BONES Recap: 'The Crack in the Code' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES Recap: ‘The Crack in the Code’

January 13, 2012 by  

We’ve talked about this before; BONES, at its core, is a story of redemption. Season 3 started with the introduction of a serial killer that rocked the team to the core — but the first episode of that season ended with Booth and Brennan (albeit professionally in some ways) agreeing that they were the center…and the center must hold.

As the team now finds themselves caught in a web of dangerous intrigue, one thing is sure — B&B are the center. Whether they were always the center and holding or are once again the center (for one another at least) is another argument for another day. The point is this…in broad terms, Booth was a loner and Brennan was an orphan, and over the years, they have found a home in one another and in their partnership. In this week’s episode they found a physical house to live in — one that represents their center, their single life shared. They will likely be forced to lean on one another emotionally, physically and mentally as this case continues, but I, for one, have not been as excited about BONES like this in a long time. So let’s get to it! Starting with…


The Scene of the Crime: The episode begins as a snobby tour guide gives a tour to potential tour guides at the American Heritage Museum. But the potential guides are disgusted when a statue of Abraham Lincoln is defaced with a bloody message and part of a human skeleton. “Where is the rest of me,” the blood reads, and when Brennan, Cam, Hodgins and Booth examine the scene, Brennan figures out that the spine portion of the victim was dismembered and reconstructed. “He’s sending us a message,” she declares.

The Victim: Inger Johannsen, an innocent woman from Denmark who was visiting the US. She has no connection to the killer, except that she was convenient at the time of her death. Her identity is not meaningful to the case, but her remains are, as the killed embedded code on her spine and also wrote malware, or a worm, on her bone — effective enough to destroy a lot of the Jeffersonian’s technology systems.

Potential Suspects and Motives: Booth and Sweets first speak with Sam, a museum security guard with a record. He’s innocent, but he does know spots within the museum that escape the security camera. Booth gets to the spot and finds a homemade laser pointer-used to fry the museum’s security camera. It’s very high-tech, and that, combined with the physical dismemberment of the victim, lead Sweets to determine they are dealing with a vain killer with high intelligence. The blood on the victim is determined to be that of five FBI agents — blood donated at a local blood drive. When Sweets researches people who fit the profile and might have motive against the FBI, he lands on Christopher Pellant, a self-titled hacktivist who is on ankle-monitored parole for hacking into the Senate website and the Department of Defense’s network. Pellant states he could not have committed the murder.

Meanwhile, Booth and Caroline are annoyed at the FBI building by a newspaper reporter, Ezra Krane. He wants information, and his name also pops up at various points in the case. Hodgins and Angela crack the killer’s code and lead Booth and Sweets to an address in the justice department archive. The rest of the remains are there, along with several files of incriminating information — each one showing a current FBI informant having gotten away with serious crime. When Krane gives a press conference about that information, and it’s revealed that Krane was trying to write a story about corruption at the FBI, Booth accuses him of killing Inger in order to have a sellable story. Krane has no alibi, but is brutally murdered soon after.

All signs point to Pellant, who continues to point to the impossibility of the situation. He has motive, he has means, and the team needs to figure out his opportunity.

The Lab Results: Wendell and Brennan examine the bones while Hodgins and Angela work on cracking the codes the killer has left for them. After a failed experiment, the murder weapon is revealed to be a bang stick — creating the effects of a gunshot but with no bullet. Inger and Krane are killed with the same weapon.

The Verdict: All of the evidence is at their fingertips, but the entire team is dealing with someone who is at least one step ahead of them. The audience sees Pellant working with what could be dangerous materials (surely outside of his parole terms) in his house, but with the exception of house arrest, he is a free man.

My Verdict: Creepy as heck and awesome. It’s been a long time since a case intrigued me like this one, and it’s not over. What did you think about it?


Each member of the team was used well in this episode. I really liked the way Wendell and Brennan worked together in the lab, and toward the end of the episode, when he was respectfully casing up Inger’s bones, it reminded me of earlier seasons when Brennan was so meticulous with respect for human remains.

Hodgins was almost electrified with the notion of cracking the code. Angela used her skills and machines perfectly to determine cause of death. My favorite (except for the end scene) line of the night was Hodgins telling her, “Crappy date night; excellent crime solving.” Loved it!

Cam’s forensic pathology skills were used at the crime scenes and when she realized that Krane’s body was likely destined for cremation — meaning destruction of evidence.

Caroline was perfectly edgy and mean toward criminals and perfectly edgy and nice toward the people she likes. By people, I mean Booth, but still. It always makes me laugh when she gushes about how nice it is when Booth roughs up bad guys.

A case like this is certainly up Sweets’ mental alley, and I can see him becoming even more and more intrigued. Alas, his concentration was swayed by his attempts to find Daisy the perfect birthday gift. His purchase of a powder blue Vespa at an auction gives Booth an idea about where he and Brennan might find a place to live.


I like that Pellant is a threat to both Booth and Brennan in terms of his skill sets; that will be very fascinating, and I hope the writers delve into it without causing any harm whatsoever to B&B.

I already said a lot at the beginning of this post in terms of Brennan and Booth and their relationship over time and in the context of this episode. Basically, for the first time since episode 99, I actually felt like they were together and on the same page communication and relationship-wise. Not that they were together in episode 99, of course… I’m just saying it’s been a journey for sure, and for me, it finally feels like they are really together. I liked that Booth bought into Brennan’s anthropological description of vanquishing previous tenants from their mighty hut, and that they continued to call their future place “the mighty hut.” Very sweet and very them.

