BONES PaleyFest 2012 Photos
March 9, 2012 by Marisa Roffman
Did you miss the BONES PaleyFest panel? Take a look at some photos from the Paley Center event…
Which picture is your favorite?
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Filed under Bones, Paley Center, Paley Fest, Photos
those pics are just awesome !! they are the perfect reflection of the panel actually
thank you !
Was the pic 21/55 taken before the Panel? Because I don’t remember Stephen Nathan standing at the podium during the panel..
@xhio – Yep, that was from when he introduced the episode.
Thanks for the beautiful HiRes pictures! But if I have to nitpick… GMMR could use some improvement on the picture browsing interface. Currently the page refreshes every time I click to see the next picture, and then I have to scroll down a bit to get to the picture because the header occupies quite a bit of space. Also, it would be nice to have a thumbnail view for all the pictures, so I can choose to click on the picture I want to enlarge, instead of having to click through all of them (especially when you have 55 of them!). I know this has nothing to do with the journalist side of things, but if you could, please pass along to the IT personnel!
@Fay – Trust me, we’re looking for ways to find a better alternative. Unfortunately, most of the options for putting this many pictures in a single post where it doesn’t need to reload will crash the page because of how amazing you guys are with your interest in the show…we’re trying to find the best alternative so it’s not annoying and yet you can still view them. Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime!
My fave picture is the one with Tamara/Cam, oh that’s right, she wasn’t around.