied and misled us last season with the finale. This was the biggest let down yet.

    I won’t be at all surprised if they try to start next season with both or Bones involved seriously with someone new, so that we have to start over.
    What a let down!!

  21. Drew Connolly on May 21st, 2010 11:54 pm

    I’m beginning to have issues with Bones. It seems like the style of the show is changing. It used to be focused on the careers and also there personal lives, and now it seems to mainly be about the relationship between B&B. I like the B&B relationship, but it should not be what the entire show is about. The show is a crime drama, not a romance novel. I still really love the show. Like a whole lot, but I’m afraid of where this is going and what it will lead to. I watch episodes from season one and even season two, and I miss it. Just my opinion. As far as the episode, it was nice.

  22. JennyTotallyLovesBones on May 22nd, 2010 6:56 am

    I gotta admit it at the end yes, i was shouting “kiss her!” at the tv screen, and yes, i was crying for quite a while after.
    I dont totally like the whole idea of them seperating, but i think thats more because i want to see them together then the risk of anything else. I think it would be interesting if one of them comes back with a partner, just to see how the other reacts, i suppose the big question is does being apart make the heart grow fonder, or not?
    I like the idea of Hodgins and Angela going to Paris, it’s always been Angela’s dream to go back there and it’s not like we’re going to lose them forever, they’ll be back in a year.
    I do feel kind of sorry for Sweets and Cam, now they’ve lost their Anthropologist, FBI agent, bug and slime guy and facial reconstuctionist. It must be hard to have to replace them, even if it is only for a year.
    I loved Cam and Brennan’s conversation,
    “I can give you a list of Anthropologists which can do this job”
    “No, you can give me a list of Anthropologists.”
    I love how Cam just walked away without explaining to Brennan that she ment she was inreplacable.
    Sweets all squinted up?? Gotta say it was funny, but definately not him, stick to the phycology please!!
    Daisy, daisy, daisy… hmmm?? Well, I gotta say not exactly my fav intern, but she did tell Brennan the hard truth about her and Booth holding each other back, however I am so glad that Sweets is not going to wait for her.
    Stealing back the car? Well, I do love Angelas dads style of testing new family members but to me it was just something to fill the gaps in the episode.

    Amy, I have to say, I think the Squint squad reaction to Brennan leaving was perfect, in a way they didnt want her to go, but they knew it was important to her and something she needed so they didn’t try to hold her back. Also, its not exactly surprising that she went because seriously, its just so Brennan that she was going to go.
    The case was a bit dull and I think it got solved way to fast.
    I thought it was a great finale ending, perfect. And the ending still gets me crying if I see a small clip
    Thankyou Bones for being such a great tv show! The finale was great, I dont see what the haters of the finale are on about! Sure there were slow or dull moments but the B&B moments totally make up for that!!!
    Cant wait till next season, a whole year later, the reunion… who knows what’ll happen!

  23. TvAddic on May 22nd, 2010 9:43 am

    I’m just glad I’m not the only one who is pissed at Daisy! LOL I mean she can be funny at times, but others you just want to duck tape her mouth for a just a little bit. The hand-holding I was content with, I mean you could tell they wanted to kiss each other but it would’ve been a big leap from both characters, I wasn’t overly happy with the episode but I didn’t HATE it either, But nevertheless LOVED the character interactions. I reckon they should have focused more on the actual characters/relationships rather than the case, because comparing it to the other season finales, apart from EitB, it’s all been about the characters. I can see why they did that case, making it parallel to B&B relationship, I know they showed character relationships and they were you know major and everything but they were only little scenes, little B&B interactions too =[ I guess they did that on purpose but yeah that’s what I think.

  24. Ashley on May 22nd, 2010 12:59 pm

    I’m kind-of on the fence about the finale as a whole. It certainly wasn’t my favorite finale, but I didn’t hate it. Honestly, I wasn’t very interested in the case, but that might be because I was on pins and needles wanting to see what would happen with Booth and Brennan. I’ll have to rewatch the whole episode to see if the case becomes more intriguing to me. I’ve rewatched the final scene and the scene on the bench numerous times already haha!

