CASTLE Season 4 Promo: 'This is My Fault' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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CASTLE Season 4 Promo: ‘This is My Fault’

August 29, 2011 by  

We’re just three weeks away from the CASTLE season 4 premiere, so what better time for a brand new promo — highlighting the fallout from Beckett’s shooting — to debut?

Unlike the last promo, which mixed old footage with the season 4 tease that was shown at Comic-Con, this 30-second spot is mostly filled with scenes from the season premiere.

Keep reading for the semi-spoilery teaser and some of our thoughts…


While it’s a no-brainer that Beckett will survive, I’m glad so far the promos seem to be focusing on her post-shooting rather than showing her back at work, solving cases with Castle. In terms of teasers, there’s nothing worse than having a huge event happen in a finale and then the promos show that absolutely nothing has changed.

The big question of the promo is why Castle thinks what happened to Beckett is his fault. It’s not like he did something stupid and she wound up hurt; instead, she was giving a speech at a funeral, in a spot where she should have been safe. But based on the fight Josh starts with Castle, it looks like more than one person may be placing the blame on the shoulders of our favorite writer.

Oh, and as a bonus, we got our first glimpse of Penny Johnson Jerald as the new captain!

So, what did you think of the promo?


CASTLE Season 4 Cast Photo
CASTLE’s Penny Johnson Jerald Teases Her Role as the New Captain
CASTLE Executive Producer Laurie Zaks Teases the Castle-Beckett Dynamic in Season 4

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Filed under #1 featured, Castle


6 Responses to “CASTLE Season 4 Promo: ‘This is My Fault’”

  1. Jennifer (@jendfaz) on August 29th, 2011 11:23 am

    So excited!!

  2. Monica on August 29th, 2011 12:02 pm

    He feels guilty because he reopened her mother´s case

  3. Kath (canakatydid) on August 29th, 2011 1:13 pm

    First I think that gmmrtv and Marisa are the bestest things ever for keeping the Castle promos, news, and interviews coming!

    Next, I think that the season premiere looks like it’s going to be epic.

    And lastly, I think Ryan looks very dapper in his dress blues!

    (Bet you all thought I was going to end with how hot Castle looks running in slow motion, didn’t you?! 😉 )

    It’s going to be a long three weeks!!

  4. ToZiKa on August 29th, 2011 4:23 pm

    Well Castle kinda reopened the case of Kate’s mother’s murder and that lead to everything that happened and in the end to Kate being shot. Of course she would have tried to solve it again anyway, but I can understand why he’d think it’s his fault.

  5. Marisa Roffman on August 29th, 2011 6:44 pm

    Yeah, I know he reopened her mom’s case in season 1, despite her requests that he leave it alone, but I was thinking it might be something more recent than that — does he blame himself for Captain Montgomery’s death since he dragged her out of the airport? Does he blame himself for not pushing her out of the way when he spotted the shooter?

    I suppose it could be something further back like the case as a whole, but I also don’t think he’s naive enough to think she wouldn’t have dug at it again.

  6. Mike Edenfield on September 7th, 2011 1:10 pm


    I think it’s more than just guilt from recent events. He says he “put her in the crosshairs”… that implies that he thinks he’s responsible for having people come after her.

    BUT.. I agree it has to be more than just his reopening her case involved. Even without him, the detective on her mom’s case would have still called her up and spilled his guts, which is what *directly* led to her getting re-involved in the case, finding out about the dirty cops, arresting the assassin, etc. If that’s all Castle’s talking about I will be disappointed — I think there must be some deeper connection between him and the bad guys that is making them nervous that he will end up leading Beckett to them, even if by accident.