Watch the Series Premiere of CULT Now! - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025

Watch the Series Premiere of CULT Now!

February 12, 2013 by  

CULT doesn’t premiere on The CW until next week, but thanks to Hulu, you can watch the first episode right now.

In case you were wondering what exactly CULT is about, The CW’s description: “Investigative journalist Jeff Sefton (Matt Davis) has learned to live with his younger brother Nate’s (guest star James Pizzinato) relentless string of obsessions, especially his latest rant that a hit TV show called “Cult” intends to harm him. When his brother mysteriously disappears, Jeff enlists Skye Yarrow (Jessica Lucas), a young research assistant working on “Cult,” to help with his investigation into the dark underworld of the TV show and its rabid fans. Meanwhile, in the parallel worlds of the show-within-a-show, the cult’s ruthless leader, Billy Grimm, is played by actor Roger Reeves (the double role of Billy/Roger is played by Robert Knepper), a man whose primary agenda is winning back his former follower and lover, Kelly Collins, played by actress Marti Gerritsen (the double role of Kelly/Marti is played by Alona Tal). Since escaping from the cult, Kelly has become an LAPD detective who finds herself drawn back into an investigation of the group’s activities as she struggles to keep Billy at a safe distance. As the television show grows in popularity, cast members Roger and Marti begin to feel the effects in their ‘real’ lives.”

Intrigued? Take a look!

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