Morgan Fairchild to Guest Star on BONES
August 15, 2011 by Marisa Roffman
Get ready for a primetime soap icon to hit BONES: Fox has confirmed to Give Me My Remote that Morgan Fairchild will appear in the third hour of the upcoming seventh season.
According to TV Guide Magazine (who first reported the casting news), Fairchild will play Bianca, the CEO of Dillio Toys, who figures into Booth and Brennan’s investigation into the murder of a toy company employee.
Are you excited to see Fairchild on BONES?
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Marisa, I think I live under a pop culture rock — I had to google the actress. *hangs head in shame* As for the question, am I excited? Of course! Anything Bones Season 7 makes me tres muy happy!
Thanks for the scoop!
Kinda interesting, I bet Morgan Fairchild would make a good CEO, nice casting.