BONES Recap: 'The Eye in the Sky' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES Recap: ‘The Eye in the Sky’

April 23, 2015 by  

Hello BONES fans — how are you doing after this episode, “The Eye in the Sky”? I have to admit that, for me, it was — to use a BONES-phrase — heart-crushing. It’s been a while since that has happened to me! I liked the opening scene about a new B&B baby, but by the time I’d finished watching this episode, I was just tremendously sad. I’m still processing it actually. And somehow, the fact that David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel (and others) played the whole thing so perfectly makes it both ache more and less at the same time. I’m not sure how, haha! More on this later, but for now let’s discuss the rest of the episode. Starting with…


The Scene of the Crime: The team gets word of a body found in an industrial shredder, and sure enough, when they arrive, they find pieces of human flesh. It’s enough to take back to the lab to find an identity. Hodgins finds evidence of cardboard dust, suggesting the victim worked for a moving company, and when Angela pieces together the skull and face to find matches, they are successful.

The Victim: Jeff Dover, a local employee of a moving company. There were rumors he was in a fight with a co-worker, Dustin West. When Booth and Aubrey question West, he admits they argued and that he and Jeff were both involved in poker games. Dustin tells them that Jeff recently won around $28,000, and the team realizes someone in his poker game has motive.

The Case Progression:

Immediately, Booth wants to go undercover into the poker game and root out the killer. Understandably, Brennan and Aubrey have great concerns about this. Booth insists he is strong enough to handle the pressure, is the best one to join the game, identify the tells of each player, and point out the killer. Inexplicably, the FBI appears to agree, and Booth enlists his former bookie, Jason Samuels, to get him into the game.

Booth is tremendously successful at cards and reading the room. He’s got swagger and the skills to back them up, and he also notices a security camera. With a quick call to Angela, they are able to hack into the room’s security footage to see Jeff’s big (and last) game.

At the lab, the team determines that Jeff’s body had a type of olive oil on it, and they trace it back to a Thai restaurant. Hodgins, Jessica, and Cam visit the site and find evidence to suggest it was the murder site.

Meanwhile, despite the fact that the team has enough for a warrant, Booth wants to stay in the game. Brennan and Aubrey continue to be suspicious of this, but Booth reinforces his ability to defeat the allure of gambling. He tells Brennan the people in the game are good; one is a baseball coach for his kids, and another builds houses for Habitat for Humanity.

Angela is able to check financial records, and several members of the poker game have money troubles. Brennan finds pieces of wood chips on the victim and they determine whatever struck him was cause of death. She begs the Jeffersonian team to solve the case quickly as Booth re-enters the game. He’s promised to quit as soon as there is a solid suspect, but it’s clear he’s tempted not to when he has a really good hand.

The Verdict: The team texts Booth with a result. A poker player, Nate, used a baseball bat to kill Jeff in order to pay off some debt he had to keep his house. Booth tosses his badge on the table and makes an arrest.


The main Jeffersonian squint story revolved around Hodgins attempting to develop/invent non-breakable glass. Seems he is too frequently breaking vials, beakers, and flasks during his experiments. Cam tells him he unequivocally cannot use Jeffersonian materials or time to test his invention, so he does it on his own time — and is successful, potentially setting himself (and Angela) up to make a lot of money.

Jessica Warren is the intern working this case, and once again I think her quirk factor is too annoying. Has there been a time where she started calling Hodgins “Curly”? If so, I don’t remember it, but I found that really obnoxious in this episode too. I was not feeling it. Speaking of nicknames though, it was funny when Booth said her name was squinty. Haha!

I thought John Boyd was great as Aubrey in this episode. One series-long thread of the show is this idea that Booth doesn’t really know just how much he is admired by people. He sort of resents it (I think he chafes at the idea of disappointing people, so he doesn’t want the responsibility), but it’s clear Aubrey truly admires Booth as a leader and friend and co-worker. I liked Aubrey’s lines about different types of trauma and how he constantly tried to push Booth to not do the gambling thing.


The pregnancy: I’m okay with another B&B baby, and I thought the opening scene was very sweet and cute. I especially liked that we saw them find out together this time around. I also thought that their subsequent good moods toward the squints were hilarious. Booth’s high on life attitude at the crime scene made me laugh a ton, especially at how much Hodgins was freaked out by it. And it was cute (if not a little fast in the “let’s keep it a secret” storyline that Angela figured out the pregnancy quickly.

The gambling: This storyline has several major issues. They’re not completely impossible to overcome, but the show has dug itself into a hole and historically does not always do a good job recovering from that.

