FRINGE: Anna Torv and John Noble Tease 'Subject 9,' Massive Dynamic, Nina and...William Bell?! - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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FRINGE: Anna Torv and John Noble Tease ‘Subject 9,’ Massive Dynamic, Nina and…William Bell?!

October 14, 2011 by  

It’s FRINGE Friday!

Tonight’s hour, “Subject 9,” is suspiciously similarly titled to last year’s all-flashback “Subject 13,” which delved into a young Olivia’s history with the Cortexiphan trials and her first encounters with Peter and Walter. (FRINGE executive producer Jeff Pinkner teased last month that “fans are free to read into whatever they want!” in terms of the two episode names.)

Really, at this point, all we know for sure about the hour is that Nina Sharp returns. As far as I’m concerned, that’s worth a parade in itself. Blair Brown’s Nina has been sorely missed this season.

Thankfully for you guys, I recently talked with some people who could give more insight into what’s to come.

Warner Bros. brought a group of reporters up to Vancouver last week and FRINGE star Anna Torv (Olivia) shared a bit of what fans could expect from “Subject 9,” while John Noble (Walter) teased Nina’s return, what Peter might be up to when he comes back and whether William Bell might be making a comeback.


(And yes, sorry, Noble is still very quiet in this video.)



FRINGE Spoiler Alert: Guess Whose Mother is Returning?
FRINGE: Seth Gabel Talks About the Lincolns, Their Relationships with the Olivias and More!
FRINGE: Anna Torv Teases Peter and Olivia’s Reunion, Their Relationship and the Fate of Baby Henry

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Filed under #1 featured, Fringe

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