BONES at Comic-Con 2012 Live-Blog
July 13, 2012 by Marisa Roffman
So I’m guessing a few of you may be excited for Friday’s BONES panel at Comic-Con? (Don’t worry, there is no judging.)
In order to keep you updated with the latest scoop and details from the session, I’ll be live-blogging what happens starting at 1:45 PM PT. Make sure to check back then and keep refreshing as I bring you the latest!
1:55 PM – David Boreanaz (Booth), Emily Deschanel (Brennan) and executive producer Stephen Nathan are introduced. (BONES creator Hart Hanson couldn’t make it for health-related reasons.)
1:57 PM – Will there be some Booth and Brennan sex on the horizon? “How much do you really want to see?” Boreanaz asks, and the audience in the ballroom clearly disagrees..they want to see some on-screen loving.
1:59 PM – “I want to put [Brennan] up on the washing machine and go on it!” Boreanaz jokes. But in all seriousness, he says he thinks the Booth and Brenann coupling was done correctly.
2:00 PM – “Booth can’t take it anymore…I think everybody wants to see him be a bad boy,” Nathan says of Booth’s mindset in the season premiere after being apart from Brennan and Christine for three months.
2:01 PM – Deschanel says she’s never felt more similar to Brennan now that they’re both new mothers.
2:03 PM – “The stakes are higher,” Deschanel says of the new relationship between Booth and Brennan. “Now we’re responsible for a little human being.”
2:04 PM – Boreanaz reiterates that Booth does understand why Brennan what she did…deep down. But he does joke, “She’s gonna pay!”
2:05 PM – “We’ll see it start again for the first episode,” Nathan says, noting the new season will be a bit darker. “Pelant will stay with us through season eight.”
2:08 PM – “Can we put the pieces back together?” Nathan says of blowing the team up in many ways.
2:09 PM – New love interest for Cam, Nathan says. And guess what…it’s someone we know. (Let the guessing games begin.)
2:10 PM – Boreanaz says the important thing for them was not to be the next X-FILES, etc., but it was to nurture the relationship between Booth and Brennan. Nathan says when BONES debuted, there wasn’t a show like it, and they wanted to do a crimedy.
2:11 PM – “I don’t know how they eat lunch,” Nathan says of the writers who come up with the disgusting corpses. And Deschanel points that Nathan and Hanson love the super gross bodies. Nathan says that he has only been grossed out by one body and that they ended up having to edit something out of the Pelant intro episode.
2:15 PM – “Watching an episode after having my baby, I had to turn it off,” Deschanel says of her new-found sensitivity.
2:16 PM – Boreanaz is amused by the BONES Comic-Con swag and says he wants to wear one in the next episode back.
2:17 PM – “It’s difficult to work with you!” Deschanel jokes of Boreanaz directing. He says he’ll probably do it again this season, and Deschanel praises his work. “As an actor, that’s a whole different story, but as a director, I enjoy him,” she says.
2:19 PM – “At some point, I’d love to direct,” Deschanel says. She notes that her pregnancy got in the way last time: “Men don’t have to worry about that!”
2:21 PM – Will they go out of the country to film again? “It’s hard with the economy and our budget…but that’s not to say it won’t happen,” Deschanel says.
2:22 PM – “There’s something fun about seeing Booth and Brennan on that situation,” Deschanel says of filming “Suit on the Set.”
2:24 PM – Will Pelant play a bigger role now that he’s not incarcerated? “Definitely,” Nathan says.
2:25 PM – A fan wants to know if the actors read the Temperance Brennan books to base any of their character traits on. “I have read a few of Kathy’s books,” Deschanel says. “I hadn’t read them before I started the show.”
2:27 PM – “To be able to work with someone like Emily has been a blessing,” Boreanaz says praising his co-star.
2:28 PM – Boreanaz and Deschanel loved playing Buck and Wanda. Where should they go next with being undercover? Nathan says they have one thing planned — he says ballroom dancing, but Nathan could be kidding.
2:31 PM – Boreanaz loved filming London, but he makes fun of the coffee they have. Boreanaz points to a moment where the bridges were closing and he kissed Deschanel. She’s confused because she doesn’t remember that happening.
2:32 PM – Will Christine stay her age? They’re not planning on jumping forward. Deschanel jokes that Christine is smart enough to apply to college to which Boreanaz replied, “She definitely gets that from her father.”
2:35 PM – No, the 150th story has not been figured out yet, but Nathan jokes that “someone dies.”
2:36 PM – Boreanaz on ANGEL’s cancellation: Despite its premature cancellation “It ended the way it was supposed to end.” He’s amused by the newer vampire shows: “Everyone carries around a diary? I’m confused,” Boreanaz says of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES.
Sorry guys, wifi got the best of me and ate part of this, but in summary, despite his tweets that hinted his time with BONES might be coming to an end, Boreanaz reiterated how much he loves the show and his commitment to it. And there’s a cool bonus episode coming up that is told from the viewpoint of a skull.
Thanks so much for joining us!
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Thanks Marisa!!
Episode from the skull’s POV…think this is the episode with Avalon…can’t wait!
Good stuff
muchas gracias igual………….
muy bueno….