When she said the house Booth picked out was perfect, when she said she could see the bones of the house and imagine it whole…when she declared they could plant a cherry blossom tree outside the baby’s window, and when she praised Booth for finding their home, and when Booth’s enthusiasm grew, almost as if he needed her permission to truly love it, I teared up.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth telling people to start watching BONES from the beginning — if the story  is worth their time. I’ve been watching so long that I’m in it for the long haul. Tonight’s episode and the final moments, with Booth saying “We have a home,” getting kicked by his soon-to-arrive baby girl and Brennan declaring happily, “I think she’s trying to tell you that she likes her room”…it made me smile like in the older episodes that were so full of promise. It made me think, “Okay, yes…this story of a man and a woman and the redemption they have found in one another is good again.”

Just my opinion, of course, but I hope it lasts.

Okay, enough from me! What do you think? Is this THE scariest villain in BONES history?

Filed under Bones


53 Responses to “BONES Recap: ‘The Crack in the Code’”

  1. Jillian on January 13th, 2012 1:16 am

    I love the episode. Everything was perfect.

  2. Julie on January 13th, 2012 1:18 am

    LOVED THE EPISODE! I totally agree with everything. Perfect balance of being creeped out by the case but totally charmed by the characters- especially B&B.

    I don’t know if this guy is scarier than Howard Epps… yet. Epps still gives me goosebumps when I rewatch those episodes. Excited to see how it all plays out though!

  3. E on January 13th, 2012 1:23 am

    Really good episode, and for me, the best of the season. Felt like the old Bones except that it was Brennan lite, which I understand due to ED’s pregnancy. Since she is why I watch the show, I guess I really notice her absence.

    Killer is creepy and, hopefully, will be a good storyline. I was happy that there was not a lot of silly scenes.

    My hope is that the show returns with good cases and B & B working together again.
    Would love to see Booth in lab scenes again.

  4. Linda on January 13th, 2012 1:32 am

    As a fan who as watched Bones since day one, tonight’s episode made me very happy. It just reminded me of the show i fell in love with, and in my opinion, has been absent since the 100th episode. And now we have the added dimension of Booth and Bones together with a little Baby Bones on the way! Great case, great new creepy villain, nobody teaching Brennan a lesson, Brennan not being clueless but the genius she is, the Jeffersonian family together and working as a team…. Like I said, I am happy!! Now if we could just get Booth back in the lab, I’d be even happier. As usual, great review Sarah!

  5. K on January 13th, 2012 1:36 am

    Ithink this is the first episode I’ve enjoyed since the 100th episode. I was getting so tired of the dull episodes. Is it too much to hope that this will be continued when Bones returns. I hope the return of the intelligent and thought provoking writing will continue. I was actually really starting to hate the Brennan must learn a lesson episodes we were presented with week in and week out. I was becoming disenchanted with this entire show, boring case of the week and disconnected Booth and Brennan slapped together relationship.

    The reason I fell in love with this show was it used to have a strong well written female lead,with an interesting cast to balance that out and cases that I felt connected to while watching. That has been missing from this show for far too long. This episode,I felt that connection again and it made me really miss the older episodes of this series. I hope the writers return to this type of episode and leave the predictable episodes in the discard pile in the writer’s room at Fox.

  6. ToZiKa on January 13th, 2012 2:16 am

    I really liked it and I especially agree with what you wrote about B&B and their relationship.
    What I’ve really been missing in all of that baby-/relationship-/house buying – talks is Parker.
    I get that they can’t have them there all the time. Kid actor and all that stuff. But they could mention him. He hasn’t been mentioned for ages. He’s gonna be a big brother, his dad moved in with Bones and is now buying a house with her and he’s not mentioned once?
    How did he react to the news of his future sister?
    Is he okay with it? Jealous because she’ll get to live with their dad all the time? Not bothered because he started taking drugs and is high all the time?

  7. Sara on January 13th, 2012 5:16 am

    ToZiKa: Parker’s been mentioned TWICE this season, in episodes 3 & 4. He’ll reappear in the spring.

    Fantastic episode, that’s all I can say. More Brennan would’ve been great, but it was still amazing. Probably the best episode since S5. Let’s hope the ratings will reflect the quality of the episode.

  8. andrea on January 13th, 2012 7:02 am

    Really good-this Christopher Pellant guy is really keeping the group on their toes much like Howard ‘Epps; with his clues and riddles they have to solve. As for the house, a lot can be done in six weeks. Booth said they would get it in liveable condition-they’ll make it perfect over time. Loved how Brennan looked at Booth and the end when she told him he found their home. Had to rewatch that part several times. You could see how much she loved and trusted him and how Booth loved her and her reaction to the house. Thumbs up for me! Now the really long wait until March begins.

  9. ProfeJMarie (Janet Rundquist) on January 13th, 2012 8:19 am

    One thing that Bones has been consistent in is strong, tight episodes that surround a serial killer or similar. Epps, Gormogon, Gravedigger, Broadsky… I have always enjoyed those episodes the most because they are fast-paced and almost always show constant clues that demand everyone in the team. This one was no different. And related to that thought, I was thinking about how Brennan is unhappy — or ruffled, anyway — about the idea that Booth suggests Pellant *might* be smarter than she is. And ultimately, the fact is that while Pellant might be smarter than any individual on the Bones team, he will not be smarter than all of them put together, and THIS is why the serial killer-type episodes work so well. The mentality in the writing that goes into writing this kind of arc seems to change and the team aspect wins as a result.

