GLEE Exclusive: Mike O’Malley Made Series Regular for Season 2, Plus More Show Intel…
July 13, 2010 by Korbi Ghosh
When I spoke to GLEE’s Mike O’Malley (Kurt’s dad, Burt Hummel) on Monday — in honor of his Emmy nomination for Outstanding Guest Actor — I got the feeling that the audience’s wish to see more of his character may be coming true.
But O’Malley couldn’t quite confirm anything.
Thankfully, I got some face time with his boss, executive producer Ryan Murphy, later in the day and he made the news official.
Mike O’Malley will indeed be a series regular for GLEE season 2.
This is a great thing for a wonderful guy whom writer/producer Brad Falchuk named immediately when I asked if there was a particular nomination — among the show’s whopping 19 — that they were really excited about.
You can see this for yourself in my full video interview with him, Murphy, and Ian Brennan below… along with the reveal of a whole slew of other semi-spoilers, such as the fate of Rachel and Finn’s relationship this season — they will be a legitimate couple all year long, despite struggling with their clear differences — and the fact that Puck and Quinn won’t be together, as Quinn has her own journey to navigate now that she’s sans baby — the guys say she’ll be back to her old, bitchy self while somehow managing to maintain BFF status with Mercedes.
And what about a Puck and Rachel reunion?
The show may go there again, Murphy shares. It’s definitely possible. But he promises that a duet between the two of them this season is a sure thing.
What else did I learn?
Well, most of the outrageous guest star rumors are completely untrue, especially since they intend to really keep the focus on their regular cast members this year.
Javier Bardem, however, is a huge fan of the show and Murphy will write something for him, because how do you say no to Javier Bardem?
There is also a Britney Spears episode in the works — which Brit Brit is not scheduled to appear in, as of now — but it will somehow put the spotlight on her. Murphy says it won’t be like the Madonna-themed ep — in which, 10 of the artist’s songs were worked into the hour — or like the Lady Gaga-themed ep — during which, the artist’s fashion sense was really put on display — but something rather unlike anything they’ve done before. And the very quotable ditz, Brittany (Heather Morris), will apparently take center stage for it, singing two entire songs.
The guys say there is absolutely nothing in the works with Justin Timberlake though, so JT will not be wooing Terri Schuester (Jessalyn Gilsig) this season. Terri will be back in the mix full time, however, devoting her day-to-day efforts to winning Will back. One of the ways she’ll try to do it? By getting involved with a dude who’s actually capable of making him jealous. Whom that guy is, though, is still a mystery at this moment.
Kristin Chenoweth, as we previously reported, will return and the boys are just crossing their fingers that they’ll get the chance to bring Neil Patrick Harris, Jonathan Groff and Idina Menzel back as well…
What do you think, whom would you guys most like to see on GLEE this season?
GLEE: Mike O’Malley on his Emmy Nom, Playing Opposite Chris Colfer and Cory Monteith
GLEE’s Chris Colfer on his First Emmy Nod: ‘I just collapsed on my living room floor… I’m in complete shock right now’
2010 Primetime Emmy Nods: Our Pumped and Pissed Lists
TV Tweets: Emmy Nomination Reactions
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Can I just say that this article makes me VERY happy!!!!!! Thank you!!!
This makes me SO happy! Viva la Finchel!
Wheres the Will and Emma scoop, who the fuck cares about Terri?
God let her move on geez give up already.
Im happy about F/R but where the hells the Will and Emma scoop. I thought we were done with Will and Terri.
The stupid delusional psycho bitch needs to move on, hopefully thats what this storyline does for her.
Thank you so much for taking the time to ask about Puck and Rachel! You’re a really good interviewer
I can’t even say how excited I am that we’ll finally see Finn and Rachel be a real couple. Thanks for the Fichel scoop, Korbi!
aww, I want Puck/quinn to get together
Thanks anyway for the scoop!
My girlfriend makes me watch Glee with her. She’s a total Finn/Rach fan and I don’t tell her this but I kinda enjoy them too.
Yay. We may get a Puck and Rachel duet. I can’t wait for them to sing together. There voices will be amazing together.
YAY for Puck and Rachel duet!!! Double YAY for Puckleberry maybe comming back later on the show.
Too bad for not Quinn and Puck tho.. I really want to see them as a couple :/
HeMO is going to sing TWO Britney songs???? That’s just brilliant!!!!!!

Terri is back and I’m so happy for that
Thank you so much for the news!!!!
Yay! Thanks for the Finn and Rachel news!! so excited!
i could see Burt taking over as Coach of the Football team next year…Since im guessing Ken wont be around next year
YAY for Finn and Rachel! im so excited to see everything coming from this season!
Love hearing all about Finn/Rachel, happy about Mike O’Malley being a regular. Thanks for getting that news for us!
I hope Finn/Rachel being together the whole season means a whole lot of Finn/Rachel duets because I love when they sing together!
Getting mixed news from diff sources about Puck/Quinn……………. so I don’t know how to react yet.
Excited to Finn and Rachel together all season long!!
So glad to hear that Mike O’ Malley has become a regular. Burt was good with Kurt but he was also very good for Finn. I hope Burt doesn’t give up on Finn. Burt and Carole get married in Season 2! Finn and Kurt can now become brothers.
The FR news is great! I’m looking forward to it! I’m upset about Puck/Quinn though. I was looking forward to their relationship in S2.
Sweet! Glad Mike is a regular. I hope they explore Hummel-Hudson story again.
Big whoopwhoop for the amazing Finn/Rachel news. Excited to see how they are as a couple!!
I couldn’t care less about Burt, so the fact that he is being made a regular makes me less excited for Season 2. Kurt seems to be becoming a main character now along with Rachel and Finn, but I wish they would show more of Rachel’s home life instead of just Finn and Kurt. I remember Ryan Murphy saying we wouldn’t be seeing her dads this season though, so that probably won’t happen.
Thanks for the info! I’d love to see some Puck scoop however that was about what he’s doing this year that doesn’t revolve around Quinn or Rachel.
I”m excited for this whole next season! more Burt, more Finn and Rachel, season 2 just seems like its going to be amazing! Win Glee, Win!
The FInn/Rachel news is amazing. But I hope we get some individual development, too. Finn grew a lot in the B9, now it’s time for Rachel to grow and learn a bit. She took a lot of blows this season between the public humiliation, Jesse playing her, and her mom dropping her. I wanna see her come out on top–not just with a boyfriend.
Does Tina get to sing more this season?
OMG! Thank you for all this epicness! Krisen Chenoweth back, Mike O’malley regular and more Fichel??? How could we ask for more??? Thanks for the video… seeing them actually saying it makes it more believale then someone quoting it!
Thanks Korbi!! GREAT interview – you are so personable and professional – I always like your interviews. YAY FOR FINN AND RACHEL!! They are going to be so adorable to watch… I can’t even wait for September! This is the best news ever. Thank you for always getting the latest on Finn and Rachel – they are the core couple to the show – and the people want to know!!
I appreciate all your Glee interviews and it’s no different for this one. You ask he right questions (as what really matters to fans) and then have the most interesting answers.
Very happy the writers have the courage to try new roads and give to us a whole Finn&Rahel as a couple season. Love that Terri is here again. Way to go, guys!
Thanks for asking about puckleberry!!
I can’t wait for their duet and hopefully they do get back together in the future.
Loving the info on this website, you’ve done fantastic job on the content material .