GLEE Spoilers: “The First Time” Teasers
November 4, 2011 by Kath Skerry
Earlier today Fox gave us a sneak peek at next Tuesday’s episode of GLEE. And what a week to get the episode early…
Honestly, I’m very happy to have this moment in time to share some episode teasers with you all, as I fear there might not be many of you left standing after “The First Time” airs.
There’s been a lot (and I mean a LOT) of build up within the GLEE fandom about this episode, and that’s always dangerous because reality (even fake reality) rarely ever lives up to expectations. But I will say that as a fellow GLEEk who was has been waiting for this ‘Election Day’ episode like the rest of you, I was left satisfied and smiling (yes, I know, that’s what she said…and Finn said and Blaine said…)
Before we get going, I must share the same disclaimer I share before all my GLEE teaser posts…
Dear fellow die-hard GLEEks, in the words of Quinn Fabray – this post is all about the teasin’ and not necessarily the pleasin’. While I hope to share a few tidbits that will get you more excited about next week’s episode I’m not about spoiling major plot points for you.
If you are the type of fan that is going to be annoyed with me for not spilling everything there is to know then it’s probably best that you NOT read this and just wait to watch the episode yourself on Tuesday.
On the other hand, if you are a fan that has a wavering line when it comes to what constitutes a spoiler, then you might want to stay away too as it’s not my intention to ruin the episode in any capacity for you.
Now that we have that settled, let’s get down to business.
I’m going to be writing up a full post-episode review on Tuesday, but I really need to tell you that I thought this was a wonderful episode of GLEE. So needed after last week’s…well, whatever the hell last week was. The music, the acting, the plot and the direction of this episode made it, in my opinion, one of the best episodes of GLEE to date. But more of that one Tuesday, now it’s time to get you all excited (pun intended) with some teasers!
If you care enough to read a teaser post about GLEE then I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you know the basic storyline of “The First Time”, but if for some reason you don’t, here’s what you need to know: Both Rachel & Finn and Kurt & Blaine contemplate taking their respective relationships to the next level, but there’s a whole lot of ground to cover between talking about sex and actually doing it. Both of McKinley’s power couples explore that middle ground in a wonderfully realistic way.
- So many adorable Kurt and Blaine moments to choose from, but I happen to be partial to their first scene together. A fun and playful scene where they take the sage old advice of Salt & Peppa.
- The one misstep the episode makes in with Artie. It’s one thing to perhaps question the sexual enlightenment of your friends, but when you start asking those same questions to teachers at your school, well I think it’s crossing a bit of a line.
- Continuity of storyline…on GLEE? Yup. The return of Mike Chang’s parents. Ok, it totally didn’t fit into the episode and you just know more of these scenes were left on the cutting room floor, but I’ll take what I can get.
- Everything ‘West Side Story’ was fantastic (with the exception of Puck’s hair…seriously, it’s a mohwak, how did they manage to make it look bad?). There was a part of me that thought the West Side Storyline (you see what I did there?) was going to play out for at least half the season. So to have it done and over by episode five bummed me out a bit. But what we were treated to was really wonderful. The music. The staging. I would have loved to be in the audience to see the whole McKinley High production. (Especially if you let me sit next to new Warbler, Sebastian.)
- Please let there be more Santana/Rachel duets in the future. Me gusta!
- I got lots of emails, tweets and Tumblr questions about this new, handsome Warbler. He is a dastardly bloke with fantastic taste in men. I dare say Blaine Anderson might have been a bit overwhelmed by the blatant attention of Sebastian. I’m not 100% convinced he hated Sebastian’s eagerness. Hell, I’m not even 50% convinced. But don’t worry your Klaine loving hearts, the young man makes it quite clear where his heart is. Although I knew Sebastian was going to be introduced in this episode, I didn’t expect him to get as much screen time as he did. That’s not a complaint. You’ve seen Grant Gustin, right?
- Blaine returns to Dalton Academy for the first time since his transfer, and I must say, watching him walk down that famous spiral staircase made me a bit nostalgic. While I’m happy that Blaine decided to be with Kurt at McKinley, he and I both missed those boys in the blazers. Big moment for Warbler Nick, played by Curt Mega, who took over for lead vocals from Blaine. And cheers to Warbler Jeff (Riker Lynch) for continuing Blaine’s legacy of dancing on furniture. All that was missing was some papers thrown randomly in the air and it would have been a true Warbler performance. Oh Yeah!