    Some highlights for me, in no particular order:

    Love that Caroline still has the Gremlin. Love it.

    Agree that this case is a good one for Sweets. Got a kick out of him throughout this whole ep and his Daisy present thing. Actually, liked how the Daisy mini-side story and the house story figured into the hour – although I didn’t see any connection to the case (which I love best when the themes work together so strongly), I liked how those stories carried their thread throughout without taking too much attention from the primary case storyline.

    I like how neither Booth nor Brennan (for the most part) were thrown by any part of the case. I love calm, confident, cocky B/B. Loved how this smart villain kept them on a chase from clue to clue. I like that we’ll see more of this in future eps.

    I am not one to believe in bringing Zack back to the show at all… but I can’t have been the only to think of him with that code. I think the talk of Hodgins’ grandfather as a codebreaker was a little forced, and might have been to distract us from thinking of Zack… but it might have been better to not give any excuse at all as to why Hodgins was into cracking the code. He has multiple degrees and Angela has the technology skills… it doesn’t seem odd to me at all that those two would be the primary members to work on it.

    And this brings me to another question… when Pellant admits to pieces of the crime – such as saying that he knew Hodgins would especially like the code — wouldn’t that have been enough to keep Pellant in direct custody, at least for a little while?

    Great experiment… loved the kid-like “you know what this means” when Hodgins and Wendell decide they should do an experiment, love the prep, and love the return of Cam and her reactions to it all.

    Loved how Booth worked out how to get Brennan to initially agree to his idea about buying a criminal’s house. Agree that their subsequent reference to their mighty hut is a nice sign of their togetherness. Also loved how he responded to Brennan when he saw her initial reaction – he knew it could have been a bad idea, but took the risk – which is very Boothy – but recognized that the gamble might have been a bad one. And then – Bones’ reference to the bones of the house? Lovely. Booth’s subsequent excitement? Also lovely. The only thing missing from that conversation? Mention of Parker. I have no problems that we haven’t been seeing him, but there are a couple of key places where his name really should be dropped. In this case, that he would have a room, too.

    Agree that the togetherness of Booth and Brennan in this episode felt natural and real. Love this.

    Very nice for a “winter finale”– to end on their strongest episode yet this season. I have a good feeling for post-pregnancy episodes and I will try to wait patiently through this hiatus. 😀

  10. Owl on January 13th, 2012 8:50 am

    So last night I went to bed, and I was OK with the episode. This morning I woke up loving it.

    First of all: docent training at a conglomeration of the National Museum of American History and the American Art museum: YES. Especially as a former intern of the former, who went through part of that training… I loved that opening.

    The theme of easy vs right is still there (woohoo!). Easy: someone other than Pellant (the journalist) was the killer. Right: Pellant.

    There was amazing symbolism in the house’s condition. Brennan, at her core, is someone who does not see the surface. She looks at the skeletons, the structure, of everything, to base her facts on. In a way, I felt like Brennan’s confirmation of loving the skeleton of the house was, in a way, telling Booth that she knows who he is (just like that scene in Two Bodies in the Lab where she read his xrays and interpreted it as he saved someone). Plus, a cherry tree outside the baby’s window? Anyone else catch the Anne of Green Gables allusion?

    Case-wise, I think this is going to be a serial killer that will help Angela shine in a way she hasn’t in a while. She’s their computer expert, but is the exact opposite of the stereotypical computer expert, which makes it all the more interesting. Overall, the case was fantastic. I figured out it was Pellant pretty early (his first appearance, as nobody else mentioned that the victim was female in any of the interviews with the characters). The experiment was fun. Hodgins shone, although, like ProfeJMarie said, I missed Zack (and I’m not a proponent of bringing him back, either… but I also felt the grandfather thing was forced) when it came to breaking the code. OH, and Caroline was quite fun.

    My only wish was that the tone was more even throughout the episode, but the murderer… isn’t… serious? I guess that’s what makes it even stranger for me. It should be interesting. I can’t wait to see where this story leads.

    Did I laugh? Yes. Caroline was in the episode, and the boys had a Mythbusters moment. Did I cry? No… but I was emotionally taken with the case. Did I think? Yes, I did, and now I really, really want to know what the bad guy was building at the end.

  11. Monica (@texmex327) on January 13th, 2012 9:58 am

    LOVED last night’s episode. The new threat is the perfect mix of creepy & intellegent that we hadn’t seen since the gravedigger. The thing is Booth knows that this is his guy and unfortunately, he can’t touch him.

    The experiment cracked me up- especially when Hodgins told Wendall to check on the spam filled body.

    Caroline & the reported going at it was awesome.

    I’ll admit, I squeed like a little girl when I saw the enthusiasm in Booth’s eyes when they were talking about the room & the baby. I just hope that they don’t forget about Parker in this whole process, he is after all – a part of the family as well.

    I am intrigued by the story, but bummed that we have to wait so long to see a new episode. But oh well.

  12. StephV725 on January 13th, 2012 10:55 am

    I loved this episode. Absolutely, completely, wholeheartedly loved it.
    Pellant is EASILY as creepy as Epps. Maybe more so. Messing with technology can be a very dangerous thing with so many institutions, as well as people relying on it. As proven with the way he was able to so easily reroute that truck and the way he wrote the worm on the bone and not only crash the Angelator, but overheat it to the point of starting a fire. Creepy, creepy stuff! But, perhaps the creepiest was the way he had B&B’s name circled in those cutouts.
    I loved Booth securing the perfect house/mighty hut for his family, and how Brennan recognized how great it will be from it’s bones. Well played, writers, well played.
    My only complaint is that Pellant basically admitted that he had done it, but he was set free because of his house arrest monitor. Then showing the montage at the end, I’m pretty sure that was his house…Didn’t they have enough to get a search warrant?? Or at least enough to hold for further questioning? If the man can write a worm on a bone, and make a home made laser pointer strong enough to take out a national security system, then surely an ankle monitor would be easy enough for him to control and manipulate?