  • The FBI cannot approve Booth gambling like this for a case. And it shouldn’t be Aubrey (Booth’s subordinate) and Brennan (his partner/wife) being the ones to have misgivings about it. If Booth gambles during a case against the FBI’s insistence, he should be fired. It’s a weird vibe from the show: it’s not unrealistic that a gambling addict would be attracted to a poker game, but it is unrealistic that his organization would allow it—and even encourage it.
  • In the 100th episode, the show suggested that Booth stopped gambling like WITHIN A DAY of meeting Brennan, and this (and their continuing relationship) is what has kept him clean. I’ve seen various reactions to this storyline online, and a lot of sentiments echo mine, which is that it’s a bummer to see Booth relapse now, after all this time, but it’s also really, really, unfair to pin any of the responsibility of that on Brennan. What was incredibly (literally) sad in this episode was that the show delved into that wound a bit, with Booth making it clear a few times that the reason he’s not going to gamble again is because of his life with Brennan, Christine, etc. Yes, it’s a classic maneuver by an addict, to overpromise, but still, by doing that, and then positing the final scene with him watching his family as he calls up his bookie, it was just awfully sad. Like, so unfairly uncool to their relationship.
  • Now, all of a sudden, Brennan is basically in a horrible situation, which is insane. INSANE. This isn’t like the coma dream or being arrested or being shot or even Pelant manipulating them or whatever. This is a major issue, a major break between them, and like in real life, it’s hard to come back from those. Most (but not all) of those other issues have been B&B against the world, even if they were separated physically or through misunderstanding — and at the very least were before they were married. I don’t have a problem with Booth going through tough situations in order to grow as a character; I do have a problem with Booth going through tough situations so Brennan can grow as a character (which has happened most of the time). And this is such a major thing, in my opinion, that at this point, unless he comes clean and confesses in like the first 0.2 seconds of the next episode, I am not sure how they can ever get back to 50/50 (or 100/100—however you view relationship dynamics). It’s not like Booth being tempted to gamble is awful or out of character (or that Brennan would judge him for it), it’s that his word isn’t reliable… at least right now. This is just so upsetting to me. It’s a basic tenet of the show that B&B are trustworthy and reliable people.
  • Obviously, that’s also part of the point—addictions are a big deal and take good, upstanding, reliable people and turn them into less reliable (putting it nicely) versions of themselves. But also like in real life, working with people to redeem difficult situations (like relapses or affairs or whatever) shifts the balance of power and responsibility/authority. Is that really how the show wants to take the B&B relationship — even possibly to the end of the series? Will Brennan take over his finances? His phone bill? All of the difficult but necessary parts of a road to recovery is what is needed to make this plotline worth it…but is the show willing to go there? If so, they have to hurry. If not, then shame on them for going down this path in the first place. Addictions are not a joke or throw-away plots. I don’t think the show portrayed it as a joke, but if they resolve it flimsily or too quickly, then it’s a very similar thing.

On a more positive note, David Boreanaz completely blew me away with his performance representing the glowing, all-encompassing vivacity that comes when someone is absolutely in their element — even if that very thing could destroy him or her — that controlling, but out-of-control confidence of being in the zone, and also the sharp resentments when someone tries to interfere with those highs. We’ve seen flashes of it for different things, but this was an electricity in Booth at a higher level. Bravo.

And Emily Deschanel was just as dynamic in her subtle nuance as Brennan, feeling in her gut that it wasn’t right and balancing that against wanting to trust Booth…and recognizing that she’s not necessarily the ‘gut person’ in the relationship, but also willing to do anything to fix it. It’s dangerous territory for a character, but also very realistic.  I loved, loved, loved every scene they were in together—they were incredibly moving and compelling.

So yes, this episode was tremendous. It was happy, sad, intense, and good, but it also left me feeling very unsettled. While I love the depth in the episode, I am still nervous, I admit. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, enough from me—what did you like or not like about this one? What are your thoughts on the pregnancy storyline, the gambling storyline, and Hodgins’ new invention? The comments are open—speak up.

And be sure to stop by on Sunday! Marisa and I have a fun project about next week’s BONES episode—the 206th episode ever!

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11 Responses to “BONES Recap: ‘The Eye in the Sky’”

  1. Lisa on April 23rd, 2015 9:30 pm

    I read somewhere else that this storyline will give Brennan a chance to “shine” and that just made me cringe. We see Brennan shine all the time and really, this storyline should not be about what a great person she is,but rather focus on Booth and how he’s feeling. I would much rather have seen Booth deal with his traumas in almost any other way than see him revert back to his gambling self. I hate that show waited 10 seasons with no guarantee of an eleventh to have their hero fall. You hit the nail on the head about it being a long process from the first stumble to any kind of recovery. Supposedly Booth goes to GA in ep 20. Season/series ends with ep 22.To me that’s not enough time to even begin to heal the damage that will have been done to B&B relationship and end with any kind of happy “oh what a great 10 seasons that was” on my part.
    Much like bringing Mama Booth back, Booth’s return to gambling was a storyline I could’ve done without.

  2. Libby on April 23rd, 2015 10:21 pm

    I, too, kept thinking about episode #100 and the missing addiction for the last 105. Has Bones jumped the shark in such a beautifully acted story?