- If we hadn’t already been spoiled by the confirmation that Rachel and Finn would have had sex by the end of the episode, I might have though RIB played a little bait and switch on us. Let’s just say their first attempt at turning up the romance was squashed by the deadly combination of Rachel’s self absorption and her big mouth.
- It was good to see Dave Karofsky back , but don’t expect to see him Bully Whipping around the halls of McKinley any time soon. Dave decided to transfer out for his senior year to avoid any potential rumors. Max Adler and Chris Colfer shared a nice scene that had me wishing there was an opportunity to further explore a Kurtofsky (is that the right name? I can’t keep up with you kids) friendship. Who knows. Maybe the writers will make it happen.
- There were a few moments that had me reaching for the tissues. Yes, I got a bit emotional, but I wasn’t the only one. Blaine struggled a bit in one scene, and Coach Beiste let the tears flow more than once. I must say that Dot Marie Jones is fantastic in this episode and in this role in general. She took what could have been a one-sided joke of a character and made her one of the most interesting and special characters on the show. Next to Burt, she’s my favorite adult on GLEE.
- Finn really showed his romantic side. He had big plans that Rachel all but squashed. Oh Rachel.
- On Kurt Hummel’s bucket list: ‘Become CEO of Logo’; ‘Arrive at school in a hot air balloon’; ‘Get into Julliard’; ‘Attend a circuit party on Fire Island’ (Note: I had to look that one up on Wikipedia, and I must say…go Kurt!). And yeah, our boy had a fantasy involving a Twilight star. Any guesses?
- In case there was ever a doubt of my love and devotion to all things Klaine, please know that I was glued to Twitter and Tumblr “that night” like the rest of you. But it’s only fair to warn you that ALL that was allegedly filmed in the car didn’t necessarily make it into the episode. I don’t know if I will ever pray hard for deleted scenes in my life.
- Loved the addition of Eric Bruskotter as the Ohio State recruiter who is more interested in Coach Bieste than her football players. Looking forward to seeing him around more. (And a total 80’s throwback moment for me. Bruskotter will always be Big John from ‘Can’t Buy Me Love’!)
So that’s what I got for you at the moment. You can bet that I’ll be watching the episode again this weekend, and if I stumble across anything worth sharing, I’ll be sure to update @GMMRtv over on Twitter. The comments are open for your thoughts, and as always I’ll be scanning the questions you ask here and over at @GMMRtv. I can’t promise you that I’ll be able to answer, but we’ll see…
One Last NOTE: we love that you want to share these teasers with other GLEE fans, but please be respectful and share the link back to this post rather than copy and pasting the information as a whole into forums and on Tumblr. Even when you add a link back to the source, it’s kind of not cool. Sorry, had to get that out there
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Thank you Kath! Could you confirm whether there’s kissing shown between Klaine during the ‘sex’ scene? There’s been conflicting reports…
Thanks for the great teaser post, Kath! Much appreciated and enjoyed as always
I have a question if you can answer without spoiling too much. I’m hoping that the choice to be intimate gives us both Kurt’s and Blaine’s points of view? Do the boys talk things through together? We see Finn and Rachel getting outside advice in the promo but it didn’t look like Kurt and Blaine had anyone but each other.
Thanks for sharing! Don’t like the part about Blaine and Sebastian.
I find the new Warbler annoying and not worthy of the blazer. What Kurt and Blaine have is so lovely, I hope this episode does them justice, no regrets, just love, and that they are not headed for trouble.
Does Rachel apologize for ruining it? is it that bad?
Thank you for this Kath! Can’t wait for this episode. Can you tell us if there is dialogue at all when Blaine and Kurt are kissing in the car?
Oh Klainers!
I want to be careful in answering some of these questions because I want you to enjoy your “First Time” with this episode. But seeing that Michael Ausiello answered so blatantly I don’t mind bending the rules a teeny tiny bit.
There is no kiss during the final intimate moments with Kurt and Blaine…but honestly, you won’t care.
