BONES: Emily Deschanel Gives a Little Season 10 Tease
July 2, 2014 by Marisa Roffman
BONES is still a few months away from returning, but thanks to executive producer Stephen Nathan’s really, really great post-finale teases, viewers have a good idea about what’s in store.
And while the show may not be filming season 10 yet, when I caught up with BONES star Emily Deschanel (Brennan) before the recent Paley Center event honoring the evolution of crime drama heroines, I couldn’t resist seeing what else she could tease…
BONES returns with new episodes this fall on Thursdays at 8 PM on Fox.
BONES Season 9 Finale Post-Mortem: Stephen Nathan Teases What Comes Next and Why They ‘Have to Right This Wrong’
BONES: Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz Preview the Finale that ‘Changes Everything,’ and More
BONES Season 9 Finale: ‘The Recluse in the Recliner’ Photo Preview
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Filed under Bones
You really need to get a better microphone. This interview is mostly unintelligible. Very sad.
Yup… All we hear is everyone ELSE talking…..
Actually instructive and great structure of content material material , now that’s user friendly (:.