    I agree with you on Daisy… I hope she stays in Indonesia. Although she doesn’t always annoy me, I wanted to pimp slap her in this episode. Regardless of her being right or wrong, what right does she have to tell Brennan ANYTHING about her and Booth’s relationship??? Gag. Go away Daisy. I’m glad that Sweets isn’t waiting for her too.

    I thought the stuff with Hodgins and Angela’s dad was good for comic relief. I like it when Hodgins has a guy friend… TJ does really well with those scenes in my opinion. I also think it’s totally believable for Hodgins and Angela to take the opportunity to whisk away to Paris for a year. That’s just so like them to be spontaneous, he’s loaded, and they truly wouldn’t want to deal with breaking in the newbies haha!

    As far as Booth & Brennan are concerned… I don’t like it, but I saw it coming. Or at least some variation of what happened. I absolutely hate the idea of them spending a year apart, but I think it’s believable (overall) for where they’re at right now. I do agree with everyone as far as the fact that it was total in character for Brennan, but Boot’s situation was more out of the blue. Although I know that he is a warrior through and through, he’s never talked about wanting to go back to the army. Brennan, on the other hand, has made mention at least once every season that she misses going away on real archaeological digs. I think that Booth made his decision based on Brennan’s, though, which is what makes it totally believable for me.

    Here’s my biggest issue… I’m concerned about where we’re headed (which I know – that’s the whole point of a season finale). I think it’s time for HH to recognize that he’s strung us along long enough. I have loved season 5, but it’s gotten harder and harder for me to be happy since the 100th episode. If either of them come back with love interest AT ALL, I will be crushed and extremely mad. We’ve been there and done that… we need to move on. All this angst is changing the dynamic of the show, and honestly, I don’t think it’s for the better. However, with that said… I still love Bones. This finale was not horrible and the decisions they made were believable. I just hope that HH uses it for it’s great possibilities… to make them realize what they’ve been missing.

  25. Ashley on May 22nd, 2010 1:14 pm

    Oh, and on a side note… I thought it was very cool that Booth called her “baby” in the season opener and the song at the end of the finale was “He Called Me Baby”… Accident??? Nope, don’t think so.

  26. Pat on May 22nd, 2010 1:53 pm

    There’s nothing left to say except to weigh in that I’m sick of the contrived obstacles introduced by HH & Co. which interrupt the natural evolution of this relationship.

    I love B&B and I have a lifelong belief that a good relationship takes on a life of its own–which HH & Co have aborted. Either none these writers have never been in a real relationship (can that possibly have happened in good old LaLaLand) and, thus, cannot write about one or they are so blinded by the $$ of keeping Bones going and so scared of the so-called “Moonlighting” effect that they don’t have the integrity to allow nature to take its course.

    The writers need to have faith in their ability to write a show which OVERCOMES the “Moonlighting” curse.

    I am an avid fan; it is the ONLY show I watch on TV. I buy all the episodes as soon as they are posted on Amazon and buy the DVD’s upon release. Bones is a guilty pleasure in my life, made more guilty by the fact that I am supporting something which I know is nothing but a $$ chase for the creators.

  27. Ollie Alexander on May 22nd, 2010 2:41 pm

    “Major Dad” had a grownup married relationship. It did not last long but, it was not a will they won’t they show.
    Hodgins and Angela should have a episode with conflict; he does not have a family and she has stated that her family use to make Christmas ornaments. He wants those things but not use to them or the relatives that comes with traditions.

    Daisy is the other side of Bones; how she would be if she were loud and smart instead of quiet.

    Cam should run the lab with the interns on a interim basis.

    Bones’ and Angelas’ fathers should meet on an episode.
    Where is Booth’s father, mother?

  28. Unicorn on May 22nd, 2010 4:01 pm

    The beginning of the end..of the show I loved. I watched bones from S1, I bought the dvds as soon as available because I loved the mix of crime, dark humour great characters and great cast and last not least the chemistry b/w B&B. Since the 100th ep. only the great cast is still there. Since then I´ve been trough the 5 stages of grief: first denial: “i just pretend the last minutes of 100th didn´t happen, then anger, bargaining and depression and now at the end of S 5, there is acceptance: the show is over.

