LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT Exclusive: ALLY MCBEAL's Greg Germann to Guest Star - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT Exclusive: ALLY MCBEAL’s Greg Germann to Guest Star

February 19, 2013 by  

When LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT’s Detective Cassidy fights to clear his name next month, he’ll be taking on a familiar face to television fans: ALLY MCBEAL’s Greg Germann.

NBC has confirmed that Germann will play Derek Strauss, the attorney who is tasked with prosecuting the rape case against Cassidy in “Undercover Blue.” (In case you missed the earlier news, a woman from Cassidy’s past claims he raped her while she was undercover. That in turn threatens Cassidy’s testimony against Bart Ganzel — the pimp who tried to have him killed — as well as Cassidy’s career.)

Germann has kept quite busy this year — in addition to guest arcs on NCIS and RAISING HOPE, he was recently cast in the NBC comedy pilot, GATES.

Are you excited to see Germann on SVU?

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