GLEE’s Cory Monteith Talks Finn-Rachel, Prom and More
March 22, 2011 by Marisa Roffman
Now that New Directions has taken top prize at Regionals, GLEE is off the air for the next few weeks. (Boo!) We know this might be a difficult time for fans, so to help pass the hiatus-induced pain, Give Me My Remote saved a few PaleyFest videos to make the wait between episodes a little easier.
First up? Cory Monteith (Finn)!
At PaleyFest 2011, Monteith talked with reporters about the Finn-Rachel relationship, Quinn-Finn and their journey to prom and much more…
GLEE’s Matthew Morrison Teases Will-Emma and the Return of Terri
GLEE Spoilers: One of My Favorite Moments from the Paley Fest GLEE Panel
GLEE: Chris Colfer Talks Kurt’s Future with Blaine and New Directions
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Finn and Rachel are just awful together. I genuinely do not understand how people can’t see what a bad effect they have on each other. The “Endgame” phrase is constantly thrown around with them, can we not just wait until the end then?
Thank you for the Finchel scoop! I love them together!
Nice interview. Loved hearing about Finn and Rachel. Thanks for this!
He is one handsome man. Cory got the loudest reception when the cast of GLEE took the stage at the Paley Festival.
Finn and Rachel are the best relationship on the show… and quite frankly… the only reason I keep watching. They are by far the most beautiful relationships. I have such hope for the couple, they are the metaphor. Rachel and Finn are true love. Their relationship is one of beauty. They are at their best when together, supporting each other. It is funny, I read the comment above and I kind of laugh. I am older, so I understand what it takes to make a real, loving relationship…and what true love really means. Finn and Rachel have all the qualities of a lasting relationship. Cory obviously knows the popularity of Finn and Rachel… I laughed at the “people were pretty choked about Finn and Quinn”. I had people throw things at the TV in my house during superbowl episode – NOT FUN! People loathe FInn and Quinn together – and as a huge Finn fan – I was very disappointed her would take her back. I know that all will unfold correctly before the season is out. I have faith!!! Thank you SO much for your wonderful report, you have made me super excited for Finn’s story line and the impending EPIC reunion of Finn and Rachel!!!
All I heard in that interview were Finchel and endgame in the same sentence. That makes my Finchel shipper heart flutter. I love you Cory! Such a HUGE Finchel fan!
I love Finchel so much. I hope we don’t have to wait the entire rest of the season to see them get back together.
Love Finn and Rachel. They bring out the best in each other when they’re together. Can’t wait for their reunion!
Finn and Rachel are the best!! They are the reason I started watching glee, and the reason I still watch glee!! Even thoug I was really really CHOKED
after some episodes this season! But I love Finchel soo much and I’m so happy that things are looking up for them! They’re endgame!
I love you Cory!! Can’t wait for a Finchel reunion!! 
I’m so glad that Cory feels the same way finchel fans do about their relationship. I cannot wait for them to be reunited as the show feels empty without them. There is something missing when the captains of the glee club are not together. ♥
I was more than choked when Finn and Quinn got together, I picked up an empty cup and threw it across the room before I could stop myself from doing it. I hope Finn and Rachel are back together before the end of the season. They are the only reason I watch Glee.
Finn and Rachel have the potential to be great, if the writers would truly “go there.” There are so many SL’s they can have, together and individually, without resorting to the same ol’, same ol’ TV couple angst. And to say that I was “choked” after SE, AVGC, the Superbowl episode and SLS, is putting it mildly Cory!!
Thanks for the Cory interview. I really needed some Finchel scoop….I am so happy Cory knows the “importance” of the Finchel relationship not only for the show but for the fans also. That pairing is the reason I keep watching the show…..and believe me it has been a little hard to watch recently until Original Song. I can’t wait to see how thise two reunite……. I just need Fuinn to end….to say I was “choked” is an understatement……. LOL
I am a huge Finn fan, and I wasn’t choked as much about him not getting back with Rachel right away (we all know it is bound to happen soon ), but I was more choked at the fact that Finn is smarter then to go back with a girl who lied, cheated, and dragged it on for months, utterly mortifying him in front of everyone. The story line is a bit desperate and contrived, there is so much more to explore with Finn then this crap story line. I was disappointed that the writers didn’t think enough of Finn and his character, resorting to putting him back with quinn, because now Finn looks so weak and desperate. I hope something surprising comes from this story line to empower finn’s character and make him look good from this situation. There as to be a higher plan for this story, because making the leader look so weak makes zero sense. I am all for anything that makes Finn the best he can be, and he is best when single or of course with Rachel. I hope how this story with Quinn unravels will be shocking and put him in a good light. Finn is too good to be used by Quinn! Wake up Finn!
I love Finchel! Fans are so happy to hear that they are still endgame. We miss them together!
Oh my gosh I adore him. He gives me butterflies
Plus I am super happy that Finnchel is on its way back! As long as the reunion is epic I will be patient.
im soooo sickof this finchel endgame talk… oh my god finchel suck rachel n finn r sooo boaring together and by saying oh their end game b4 the entire show is even done is damn stupid in my opinion i seriously smell a right. i think on some level murphy wants every1 to be so sure and so convinced their endgame so that when puckleberry finally wake up..actually rachel wake up and her and noah get back together and become endgame they this OH MY GOD WTF MOMMENT i mean seriously why would murphy wanna just ruin the whole shpw by givin away a big spoiler like that ..ok moving on if finchel 2 reunite either in season 2 or later on or i see puck end up with quinn or lauren im done with glee ..cos not all fans love quick finchel puckerziez (my name puck n lauren) and to clear one that last thing cory monteith not cute not hot not sexy …mark salling on other sex on legs people lol the hawk drives mr crazy lol