    I don´t do soaps and I have the bad feeling that´s what the great change in bones will be: B and B come back, feel bad, have some other ‘”love interests” maybe now and then a bone thrown to the audience. so on and so on.. blahblahblah

    I will not buy S5-dvds – I don´t feel the need of rewatching them – maybe in a year I will watch the finale episode of that what once was my favourite show.

  29. Amy on May 23rd, 2010 3:49 pm

    I wonder how season 6 will start. Do you think it will fast forward a year? A lot of shows are doing that now. Or will they both abort their commitments? With Booth joining back up, that would be a tad unrealistic. Anyone know anything yet or have ideas?

    Even though I was very dissatisfied with the ending of season 5, I will watch until the end cause I love David B and the show as a whole. And I hope my devotion pays off in the end!

  30. Carol on May 23rd, 2010 6:15 pm

    At the start of next year’s episodes “Bones” will be called to where “Booth” actuality was on a special mission for the FBI to locate a vey evil terrorist, (is there any other kind). All “Bones” has found was a Smurffit in the hand of a soldier whose face was blown off and finger tips removed. No DNA because the now evil terrorist has some alloy that disrupts undenialble DNA. “Bones” wanders away alone, is captured and guess who saves the day? Me thinks, I should be a consultant for “B&B”. What say you, fans? I do have a neat subplot for Angela and Hogdins. Caroline in her usual good taste and FBI intelligence will help the two love birds. Dr. Sweets is taking time off to play with his band where he meets Cindi Lauper, get married and get out of the series. You have got to be the most loyal and intelligent fans outside of us “Castle” fans. Me thinks, they are trying to mimick “B&B”, what say you ?

  31. Shrimpy on May 24th, 2010 1:48 am

    The plot itself was rather flat to my disappointment. However, the last scene of saying good-bye wasn’t too bad, because it was totally unpredictable!

    I thought they would kiss and hug with big passion just like many fans thought. Though it should be nice to seem them kissing, rational speaking, it would be predictable and boring a bit.

    And I guess they both knew kissing and hugging would make their departure really painful. Especially Booth would have a real trouble to let go of her and get back to the base after kissing her…

  32. LBC on May 24th, 2010 1:47 pm

    I’m not sure how much longer Bones will continue, but I would REALLY like to watch Booth and Bones have a romantic relationship in the final season(s). Wouldn’t it be great, Bones fans, to watch them live their relationship for several episodes, instead of an I love you proclamation at the end of the whole series? I think it would be very sweet to watch, and I don’t think it would be anticlimactic. They would have a lot of struggles; work, friends, family and each other. That change in their relationship would continue to be interesting and exciting.
    If anyone watches the office, you may agree with me that Jim and Pam were almost as entertaining after they got together as they were before (almost!). I’d love to see the Bones writers take on the challenge of keeping the show exciting after the main characters realize they love each other.

  33. Vorpaks on May 24th, 2010 4:31 pm

    I really loved the ending of this episode. Even though this show is the worst TEASE on television, I still enjoy the Booth/Brennan eye kiss scenes. And by eye kiss I don’t mean those kisses where you totally miss your partner and one of you ends up kissing an eye and other one ends up with a mouth full of nose and your glasses get all tangled. No, I definitely mean the eyes meet, the temperature goes up, the heart aches, a little smile, a little less smile, a lot of jumping up and down from the audience, kind of eye kiss. Total tease. And even though I was screaming at the computer screen a part of me still said “Awwwwwww.” ED and DB can do more with a glance than any other TV or movie couple I’ve ever seen.

    The hoarder aspect was good, especially when Sweets points out to Booth that he is a level 1 hoarder. “I’ve seen your office, you cling.” Ouch. Metaphor much?

    The saddest part, I thought, was when Brennan tells Booth she is considering accepting the position in Maluku and he says ‘I thought you already had.’ Again, ouch. Looks like this unrequited season has worn on him as much as it has on us. Not much trust in how important he is to her, in any way.

    At the end that (and the clinging statement) made me happy that even though he needs to remind her about their plans to meet in a year, he is also the one that walks away first and turns away first from that last look. Phew! Now I can crawl off the emotional rollercoaster for the summer.