  13. TRex on January 13th, 2012 12:27 pm

    I think finding the “perfect” derelict house was a total cop out on BB’s issues about money and masculinity.
    Then again, their journey may be sweet but the storytelling has been nothing but cop outs, including the BB baby inception.

  14. andrea on January 13th, 2012 1:19 pm

    I disagree with TRex. I don’t think finding the house was a cop out! That house was huge and yes it looks horrible now, but when Booth and Bones put the money and time into renovation it-it’s going to be a showplace! Look at the wood molding, wood floors and all the character older homes have; I think it’s a perfect solution-it’s affordable which is what Booth wanted and Brennan will be able to use her considerable fortune to finance the renovations making it into a million dollar home. Also in regards to “masculinity”, Booth was the one to find the home and you know he will probably assist Wendall in the renovations. So it’s a win win.

  15. TRex on January 13th, 2012 1:36 pm

    It’s a “perfect” cop out in the sense that Booth didn’t have to confront his issues/insecurities about Brennan’s wealth because he found the perfect house and gets to fix it up, which on TV (not in real life for anyone who has dealt with contractors) is even better than just moving into a nice house to begin with. All this because Booth needed the 50/50 deal. Would he think less of Brennan if he earned more and she couldn’t contribute equally? Would he live in a cheaper house for Parker and the unborn baby if she had little money but still insisted on paying half?

    Brennan’s worldly success was a point of contention with Booth since season 1. But back then, the show dealt with it by giving Booth different strengths while admitting he had issues. Now we’re supposed to see those issues as charming “Boothiness.” I personally don’t like.

    It is a weird, weird world when Big Bang Theory has a more progressive perspective on gendered expectations of marriage, career and family.

  16. Swingline on January 13th, 2012 3:23 pm

    This is a simple case. Only one guy has the talent to pull it off. Setup a physical stakeout to catch him violating parole. Otherwise, a fair Bones episode.

  17. Jillian on January 13th, 2012 4:29 pm

    @TRex What gives you the idea that Booth has insecurities about Brennan’s money? He has never been insecure about her money. Even earlier this season, when she has to brag that she has more money than him and rubs it in her face, he doesn’t care. I think he accepts and respects that she makes more money than him, but he also doesn’t want feel like he’s living off her and wants to feel like he contributed a little to providing a house for his family. Booth has always been very alpha male even in previous seasons. Yeah…he never really cared about how much money she had, but also think that when it involves his family, he would want to contribute.

  18. Elle22 on January 13th, 2012 4:52 pm

    I LOVED the episode last night!
    Completely taken with it because it wasn’t all about the murder but about the who’s and why’s behind it…setting up a really nice serial case. I do agree with most that it was easy to put together the fact that an ankle monitor wouldn’t keep him in the house and he says things that would have been enough to keep him for awhile, in my opinion. Such as the code on the bone, the fact that she was a female, etc were not mentioned anywhere else.

    Honestly, at first I was upset with the way the pregnancy story unfolded, it took me awhile to like the “skipping the moonlighting” aspect and I see now how all the intimacy (though fun to see!) would have taken away from their storyline and relationship…we do get to see a snippit of it in season 6 finale when Max was all “you two are being polite…are you fighting?” <–hahaha. I do like to see how this is unfolding and am excited to see their characters intertwine on this level.
    I really wish that they would continue having the snippy, rational, genius Brennan compared to the geeky, needs to learn a lesson, doesn't understand humor one that they've been showcasing since Hannah. I rewatched the pilot and she is soooo different in those early episodes that I really hope when the baby is born that we'll see it more…
    Also, really want to see her and Angela as friends more…like hanging out with the kids kind of stuff…not details really, just hints that they have a real friendship.

    I can't believe we have to wait until March though…poo.

  19. Jillian on January 13th, 2012 4:54 pm

    Also, I wonder if people’s reaction to Booth putting a down payment on a house would have been different if the 100th and Hannah never happened. People have been very vocal about how this show is sexist and how much they hate Booth. I think part of it is just because they hate Booth. I have been all over forums and blogs since before the 100th and I don’t remember ever seeing a Booth vs Brennan debate before the 100th. The Booth vs Brennan debate was completely brought on by the 100th. Then Hannah happen and that didn’t help for many Brennan-lovers who blamed Booth for not running after Brennan after she rejected him. Then the season six finale happened and we never really got any explanation about Booth and Hannah. I just think maybe if the 100th and Hannah never happened…and the season six finale happen and Brennan got pregnant in season five, I think people would have a very different opinion of Booth putting a down payment on a house.

