SLEEPY HOLLOW: Max Brown Cast as Orion - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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SLEEPY HOLLOW: Max Brown Cast as Orion

October 20, 2014 by  

max-brownSLEEPY HOLLOW’s Abbie and Ichabod may be slowly losing many of their allies, but it seems they’ll have a new friend in the future — played by THE TUDORS/BEAUTY AND THE BEAST’s Max Brown.

A rep for the show has confirmed that Brown has signed on for the recurring role of Orion (and he’ll appear, as of now, in up to three episodes), who first appears in the Fox drama’s second half of the season. Per EW (who first reported the casting), his character is “a powerful and mysterious new ally known, at first, only as Orion—a charismatic soldier who possesses a game changing weapon.” (Should we perhaps be beefing up on our Greek mythology for a clue on this mysterious weapon?)

Are you excited to see Brown on SLEEPY HOLLOW?

SLEEPY HOLLOW airs Mondays at 9 PM on Fox.


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