    Hopefully if this is the year of Booth’s realization, next year will be the year of Brennans… and then… and then, and then, and then… well, I am looking forward to what next year’s finale brings.

  34. Shrimpy on May 24th, 2010 10:04 pm

    Hi Vorpaks, I agree with you, I watched the episode for the second time yesterday and realized I missed a lot at the first time.

    Yes, their eye kiss tells so much both of them and audience. They are awesome actors as you said. And I realized Booth has changed after he decided to go to war zone. I thought he was kind of desperate and just wish to leave DC.

    But I think Booth realized he needs to go there to face his trauma that he could not save Teddy Parker. He needs to face it to heal himself. He starts to accept the change for obtaining better perspective of his life, and tries to stop clinging to make the change happen.

    So yes, he was the one that walks away first and turns away first from that last look. And did you notice when they ran toward each other and faced, Brennan tried to hug Booth but he stopped her. They done it in very slight action but they did it for sure. He stopped clinging.

    I really lovd the beautiful tune at the eye kiss scene, “Kandi”. This sweet love song imply Booth’s feeling so well. How sad and beautiful. I’m really looking forward to the next season!

    By the way, I have to admit I agree with you again the saddest scene was that. I cried for Booth when he said that!

  35. Meg on May 24th, 2010 11:13 pm

    I definitely yelled “Kiss her!!!” at the screen.

  36. Darrah on May 25th, 2010 9:48 pm

    I loved this episode!!!! I was really scared that something was going to happen and make it so that booth and bones would end up lonely!! And if something had then i would have blamed freaking daisy because she can’t keep her stupid mouth shut!! and so props to sweets for telling her to move on because he was! i also think that it is very romantic of hodgens to angela to paris as that is why she started for brennan in the first place, according to episode 100 anyways….. i can’t wait for the new season to start and for the reunion to happen!!!!

  37. Darrah on May 25th, 2010 9:49 pm

    o and i totally thought they should kiss to, but i guess it just makes their parting that much more bittersweet

  38. workaholic888 on June 4th, 2010 5:47 am

    The finale!!

    Despite the fact that everyone’s going their way which I thought would make me really sad, how they parted made me so happy because it reflected how deep all their feelings run (not only B/B…everyone).

    I must confess I was one of the people who shouted “kiss her/hug her” at the end, but on second thought I thought the “hand-holding” was much more meaningful. It works much better in portraying the “I’m leaving but I don’t wanna leave you” thing that is going on. Does that even make sense?

    I think season 6 will skip a year. At least I hope. Tuning in to season six in Afghanistan/Indonesia/or anywhere else in the universe without B/B together is gonna make me really sad. In the meantime, I think I’ll keep repeating the phrase “absence makes the heart grow fonder” over and over again.

    Great review as always Seels!! 🙂 🙂

    P.S. when I saw that Daisy was “squintern” of the week…I rolled my eyes…literally…thank goodness Sweets is not waiting for her.

  39. newfansing on June 17th, 2010 8:13 am

    i am not sure i can watch even season 5 knowing already that they didnt hook up at the end of it – being that i am a new Bones fan and just finished watching Season 4. I want them to not just end up together but to be shown their weathering what its like to be together, adjusting and having to deal with the emotions that brings up. If the creators are not going to reward fans with this in Season 6 i am going to give up now. The end of Season 4 was so painful – only bit i applauded cos i was so ticked off was Booth saying how he needs to move on if Bones didnt want to – that i had to go see if the end of Season 5 ended at least somewhat towards ending up together – AND IT DIDNT!

    Come on, if the creators of this show cant be creative, and find a way to get them together and still keep interest in the show, they have to find better writers.

    Very ticked off new fan!

  40. Rebecca on January 30th, 2011 9:14 am

    Yes at the end I was screaming KISS HER!! I thought maybe when they turned to look at each other the last time she would run to him… but maybe that’s not true to who Brennan is, she’s going over there to change, but it hasn’t happened just yet.

    I just hope the beginning of Season 6 isn’t just another long dragging out of their feelings. I wish something would just frickin happen!!

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