  20. kika on January 13th, 2012 5:21 pm

    Oh my God, FINALLY, finally I can say I LOVE IT, in my opinion a great episode, that new killer give me the creeps! I love to watch the team working together, using their skills and getting frustrated when they face a very intelligent criminal. I loved Cam being proactive and in charge, I loved Angie helping Hodgins with the code, I totally loved Booth and Brennan interaction and the fact that in this episode we can see that they are a couple, at least I could see more intimacy, more connection than in the previous episodes.
    Even with that, I think the show are fallen short in the displays of affection department, I mean, just those little kisses in the lips are not enough in my opinion, I want to see them in bed, nothing sexual, just cuddling or talking about the damn case, or in the morning getting up because they had a phone call from work…watching some scenes of them having a dinner together, or what about watching an old movie together, something that makes that romance more real and less out of the screen… This episode was the best one this season, but they need to work a little more in the chemistry between B&B.
    I hope this one is the first of many good new episodes, and I really want the next ones to be better and better, in crescendo… the loyal fans deserve a real pay off, we suffered a lot since the 100th! And there some things that we can not change and really did a great damage to the show and the fans, but if they try a little harder, we could have the Bones we used to love, a show full of intriguing crimes, good chemistry, interesting interactions and showing us the full potential of a bunch of beloved characters.
    Even Sweets was ok last night, or maybe my feeling of renewed hope didn’t notice his annoying intromission, I don’t know.

  21. AJ on January 13th, 2012 6:06 pm

    The serial killer aspect was a season saver for this fan. Pellant is absolutely going to be as good as Epps or the Gravedigger sotry arc. Actually I found my self thinking that Pellant could be Epp’s brother- they look alike, especially in the eyes.

    The positives for me was
    1. Caroline- best damn lines of the season thus far. And her car………..OMG, that is snort like a pig funny. A two hundred dollar phone hanging on her ear and in a car that isn’t worth 900 on the open market. Love it. And I agreee with her “what was Sweets doing with an easter egg on his head.” I’ll take more of her any time.

    2. The whole team is involved and targeted. The killer is familiar with each of their strengths, and most likelly weaknesses. Hodgins was good last night, Angela on top of her game. I just Wendall, and must say that I pray there is some video shorts released to pass the time during the wait for part 2 of the this season to see him and Booth hanging drywall in the new house. God the possibilities.!!!!!!

    3. The story was paced like season 2-3 and 4. It felt like Bones again.

    The negatives::::::

    Someone mentioned it earlier, all interviews of suspects are taped. (Trust me on this, this is my job speaking now), Yes Pellant could be held and a warrant obtained for his residence based on his statements to Booth and Sweets. His serial killer “wall of fame” would be found and he would be charged and tried, even with circumstanctial evidence.

    Now………………I had to roll my eyes and look WAAAAYYYYY past this next stupid and glaring mistake. Booth CAN NOT purchase seized property that is being sold by the government. No Department of Justice employee or contactor can purchase a car,a vespa, a house…….NOTHING. For the love of God, who the hell is doing the research on Bones. It makes the comment made earlier in this string valid. The house selection was a cop out, and not even thought out.

    I enjoyed the feel of B and B in this episode, the genuine response of happiness from Booth when Bones likedthe house was………it was good. Not anywhere near tears good, but it made me feel like they were a couple for a moment. It is a shame this was not carried in the first five episodes. The sudden change in Brennan wanting to stay in the lab cause the “fetus is developing”, and not getting made about Booth putting a down payment on a hut without here even being involved had be scratching my head. Wasn’t it he that told HER “you are not including me….again?”??? Bones being all of a sudden agreeable is horrible continuty for the beginning of this season when so much effort and episodes have centered around money and family issues.

    I am going to swallow the ‘chalk it up’ pill on this one- I am aware that Emily was shooting episode 5 and 6 at the same time, and perhaps she knew she couldn’t keep the pace up.

    It is my sincere hope that the next several episodes of this show flows as well and has a good story line.

    I am concerned, for this one reason. Fox is playing with this show’s schedule BIG TIME. For HH and SN and whoever else has a say so……………..this will seem very choppy if they are unsure when and which episode will be the last to air. Heck they are unsure of how many to film for this season right now. I hope Fox doesn’t screw up the serial killer arc.

  22. SueK on January 13th, 2012 6:13 pm

    Watching this episode felt like coming home after a long, dull trip. Older brother and sister were there, welcoming with open arms. All the younger siblings were excited and there was none of the usual squabbles. We were all together again; one family.

    As rocky and gut wrenchingly bad some (of not most) of this season’s episodes have been perhaps there is a ray of light and hope on the horizon. Not that one episode can redeem 5 ½ weeks of misery (counting The Male in the Mail as only half miserable).

    It was nice to see Cam back in action in and out of the lab. There is a good and interesting case that should involve everyone. I really like the idea of everyone “knowing” who did it. But now thy have to “prove” who did it (Columbo anyone?) Angela and Hodgins had some good moments both together and separately. Sweets was in his element and appeared to be at ease with both Booth and Brennan. Speaking of Brennan, it was nice to not see the robo-Brennan we have been presented with previously. No arguments about staying out of the field. No WTF comments.

    Booth acting like, well, like Booth. Even his apprehension about the house was pure concerned “significant other”ish. He did not NEED Brennan’s validation about the house but he wanted her to at least like it and see the potential. The way Brennan had been treating him most of this season he was geared up for a tongue lashing and disappointment.

    As far as the quibbles regarding the 50/50 financial arraignments. In a relationship where one partner makes slightly or significantly more than the other is never easy and the split is never 50/50 no matter how hard each tries. As far as some are concerned with the apparent atavistic attitude Booth has regarding this matter, if he didn’t he wouldn’t be Booth. He is not of the same generation as those in the “modern” sitcoms. He was raised to believe the man protects the woman (as poorly as this trait was portrayed in The Twist in the Twister) or as wonderfully it was portrayed in Two bodies in the Lab and The Man in the Morgue and many others.

