HARRY'S LAW Scoop: HAVEN's Emily Rose to Guest Star - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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HARRY’S LAW Scoop: HAVEN’s Emily Rose to Guest Star

November 16, 2011 by  

HAVEN’s season may be over, but that doesn’t mean series star Emily Rose will be off our televisions for long — Give Me My Remote has confirmed that Rose will appear in an upcoming episode of HARRY’S LAW.

So what can you expect from her guest spot on the show?

Rose will play Natalie Dupree, a woman who wants to adopt a gorilla that has escaped from a local zoo. To get some assistance in the matter, she reaches out to see if Harry will represent her case.

The story will play out in the 11th episode of the season. However, due to NBC’s recent scheduling changes, it does not have an air date at this time.

Adding to the nerdy good news? That same episode also features former SMALLVILLE star Erica Durance as a woman who takes on the persona of Wonder Woman. (Durance’s casting news was first reported by TVLine.)

Are you excited to see Rose on HARRY’S LAW?

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