Is there anything that continues Klaine’s beautiful handholding motif?
@Emily – Rachel does apologize. She was SO in the wrong. She needed to apologize. In the end, Finn does forgive her. And how! HA!
Thanks for your report, but it is evident that you have bias. It makes me sad cause I always read your stuff. I have been waiting for Finn and Rachel for two + years, and there are two sentences in your write up among the 100+ dedicated to klaine. Could you provide a little more perspective as your write up has me worried about Finn and Rachel. Any more on their dialogue and how does Rachel always ruin everything? Thank you!
does it have something to do with her response to Finn’s question “why now” in the promo?
@Kath Skerry Aw I hope you’re right! I would’ve loved for them to kiss during that scene. Especially as we don’t get an I love You either.
Yes, I’ve seen Grant Gustin and I still think he is a waste of screen time.
I am wondering if you could tell us if we get an on screen resolution of the issue that appears for Klaine (am trying to keep it vague but you know what I mean)? I am just anxious that after BIOTA where we had none, we get an on screen talk here. Thanks!
oh I have fun question! What’s Blaine’s bedroom like?
@Micky – I hear ya…and yes, I’m a bit more of a Klaine shipper and have a bias, but aren’t you showing your own bias re: Finchel? Fairs fair
The Finn/Rachel stuff was great, please don’t take my lack of excitement about them as anything but…however, these two have been a couple for quite some time (and a number of different times since s1) so we have had other times to explore various levels of intimacy between the two. I’m not anti-Finchel, but the Kurt and Blaine stuff is just a bit different.
But more Finchel stuff? What if I told you Finn had a whole vision of how his first time with Rachel would be, and he has no problem sharing that with her. It’s really sweet and as a Finchel fan, you’ll like it.
Please, tell us more about Kurt’s scenes. Has he other scenes than with Blaine, Karovsky and Sebastian? Is there any Kurt and Burt scenes? And, please, tell us what Kurt is wearing during his first time. Thank you.
Equal opportunity, Kath! You spilled what Blaine was wearing during the First Time. What about Kurt??
So I’m guessing both couples get equal screen time and ends on a good note for both couples. What are Finn and Rachel wearing?
@Maggie – Yes, both couples get equal screen time and their relationships get treated EQUALLY! It was perhaps the single BEST thing about this episode. Two teen guys having sex and there wasn’t a hint of after school special about the episode at all.
The only time I could see what Finn was wearing during the montage was early on…and he was still sporting his jeans.
could you possibly share with us what Kurt is wearing for his ‘first time’?????
You told us Blaine’s wearing a wife beater in their final scene. What about Kurt? Also some kind of wife beater situation?
Is the duet of Tonight shown in the actual play or just in rehearsal?
Any way you could tell us who the exact performers of America are? Please?
please tell me – do we get any passionate klaine kisses or are they all chaste? also, do they use condoms (klaine). THANK YOU!
any klaine kisses that are more than pecks?
I guess what I really want to know is…does Blaine still sport a “gel-met” or does his hair get loose a little?
yes, please answer if there are any passionate klaine kisses. i am a little bummed that there are apparently no sex kisses and the car scene is just a peck. :0( please let me know if i should prep for disappointment on tuesday. i want something at least as passionate as in Original Song!
i asked these on tumblr but i figured i’d bring them here:
01. it seems like blaine says a lot of sweet things to/about kurt. does kurt have any similar lines to/about blaine? (just a yes or no is totally sufficient, i’m good with having some surprises!)
02. i read an unsourced but amusing spoiler on tumblr earlier that referenced kurt bringing supplies for their first time, including one item that blaine maybe found surprising? can you confirm or deny? :D?
thanks for being so good-natured in the midst of all this insanity. <3
Hi Kath! Can you tell us if Blaine gets a voiceover in the episode?
I’d like to know what Kurt is wearing in the most intimate scene of the episode, if you are able to spoil it! Thank you!
Like those above me, I’m a little curious about how chaste the “Klaine” kisses are. Is there an obvious discrepancy between the way Finchel kiss and the way Klaine do?
What do we have to do to find out what Kurt is wearing (or not wearing) at the end?
one more thing — does blaine’s remark about kurt’s layers come at the beginning of the ep or at the end? thanks!