    Regarding Parker. I have a feeling TPTB (AKA the writers) haven’t quite decided how to handle this. Therefore the lack of mention, so far.

    Now we have to wait for 13 weeks for the next installment. Sigh.

  23. Clover on January 13th, 2012 8:06 pm


    No, I don’t think so. I was active in earlier seasons on another forum, and the criticisms about Booth’s “atavistic” attitude being passed off as “charming” have always been there, peaking around season 4. If anything, taking a very informal impressionistic temperature of the forum and fanfiction, it’s the fandom that has gotten more traditional and conventional. (I miss earlier fanfic.) Also, if anything, the show has been more defensive and has been afraid to show Booth as in the wrong since 100th, perhaps for fear of making him like a sap.

    I like Booth the character, doesn’t mean I like everything about him.

  24. Emily on January 13th, 2012 10:21 pm

    Each episode gets better! I love every episode!!! Especially this one! There were some very quotable moments last night! The end scene just made me go “aww” forever. One thing I will miss about Bones that I know won’t ever happen again, are the bar scenes at the Founding Fathers. But that’s the only thing about the show that just… i dont know, makes me sad. I love every aspect of this show and I was THRILLED with last nights! I can;t wait til March!:)

  25. Jillian on January 14th, 2012 1:09 am

    @clover Yeah…they were a few people that were annoyed that Booth was so charming and perfect and some people didn’t like Brennan, but nothing compare and to talking over and over again about how this show is sexist and how much they hate Booth.

  26. Jen on January 14th, 2012 2:09 am

    My first thought at the end of the final scene was, “Bones is back, Baby!”

    I haven’t been this optimistic and happy with the show since episode 99, so when I read your view of the same time frame, I smiled. Wonderful recap!

  27. an on January 14th, 2012 3:37 am

    I’m sticking up for the “haters” (heh, tongue in cheek of course). Maybe the comments weren’t as negative before about the show’s sexism because the show wasn’t as blatant about it. I think blaming the criticism about Booth’s character as an emotional reaction to season 6 is taking the easy way out.

    I agree with above criticisms. The whole smart and successful female actually didn’t know anything about life and love until the love of a good man taught her not to be afraid is a cliche that does a disservice to the earlier versions of BOTH characters. But mostly, yeah, it’s an annoying cliche. I don’t know much about ratings, but even if this cliche is pulling in more viewers compared to earlier seasons, it’s also cost the show its original edge.

    Remember when Bones used to be the procedural that was praised for its wit and fun compared to the CSI formulas? It had edge. Now all the critics treat this show as a USA type popcorn show. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s like Bones is the gold standard for middle brow, generic hour of TV. Come on, for people who analyze this show like it’s Mad Men, you have to admit it’s a back handed compliment. I do think the change of BB from truly idiosyncratic couple into quirky but conventional rom com couple is part of the change. I wish the show had gone out with better stuff.

  28. GG on January 14th, 2012 9:55 am

    Malware printed on a bone seems pretty far fetched, but overall great episode.

  29. E on January 14th, 2012 4:51 pm

    Amazed at how few comments there are here and every site. Even the fan sites are quiet. Ratings are still good but it seems like the on-line fan base has really diminished. Of courses, they may be on twitter.

  30. Jillian on January 14th, 2012 8:02 pm

    @E I think there is a lot of on-line fans. There is just a lot of forums and fansites such as Bonesology, the Lab, Founding Fathers, Bonesspoilersblogspot, Tumblr and Twitter. There all spread out. Of course, the ratings are still very good, so at least Bones is doing something right, even thought fans aren’t very vocal on sites anymore.

  31. FF on January 14th, 2012 10:51 pm

    Wonderful episode this week, and a great way to go out on hiatus on a high note. The things I haven’t been too thrilled about with Bones since 100 – the weird chemistry (or lack thereof) between Booth & Brennan, Brennan having to learn her social skills lesson of the week, and especially the trend towards farcical cases with victims who no one cares about done by killers no one cares about – none of that was here this week.

    The lighthearted nature of Bones has always been what sets it apart from serious procedurals, and I know HH likes to bill his show as a “crimedy”, but episodes like this are what they’re best at. They always knock these darker toned episodes and serial killer arcs out of the ballpark, and this episode is another hit in that regard. Don’t fight what works, Bones!!!!

  32. Jillian on January 15th, 2012 12:43 am

    @an Maybe you can help me out here. If people hate this show so much and think this show is so sexist and cliche, than I why do people continue to stay around and talk about this show 24/7? I mean, if I hated this show so much…I would just move on and talk about a show that I do like.

  33. TRex on January 15th, 2012 11:03 am

    @An, exactly. Bones is now just supposed to be fun. I guess it’s just more disappointing when Bones romanticizes sexist cliches because I thought it was so interesting before. The reviewer mentions the journey and getting there with BB. Seriously, if I knew this is where we were going, I would never have invested.

    But now, @Jillian, for me, Bones is somewhere between actual quality television and the Kardashian Housewives in Jersey, and the entertainment includes the snark factor. There’s a whole new generation of viewers who don’t understand the type of devoted fans I see around here for a tv romance. But I don’t go around judging them either. And weirdly, I don’t feel at all apologetic about picking on Bones because I hold the show runners accountable, compared to how I might eye roll at reality tv but wouldn’t seriously go around criticizing Snookie. Mark of respect, if you will. 🙂
    These are interesting reviews too, especially considering how much of a Booth apologist this fan used to be last season.