  3. anon on April 23rd, 2015 10:29 pm

    The FBI use Agents all the time to infiltrate gambling rings and for sting operations, and they pay for it…they also use agents to infiltrate illegal organìzations and they pay for it…so am not seeing the problem here…Booth is an addict yes but he was an addict too when he went to LAS VEGAS undercover, to fight in an illegal fight were people placed bets on him, where he met bookies…and it is a fan fav ep, so the irony that some have a problem with this 337 narrative is not lost on me….I thought this was an excellent ep, davìd was AMAZING…we will see how it plays out in the remaining of the season, whether it is dealt with well or not, no point judging the eps before we see them, and letting what ifs and maybes cloud your judgement on this ep….Ì believe if Fox wanted Bones to end they wld of announced it weeks ago and not be STILL be in contract talks with David and Emily…maybe if we got confirmation of S11 some would chill over this gambling storyline.

  4. BJ on April 23rd, 2015 10:48 pm

    Yeah, I had the same reactions you did – for all the joy that B&B had in the beginning when her test was positive, by the end of the episode I just felt really deflated. If the writers really wanted to explore Booth relapsing into gambling, it’s a big enough storyline and serious enough that it should be fleshed out over the course of an entire season or two even. Resolving it in the season finale or even wrapping it up with a nice little bow in a season 11 premiere (since having the audience assume everything happens offscreen over the summer is usually what they do!) would make this nothing but a really poorly thought out cheap ploy for drama, and that does a disservice to the whole show.

  5. Nancy on April 24th, 2015 9:31 am

    The episode started so happy and ended very sad.
    I’m so disappointed that Booth could talk about what he has being better than any had he could be dealt, then he goes off and takes the first step in throwing away what he has.
    I liked Aubrey in this. He told Booth how it made him feel like he wasn’t enough when his dad was obsessed with the stock market. It made me think how will Brennan feel. He told her that she pulled him out of gambling before, but now she’s not enough anymore. Not the kids, obviously not anything means more to him.

    It’s really really sad to me.
    I wonder if we’ll see some signs of his gambling in every episode until he gets help?
    But hearing that he’s supposed to leave Brennan alone and go to Iran to help Cam. Well that just makes me sick. Does Brennan not mean that much to him anymore?

  6. anon on April 24th, 2015 12:15 pm

    I am actually dispairing at some in the Bones fandom at the minute…please research addiction….Booth loves his family, he adores them but it is HIS ADDICTION, he has to want to get help for himself, nobody else, he obviously doesnt want anyone to see his fall, its human nature… with the sh*t storm off recent events he has not dealt with them, has he stopped going to confession too, yes I think so, it was mentioned ep3, he has no release and hes turned to gambling to make him feel in control again….of course it will hit the fan and he will seek out his sponsor and get back to his meetings and B&B will deal with it…..FYI dont get bent out of shape about Booth going to Iran, of course he would go and help out X and I bet Brennan gives her full support.

  7. April on April 24th, 2015 1:04 pm

    TG they didnt have a renewal at filming time or we would have seen Bth kicked out on the street, fired from the FBI and in a flophouse. The writers have FINALLY given me a reason to walk away. Aubrey and Brennan are worried about the way THEY feel, where is Sweets when we need him, hope he’s not looking down from heaven to see this mess. FFS this isn’t GOT or Homeland (intense drama), what happened to the dramedy? Just another way to demean Booth and destroy our hero. sigh

  8. Donna on April 24th, 2015 4:38 pm

    I think Brennan will notice something is going on with Booth and she could confide with either Gordon Gordon or Aldo to help Booth. Since Sweets is gone.

  9. Laura Opper on April 24th, 2015 6:37 pm

    anon is exactly right….this is about the addiction a “good” man faces and how he handles the situation with the help of people who care about him. Addiction is like an illness…It is not a character flaw. It is painful, but it is a fact of life that seemingly normal people deal with every day. Maybe viewers can learn how addiction affects people by watching. I admit this may not be as dramatic as a serial killer but it is a lot more realistic, and in some ways more terrible because it is so insidious. Seeing Booth and Brennan work through all the aspects of this story will be fascinating.

  10. paige on April 24th, 2015 10:23 pm

    Really loved all the B&B scenes. The chemisrty there is waht has been missing the whole season. The gambling arc is a bit troubling since the show hasn’t been renewed and the finale is done. I thought David and Emily both did superb jobs playing these scenes. My husband is in recovery. This story line hit very close to home. My belly hurt at the end.

  11. Cherise on April 25th, 2015 12:10 pm

    I think this episode was amazing and well acted by all. Yes, the ending made me feel sick to my stomach because I love Booth and he’s worked so hard to have a good life, but I am excited to see how this will pan out. I have no doubt and Booth and Brennan and I know this ordeal will only make them stronger as everything else has. I have my fingers crossed for season 11 and I believe we will get it. This plot line will be bad if we don’t. Either way, this was the first episode this season that felt like the old Bones to me and for that alone I am hopeful for the remainder of the season.

    As far as the squint wen is concerned, she actually didn’t annoy me this episode. I liked her in the Twitter episode too so maybe she’s finally coming into her own. In terms of the nickname “Curly,” she’s been calling Hodgins that since her first episode. I actually think it’s cute their relationship.