Thanks SO much for sharing all of this. Do Klaine and Finchel have similar passion or do they show more of the Finchel passion in their kisses.
Is Kurt going to punch Sebastian like CC wanted?
thank you for gently letting me down about the alleged backseat of the car scene. i won’t be as disappointed come tuesday night. what a bummer!!
such a finn-stan..sigh
Any chance of a little bit more info on the Rachel/Santana duet. please xx.
Thanks for answering some questions. I know this might sound weird but a lot of the complaints with Finn and Rachel from people who don’t like them is that they seem really awkward together when kissing or that their kissing is pretty chaste. I know you like Klaine better but I am curious if you thought that the Finchel making out was passionate or not? Thanks
My love of Klaine doesn’t take away from my love of Finchel
Lots of sweetness and passion from Rachel and Finn. A whole range of smooches from sweet to sexy.
It’s from WSS. Fox has already released the music. Head over to and you can listed for yourself.
When you make the video unviewble to other countries… it’s kind of not cool. Sorry, had to get that out there.
How does the auditorium scene go down between Kurt and Blaine? Can you expand a bit on that scene?
Do Kurt and Blaine seem like a happy, healthy couple? Are we left worried about their future. Any hand holding?
Is the Shelby-Puck cliffhanger dealt with? Did you notice any Quick moments?
No. Other than snippets from WSS, it’s really Finchel, Klaine and Coach Beiste/Big John (ok his name is Cooter or something, but I’m going to call him BIg John). No Shuck (ok these names are getting insane but someone emailed me that one today and I laughed) and no Quick.
Is Blaine’s underage drinking addressed at all? He also got pretty plastered in Blame It On the Alcohol.
I’m sorry. I can’t stand Blaine. Ever since he came to McKinley he has taken over everyone else’s spot on the show. Chris doesn’t get to be focused on when he is the favorite and true star of this show in a lot of people’s including my opinion. They have ruined the show for me by focusing on Blaine and not enough on characters like Finn, Burt, Kurt and Sue. What happened to Sue> Blaine needs to go and bring Karofsky back for goood. That actor is better than Darren Criss. Darren Criss makes me sick.
Darren Criss makes me a LOT of things…sick is not one of them
Please don’t look at my avatar…uh oh…ill.
(Just joking with you. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion on GMMR even if it greatly differs from mine
Deborah I agree with you 100 percent. He is cute, but that is it. He is just so boring. There is nothing to his character. They either need to give him something to do to make him interesting, or send him back to Dalton. Im sorry DC/Klaine peeps. Glee better give him better so that I can actually like him. He just doesn’t do anything for me. He is very cute though.
Please, please answer this! When did Kurt write his bucket list??
Seriously this sounds so boring. Except America and the Rachel/Santana duet. Let’s move on to episode 6.
How many kisses do Finchel and Klaine have? And do Finchel kiss during the act or no?
I read on some other site who saw the episode, I think it was tv done wright or something who said that this episode is one of the worst this season and felt like season 2. Would you agree with that? They also said the love scenes for both couples were extremely tame and almost a blink and you miss it sort of thing. I know it was just one review, but would you agree with it?
So excited for Finchel. Rachel ruins things?! That’s so sad. But at least they do it at the end. This ep is going to be a complete roller coaster!
This is going to be so exciting.
BRING ON TUESDAY! (Well really Wednesday morning for me, being British and all!)
Is Kurt going to punch Sebastian like spoilers have suggested?
Does Klaine wake up in the same bed after the gay bar scene?
Felt the same about Pot of Gold It was ok. Kind of slow and uninteresting.
Very much appreciate your teasers for First Time and I’m elated for this epi for the Finchel and Klaine interactment. Lots of “ahem” lessons learned. I know Finn knows Rachel more than anyone and he’ll forgive her. But the best thing about this episode is not just the sex but the conversations and the emotional attachments each couple shares an enormous character growth and emotional awakening in each of them. Furthermore I love the storyarcs for this season and here is a big one Finn and what he wants to do in his future. I ubderstand he gets disappointing news and now knows that Rachel will be by his side through his self discovery. Thanx for the info appreciate it!!!! A major Gleefan here
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