BONES: Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan Tease Cam's Role in Season 7, the Status of the Bonus Hours, Plus a Tease for 'One of the Best Episodes' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES: Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan Tease Cam’s Role in Season 7, the Status of the Bonus Hours, Plus a Tease for ‘One of the Best Episodes’

October 26, 2011 by  

Given the mass amount of spoilers out there for BONES season 7 (and we’ll acknowledge our part in that), it’s really hard to tease the series any further without completely ruining it.

However, when BONES executive producers Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan participated in a conference call with reporters earlier today, the absence of Cam-related storylines prompted me to ask them what they could tell us about our favorite forensic pathologist in the new season…

“So far in the first six, a lot [of her story] has to do with the new intern and her juggling the lab with this new dynamic — with Brennan being pregnant and still trying to maintain a functioning lab,” Nathan told me. “There’s going to be a lot more for Cam in the second half of the year. We have that all planned out now. A lot of stuff with her daughter [and] she’s also going out with the doctor, still. So all of that is going to be in the second half when we come back. We just had so much to do with Booth and Brennan that it was very, very difficult to service everybody as much as we would like.”

“Imagine what it’s like to be the only woman in a workplace who hasn’t had a baby,” Hanson teased.

Apparently there’s another storyline coming up for her that is super top-secret, because when Hanson started to mention it, Nathan said they couldn’t talk about it yet. (Yes, you read that right: the normally spoiler-friendly Nathan was the one who vetoed a spoilery comment from Hanson, who normally hates spoilers.)

And what about those possible bonus episodes for the season?

“We don’t have any idea what the scheduling will be,” Nathan said. “They do want to do ultimately 17 episodes. How it airs is really up to Fox. We’re kind of, at this point, going along with the premise that we’ll do a season of 13 episodes and the remaining four episodes, it’s still up in the air where they’ll air or how they will air. They could air before what we consider our last episode, even. So, that’s a long way of saying we have no idea when those four episodes will air.”

“It’s a real pickle for us, because we don’t know quite where to place these four stories in our universe,” Hanson added. “It’s tough. If they air all in a row, they would be odd, because they would not contain any meaningful character arcs. So it’s a pickle. We’re hoping we’ll get some guidance, perhaps after we air for a while and perhaps after we see how the rest of the Fox shows [do].”

What else did Hanson and Nathan reveal during the call?

  • When I spoke with Hanson over the summer, he professed his excitement over the new serial killer. On today’s call, he had even more praise for the show’s upcoming seventh season. “The ‘Booth and his grandfather and his father’ story in the first six [hours] is maybe one of the best episodes of BONES ever,” he said. “Certainly an amazing performance by David Boreanaz (Booth) that I’m dying for everyone to see.” (Yep, that sounds pretty promising.)
  • New squintern Finn Abernathy (played by Luke Kleintank) makes his series debut in the second hour of season 7, but the EPs have already confirmed he’ll be back sometime in the last 11 episodes of the season.
  • Patricia Belcher (Caroline) is set to appear in four episodes this season.
  • After a hiatus to accommodate series star Emily Deschanel’s real-life pregnancy, the show will resume prep on December 1st. “Our best case scenario had her coming back to shoot in December, and that’s going to happen,” Hanson said. As for the non-actors, the BONES crew will head back in mid-November to “gear up production and write like the wind,” according to Nathan.

Are you excited for the BONES season premiere, November 3 at 9 PM on Fox?


BONES: Hart Hanson Teases Season 7
BONES Season 7 Preview: You Ask, I Answer on ‘The Memories in the Shallow Grave’ and ‘The Hot Dog in the Competition’
Will BONES Have More Than 13 Episodes In Season 7?

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Filed under #1 featured, Bones


16 Responses to “BONES: Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan Tease Cam’s Role in Season 7, the Status of the Bonus Hours, Plus a Tease for ‘One of the Best Episodes’”

  1. PorQueSarah on October 26th, 2011 6:32 pm

    I always look forward to your Bones articles, Marisa. Once again, you didn’t disappoint! I am so very excited about Season 7!! 😀

  2. Marisa Roffman on October 26th, 2011 6:54 pm

    That’s very kind of you to say, @PorQueSarah! Glad you enjoyed it! 🙂

  3. bm on October 26th, 2011 7:09 pm

    That’s awesome. Thanks for the article, you’re the best!

    What about Sweets, Marisa? I want to know more about him, too. I love Sweets!

  4. Marisa Roffman on October 26th, 2011 7:41 pm

    @bm: Here’s more on Sweets: and Hope that helps!

  5. Phillip Martinez on October 27th, 2011 3:30 am

    This is awesome!! I’m totally excited for the this new season!! And with all these spoilers out, it helps ease the wait of the hiatus. I can’t wait to see this Booth-centered episode. Hopefully its as good as the Brennan-centered episode from season 6.