  34. JR on January 15th, 2012 12:22 pm

    On a completely superficial level, compared to earlier seasons, the only ones who haven’t lost their looks since the show started are Hodgins and Angela. Booth is looking rough.

  35. Jillian on January 15th, 2012 12:23 pm

    @TRex You didn’t answer my question though. Why do stick around if you think this show is so sexist, cliche and uninteresting? Also, what makes you think Booth is so insecure about Brennan’s money? I’m not trying to be disrespectful, I just want to understand.

  36. sim on January 15th, 2012 8:40 pm

    Loved this last ep & loved the house they’ve picked out mostly because I can see them making it their own.

    Its interesting that Booth’s considered by so many to be sexist for wanting to contribute – didn’t Angela do something pretty similar by asking jack to move out of the chandelier filled mansion? And I totally understand both of them – when I first met my husband I was a waitress and he earned over 100K so I was completely uncomfortable about being ‘taken care of’ by my partner. Seriously why would he want to move into a place that she buys and owns when he’s already taking on faith that the situation with Brennan won’t turn out to mirror the one with Rebecca and Parker … just saying

  37. Jillian on January 15th, 2012 8:48 pm

    Personally, I don’t think Booth buying a house is sexist at all. Booth has always been that guy who wants to take care of his friends and family. What about all those times when he saved Brennan like in “Two Bodies in the Lab” and the first Diggy episode? If you think that Booth buying a house for his family in this episode is so sexist, you might as well say that Booth saving Brennan in those episodes is romanticized sexist cliches because the man saves the woman when she could just save herself-but no one ever complained about that back them. Also, when does Booths seem like he’s insecure about Brennan’s money? Brennan has bragged and rubbed about how she has more money than him so many times before and he never cared. I don’t think he bought the house or wanted to split everything 50/50 because he’s insecure about Brennan’s money or wants control-but because he just wants take care of his family. They were both frustrated at looking for houses and the baby is coming in six weeks, so they needed a house really soon. He saw an opportunity on a house that he thought Brennan would love, so he took a gamble. He’s always been like that. I think was a very Boothy thing to buy a house for his family. I think it would be completely out of character to just let Brennan pay for everything for their family and never chip in.

    I also don’t think it’s a big deal that Booth made a security deposit on a house that he he could get back. It’s not like he already signed the leasing papers and everything. He just secured a house for his family that he could get back.

  38. andrea on January 15th, 2012 11:46 pm

    What JR! Emily Deschanel “hasn’t lost her looks”. She’s still beautiful! I also think David Boreanaz doesn’t look “rough”-he’s still a hottie imo. So “Angela and Jack” aren’t the only ones who have lost their looks, just saying.

  39. andrea on January 15th, 2012 11:46 pm

    meant to say “who haven’t lost their looks”.

  40. sim on January 16th, 2012 12:40 pm

    i’m with andrea – oh and JR – do you look like you did in 2005?

  41. Jasper on January 16th, 2012 11:25 pm

    Yes…………………the internet is fairly quiet concerning this show. I would imagine that there is the now familiar drudge of a feeling for the solid fans that they are going to have months of hiatus to deal with…….again. I know some may want to poh-poh this often discussed topic, but the long breaks do nothing for the fanbase.

    I agree with you Ms Curtis, that this was a stronger episode and it seems like now it takes a serial killer story arc to bring out the talent in the writers pool for Bones. I was taken back with the sudden shift in Brennan’s disagreeable side. Suddenly she is happy staying in the lab- Yet drove head long into a twister to tell Booth he lied. GGeeeeezzzzzzzz. Bottom line for this struggling fan is this: the first five episodes left me so blah about this show that I didn’t even watch the DVR to catch Crackin the Code til this afternoon. I liked it, but that was it. I am not doing what I did years ago, going back a rewatching scenes or the entire show.

    I will agree with others here, Caroline is a breath of fresh air, funny and a joy to watch. I am actually almost accepting Sweets going in the field to be Booth’s partner,……ah almost. Guess there is no choice there is there?

    My favorite in the lab is Wendell. The fact Booth said that he talked to Wendell and they will be getting the house ready made this viewer happy. But alas, it is all in our heads…………………….the season starts again in March or whenever and just like B&B getting together, it all will happen off screen. The house will be perfect, decorated, the baby’s room decked out and a tree planted outside the window. We will get an episode and a baby will be born and then bam……………off screen we lose six weeks and Bones is back in the lab and Booth is working cases and la, la, la la, la…………

    ……………..a year later…….what do we have? A couple made out of the characters that made this show popular (seriously) and most all of it save a few snaps at each other and a few dinner shots at Booth’s apartment, happened in your mind. I’m sorry, it’s not my job to write this show in my mind. I don’t watch TV hoping to not be shown the story.

    So- yell shout, tell me to stop watching ( I have, I record it and remember at some point to watch it), throw stones, but sorry, I am one of those fans that feels cheated.
    Here is my best effort for a positive statement about Bones season seven………….Pellant has been well cast, he rivals Brodskey (no comparison actually and I love Aronld V) the gravedigger and Epps. The actor is tops.

  42. An on January 17th, 2012 1:15 am

    It’s not that Booth insisted on contributing. That’s really putting words in the mouth of the comments that aren’t 100% supportive of Booth. It’s

    1) That he thinks 50/50 *in dollars* is the only way to measure *equality* 2) and like someone mentioned, does that mean Brennan would be less equal if she coulnd’t pay for 50%? 3) no one calls him out on this attitude, it’s just supposed to be all good. Whatever.

