BONES: Michaela Conlin Teases an Upcoming 'Juicy' Conversation Between Angela and Brennan - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES: Michaela Conlin Teases an Upcoming ‘Juicy’ Conversation Between Angela and Brennan

January 20, 2011 by  

BONES fans, do you know what gets me excited? Hearing about an upcoming “juicy conversation” between Brennan and Angela.

It’s about time, right?

So what brings on this juicy conversation? And does Angela know the truth of what went down between Brennan and Booth?

Lucky for us, Michaela Conlin (Angela) is willing to dish…


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Filed under Bones


11 Responses to “BONES: Michaela Conlin Teases an Upcoming ‘Juicy’ Conversation Between Angela and Brennan”

  1. LL on January 20th, 2011 9:12 pm

    Love Michaela Conlin, couldn’t even hate her during her stupid celibacy plot. For me, she really brings Angela to life. The only scenes I liked so far this season was between her and Brennan. One with Angela persuading Bones to do the science show because she wanted the baby to love Brennan as much as Angela did. Then one where Bones gets “jazzed” about Angela figuring out how to recreated the bones through 3D imaging. I loved the scenes because they weren’t doing the cliched over-analysis of men/dating/romance/sex. Instead, both scenes showed two intelligent, vibrant women passionate about their work and appreciative of each other’s work.

    I’m not particularly excited about this scene, but only because I’m just so over the storyline. But I guess it’s a scene we need.

  2. Varti on January 20th, 2011 11:34 pm

    This first comment is so spot on, especially considering tonight’s closing scene of Brennan and Hannah’s so-called friendship. They talked about, yup, dating and “love.” Not that real friends don’t discuss this, but a meaningful discussion has to be between good friends. Otherwise, as in tonight’s B-H scene, it comes off as superficial and banal.

    I’m not loving Booth right now, but all that’s overshadowed by how offended I am by this “friendship” with Hannah. Seriously, what was the purpose of that last scene?What can Hannah contribute to Brennan’s life? Other than that Hannah cannot leave soon enough.

  3. ForensicMama on January 21st, 2011 1:36 pm

    FINALLY!!!! I was just about to tweet and complain about this. I want more Angela and Brennan!!!

  4. Dani on January 21st, 2011 1:52 pm

    I think this scene could be important for the Booth/Brennan story line. If Brennan can finally admit how she truley feels about Booth and Hannah being together, it could lead to in the elevator episode and Brennan could finally tell Booth about it. Then the possiblity of them finally figuring out that the feeling is mutual.
    But it could just end up being Brennan avoiding the truth of her feelings, even know we all know she isn’t ok with it.
    Also the new friendship between Hannah and Brennan isn’t really working for me. It’s really just annoying. I don’t know what the writers are trying to do, but it’s making the fanebase get rather-rialed up.

  5. carole on January 21st, 2011 3:13 pm

    IF they really want ratings to improve they have got to make hannah more likeable and I THINK thats going to be a up hill climb/the big mistakes is her coming in the first placed and the second is booth attitude problem.

  6. JJKal on January 21st, 2011 4:00 pm

    Forget Hannah is Booth’s girlfriend. The Bones-Hannah “friendship” is still just as offensive.
    – Isn’t Bones rebuilding her family relationships and learning to love and trust again?
    – Doesn’t she have Angela, Hodgins, and now even Cam who are there for her? (In fact, didn’t she, Angela and Hodgins confirm their shared love and regard in last season’s airport scene?)
    – Doesn’t Bones meet world renowned reporters, reviewers, scientists, stars, directors, restauranteurs, etc. all the time? These may be passing connections, but there used to be mutual respect and like in these connections.

    And this season, she has no one but a possibly phantom night watchman to befriend her? This season, Hannah’s presence is such a revelation that she need Hannah’s approval to accept love, maybe even a drink from a stranger? It is such an insult to Bones.

    Much as I love Angela and Michaela Conlin, I’m actually not interested in this spoiler. (Though very glad MC is getting some juicy scenes!) I’d rather see more of Angela and Bones being supercool women at the Lab. I’d love to hear Bones give baby advice to Angela.

  7. Mary on January 21st, 2011 4:51 pm

    JJKal, ITA!

    What happened to confident,kick-ass Brennan, who had friends from the workplace, quinterns that were excited to work with her, and a reunited family?

    Dear HH: The show’s called, “bones” so start refocusing on HER, find her a great Domestic Partner, one who won’t leave her because she says, “no”, twice, but will hang in there.

    Brennnan needs to realize that losing Booth really doesn’t mean she’s lost a lot. He’s a guy who fell for low-hanging fruit who doesn’t even know how to properly say Thank you. Also: who, for one minute, believes that Hannah is a credible white house reporter? Bad casting!

  8. Grrr on January 21st, 2011 6:17 pm

    Aww, Angela and Hodgins were so sweet yesterday. I think of Tamara Taylor as the beautiful one, but Michaela Conlin is positively luminous. (I like Emily Deschanel with her hair up but think they are making her look frumpy these days.)

    That said, add me to the ‘love Michaela, don’t care about this scene’ group. Unless Angela ends up being brutally honest about Bones, Hannah AND Booth, I’m not expecting much. If it’s anything like Hannah’s pep talk at the end of yesterday’s scene, no thank you. I’m zipping through as it is. It took me less than 20 min to watch the episode.

  9. Ann on January 21st, 2011 7:20 pm

    Yeah I’m not buying into this Brennan and Hannah friendship, I started watching the show because of the amazing chemistry between the two main characters but what I got last night was an episode where they barely even spoke to each other much less the normal bickering that I love. If you don’t want the characters together fine but it would be nice if they would atleast be in scenes together!

  10. Quantam on January 22nd, 2011 12:24 am

    Wait, was this weeks’s Bones-Hannah conversation the conversation from this spoiler?WTH?! That wasn’t satisfying at all. It was Hannah who gave the episode closing pep talk to Bones.

    It’s an insult to both Bones and Angela, and their friendship for Hannah to take up this role in Bones’ life. She has plenty of options (mentioned above) and I have seen nothing in Hannah that convinces me she has anything to add. I would go on about how the friendship is *not* an upstanding of example of intelligent and mature women, but there’s no convincing the writers these days.

    I love Michaela but this was not the juicy scene you and ED deserved.

  11. cathy on January 23rd, 2011 9:38 am

    brennan might wake up and see losing booth as a bed fellow could be the best thing that every happpened to her and what do you want to bet when they finally tell us hannah apartment will be in brennan buillding.