    Oh and here’s an idea for the four episode that are up in the air: why not have them as a flashback style arc to show Booth and Brennan right after she announced that she was pregnant. It’ll be awesome to see small snippets of in-between season 6 and 7. A lot of fans would greatly appreciate that.

    Oh and I read somewhere that Hodgins is going to have a crossover episode with The Finder. Any news about that?? And will either Booth or Brennan appear in a crossover episode??

  6. Drippan on October 27th, 2011 9:03 am


    You have always been Top Dog for Bones, IMO. You were a fangirl of the series from the very beginning and care both about the show and that fans.

    Now about the ariticle:

    It’s interesting to hear that HH/SN don’t know where the 4 extra episodes will fit in and HH saying they have to wait and see how the other Fox series do. To me, this ‘other Fox series’ is, of course, The Finder series that will be taking Bones place for a while. I think they wil have to wait for the ratings for The Finder before figuring out what to do. Hopefully it won’t turn out like the ‘Lone Star’ disaster with it being cancelled after 2 episodes but one can never tell.

    That said, I will say that unlike the past couple of seasons, the producers/writers actually have a solid plan in place for S7. Fox execs even telling them that they want 4 extra episodes and a warning that they may have to air before the finale shows me that everyone wants the series to succeed. IMO, Fox never did back the series until S4 when it became a huge success and then they went balls to the walls on advertising it including selling the rights to air to TNT.

    I’m excited about S7 because it sounds like the series is back on track from earlier seasons with creating a relationship between B&B vice trying to keep them apart as long as possible. IMO, that change in the series is the reason why the show has slowly gone downhill as far as the fans’ opinions.

    Thanks again for being the fangirl that you are. I know you were let down like most of the rest of us the last couple seasons and it feels good to see you very happy and very excited once more. I’m hoping to hear more of your thoughts throughout this season because, IMO, you are the heart and head when it comes to reporting/critiquing one of my all time favorite series.

  7. Drippan on October 27th, 2011 9:08 am


    I hope my last post was enough of a suck up to keep you reporting on Bones and possibly slip us a little extra about what may come up?!

  8. Marisa Roffman on October 27th, 2011 11:47 am

    @Phillip: Nothing is for sure re: Hodgins crossing over to THE FINDER, but I’ll have more on that today 🙂

    @Drippan: No need to “suck up,” but thank you for your kind words.

  9. Jen on October 27th, 2011 3:48 pm

    I’ve read unkind things about you from fans who think HH and SN can do no wrong, but I think it takes guts to stand up to show runners and EPs when a show is going down a bad road with a large amount of fans. Because you didn’t sugar coat things last season for HH and SN, I believe you when you say good things about season 7. The other reporters, well, I take what good things they say with a grain of salt since they’re all about the “politics.” Thank you for giving us your fangirl point of view. Because of you, I know that season 7 is going to come in with a bang!

  10. El on October 27th, 2011 4:38 pm

    Agree with Jen. Your reviews have been the most honest IMO. You really watch the show and understand the “emotions” of the fans. Last season was really bad IMO, and for the most part, the characters actions did not make sense. You were the only one questioning that.

  11. Sam on October 27th, 2011 4:51 pm

    This is so great. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for Bones to come back on the air.

  12. Osteon on October 27th, 2011 5:08 pm

    Thank you for this article, Marisa! I know Bones fans can always rely on you for updates.

    More than a fangirl, I know you are also a journalist, and it is your practice of ethical journalism which makes your posts more credible than just any fan’s rants and/or raves in his or her blog. If I were a journalist, I would rather be seen by my readers as a journalist, not a fangirl. But that is just me.

  13. Marisa Roffman on October 27th, 2011 5:18 pm

    I appreciate everyone’s kind words. Yes, @Osteon, I’d certainly prefer to be called a journalist, but everyone is technically allowed to call me what they want. (With that being said, bad language might be censored if you choose to call me something nasty. And no, I’m not asking for that.)

  14. bm on October 27th, 2011 5:41 pm

    Aw Marisa, thanks for the Sweets links. I want more tho.. ( I know, greedy). LOL

  15. Drippan on October 27th, 2011 8:48 pm


    I think almost every fan of Bones thinks of you as a journalist but, more importantly in our minds, is you are a part of our Bones’ family. Your job in the family may be journalism but you are much more than that to us.

    Must I remind you about how different and fanatical Bones fans are? They are the most opinionated, supportive and craziest fans out there and that includes adopting our favorite Bones reporter……..which is you, you lucky dog!!

  16. Katie on October 29th, 2011 12:08 pm

    Congratulations to Emily on her bundle of joy but I have missed Bones its been a very long wait I am super excited to see them back next week.