    Sorry, but the actors do look older and more tired. I think this works both ways. You can say it adds depth to the characters’ stories or it can add to how tired and belated BB getting together seems.

  43. :( on January 17th, 2012 5:11 am

    If Bones were the one who insisted on the 50 50 split and made Booth feel thoughtless for not agreeing, she would spend the whole episode learning how facts and figures and logic don’t matter as much as the heart. But no, with Booth’s boothy things, we’re just supposed to be touched by what a rare gem of a man he is.

    To be honest, I think it’s just bad writing. If BB did the sensible thing and bought a lovely (and expensive) home and Booth contributed by building a tree house or painting the walls or something, we wouldn’t get this supposedly touching last scene.

    I’m perfectly fine with BB finding redemption in each other (though part of me wonders what contrived lesson this new serial killer is going to introduce). But the show could do a better job showing Booth accepting and learning from Bones and how the family they form is something new and different. Right now, the season 7 vision of happiness just seems like what Booth originally wanted was right all along. BB may be working together for their happiness, and that’s fine. I do see that. But it’s happiness defined by Booth, not a new version that they both discover. I think that’s where the sexist accusations come in. (I personally think the sexism is inherent and inevitable in the show’s middle class American values, but that’s part of what keeps Bones on air I guess. )

  44. Jillian on January 17th, 2012 5:38 pm

    Booth just put down payment on a house, that he could get back. They never actually said how they will pay for the whole house or whose going pay for all the reconstruction. I think Brennan will probably pay for all of that, so I don’t really seen any big deal.

  45. Jillian on January 17th, 2012 5:42 pm

    I would love to know what you think about this, Sarah.

  46. Jillian on January 17th, 2012 6:01 pm

    Really, all that happen was that Booth found a house and they needed a security deposit, so he put down a security deposit, but they still have to pay for the whole house and all the reconstruction (which will probably cost so much more than what Booth put down for a security deposit) and I bet Brennan will pay for all of that. Really, all Booth did was contribute a security deposit for a house that he thought his girlfriend will love.

  47. Clover on January 17th, 2012 10:44 pm

    If Bones were the one who insisted on the 50 50 split and made Booth feel thoughtless for not agreeing, she would spend the whole episode learning how facts and figures and logic don’t matter as much as the heart. But no, with Booth’s boothy things, we’re just supposed to be touched by what a rare gem of a man he is.
    To be honest, I think it’s just bad writing. If BB did the sensible thing and bought a lovely (and expensive) home and Booth contributed by building a tree house or painting the walls or something, we wouldn’t get this supposedly touching last scene.

    –> Agree with everything here.
    BB could have just as well planted a cherry tree together in a nice expensive house in a great area. It would be touching AND logical.
    The whole decrepit house is so contrived for zany! funtimes!

    And the whole contrivance for the sake of accommodating Booth’s outdated need to pay for 50% is just adding to the annoyance. Man up, buy a nice house, then add your own cherry tree. It’s not even that I mind Booth’s outdated attitude, it’s that the show refuses to acknowledge is as anything other than part of his romantic perfect self. Been seeing more and more of Seeley Marty Stu Booth ever since the show just glossed over his anger from season 6.

  48. Jillian on January 18th, 2012 9:46 am

    I just buying a perfect move in ready house wouldn’t touching. Yes…it would be logical, but buying a “fixer upper” is so much more touching and special because they can use their creativity and make it “theirs.” This is television. Not everything has to be realistic completely down to the last detail. I don’t understand…so Booth isn’t supposed to be romantic and perfect and want to provide for his family? And Brennan will probably end up paying for most of the house. Booth just didn’t buy the whole house. But whatever, because no one will answer me.

  49. Jillian on January 18th, 2012 10:02 am

    …and I don’t think Brennan paying for the whole house and Booth just contributes with a can of paint is any better. It would only make Booth look like baby daddy sex toy. She just constantly rubs it in his face that she has more money than him and basically said that she only wanted to move in with him because then she could have sex with him anytime and so he can take care of the baby like he was just her baby daddy sex toy. Nothing more-but I guess it’s also whose shoes you chose to walk in. Personally…I think splitting everything 50/50 is the right way to go.

  50. Jillian on January 18th, 2012 10:20 am

    Also…when she said that “it should be my decision” and how she kept bragging that she has more than him in the first 2 episodes this season. I feel like that if Brennan had her way, that she and the baby would live in this big fancy house and Booth would live in the dog house and she could she call him when she wants to have sex or when the baby diaper’s needs to be change. If he can’t help decide the big decisions, what else is he good for? Sex and changing diapers-but I also think think that Booth should accept and respect that Brennan has more money than him. I think that splitting everything 50/50 is the right way to go. Maybe not split everything exactly even. Maybe Booth pays for the house and Brennan pays for all the repairs and constructions. Sorry, fo all the comments Sarah!

  51. sim on January 18th, 2012 11:46 am

    i’m with you jillian 10%

  52. sim on January 18th, 2012 6:27 pm

    SORRY i meant to type 100 %

  53. jim brown on September 24th, 2012 8:35 am

    This show IS sexist towards men. It a woman’s wet dream. All power is held by women and the men are there to do their bidding. The only time a man is useful or a good guy is when he is bending over backwards to help the women who do not even appreciate them. Its a woman’s fantasy of having their cake and eating it.

    typical feminist desires, treat men like an object because you think women are treated that way. eye for and eye attitudes are not progressive.