BREAKING: Writers Going on Strike - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BREAKING: Writers Going on Strike

November 2, 2007 by  

Writers Strike

WGA Showrunners AgreementThe Writers Guild of America is going on strike as early as Monday. Game on people. Over the next few days we will learn more about how the writers strike will affect TV. It’s certainly a disappointment to the viewers, but we must support the writers!! Without the writers we don’t have THE OFFICE, FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, 30 ROCK, CHUCK, GREY’S ANATOMY, GOSSIP GIRL, PUSHING DAISIES, or any of other favorite shows.

We’ll be ok…I promise. TV is not going dark. We’ll feel the changes – some immediate, some not so immediate but I promise we’ll be ok. New episodes will air for the next few weeks and I suppose that we will be subject to some re-runs in the near future no matter how long or short this strike it. Things will be fine and this might all be over before we know it. I mean no disrespect to the writers, but let’s keep this in perspective – these are not doctors, fireman or policemen going on strike – lives are not at stake. Things will work out. Meanwhile, let’s support the writers.

WGA leaders call for strike
Writers would walk on Monday
By Dave McNary

In a lively meeting of 3,000 guild members Thursday night, the WGA’s negotiating committee announced its unanimous strike recommendation, a pronouncement that generated an enthusiastic response from the SRO crowd at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The decision also is sure to cause ripple effects within the Directors Guild and the Screen Actors Guild as they negotiate their contracts within coming months.

A final decision on striking could come as early as today via meetings of the WGA West board and the WGA East Council. Leaders stressed throughout Thursday’s meeting that they could not specify how soon a strike will start. Attendees were instructed that they should go to work today and wait for a call or email from strike captains.

But it’s a foregone conclusion that the WGA panels will OK a strike and the consensus is that they’ll probably select Monday as the starting day. (For more on the latest developments as well as more details on the disputed contract issues continue reading at Variety)

Filed under Writers Strike


12 Responses to “BREAKING: Writers Going on Strike”

  1. BREAKING: Writers Going on Strike — All This Nonsense on November 2nd, 2007 2:46 am

    […] reading this post by: Give Me My Remote For more… RSS […]

  2. Jamatic on November 2nd, 2007 6:41 am

    I’m proud of the WGA for standing up for itself. The writers make the best shows and they deserve the piece of the pie for themselves. Weirdly enough, I’m looking forward to the strike a little bit. It will give me a chance to catch up on all those shows on DVD (i.e. HIMYM, Firefly, etc.)
    I highly recommend catching up on Buffy and Angel (that’s what i did over the summer).
    Do you have recommendations for other shows on DVD Kath?

  3. Billiam on November 2nd, 2007 8:37 am

    I read the Variety article, and I’d be interested in some more info on some things. I’m wondering what an average years’ wage would be for one of these writers, and how that would compare to a director, producer, or actor (an average actor, not Charlie Sheen). I assume there would be a noticeable gap. But I just have no idea what the pay range would be for a successful writer.
    There’s a few things I noticed in the article. The writers cut their initial list of demands by half, but that still is 13 demands, which is alot. And do the networks really make much money out of the internet streaming? Maybe they do.

  4. Give Me My Remote on November 2nd, 2007 8:44 am

    I don’t know all the details. But keep in mind that although we might initially be thinking of the TV writers on the successful shows, the WGA is more than TV. It extends to all writers working in the industry, some of which are not as wealthy as others.

    Networks can make MAJOR money on internet streaming. And I don’t want to even pretend that I know all the nuances of these issues, but what I don’t get is that if the networks are making money off of a show then why are the writers not compensated.

  5. Emily on November 2nd, 2007 9:07 am

    I support them, but I still hate it! Because what they are asking is totally reasonable.
    But I love writers so, that any time without them is sad!

  6. Alison on November 2nd, 2007 12:30 pm

    I just want the networks to know, if my favorite tv shows go off the air and are replaced with stupid reality shows, I WILL STOP WATCHING tv all together. I hate reality shows. I support the writers, as well.

    Don’t make me start reading books, Hollywood!

  7. Liz on November 2nd, 2007 1:21 pm

    I do support the writers. What worries me is the talk about a 4-month strike that will mean all my TV shows will have only 9-episode seasons?! And then another article I read warned that the studios would use the strike as an excuse to cancel all my favorite new shows. Hopefully everyone will be able to be adults about this and come up with an agreement before it goes on too long.

    And put me on the list of people who will absolutely NOT be watching whatever reality-dreck they put on to replace my quality television. I for one will be getting into this “Battlestar Galactica” I’ve heard so much about.

  8. Welcome to The TV Blog Coalition! | Daemon's TV on November 2nd, 2007 8:00 pm

    […] Me My Remote: The TV Writer’s Strike is on everyone’s minds, but there’s still a lot of TV to talk about in TV land. GMMR is […]

  9. Mikey Likes TV » Friday Night Links: The Week in TV Blogs on November 2nd, 2007 11:35 pm

    […] Me My Remote: The TV Writer’s Strike is on everyone’s minds, but there’s still a lot of TV to talk about in TV land. GMMR is shocked […]

  10. TV Blog Weekly Roundup… » Give Me My Remote on November 4th, 2007 5:42 pm

    […] Me My Remote The TV Writer’s Strike is on everyone’s minds, but there’s still a lot of TV to talk about in TV land. GMMR is […]

  11. the TV addict » Blog Archive » Introducing the TV Blog Coalition on November 5th, 2007 9:05 am

    […] Me My Remote: The TV Writer’s Strike is on everyone’s minds, but there’s still a lot of TV to talk about in TV land. GMMR is […]

  12. Mikey Likes TV » The Week in TV Blog Links on November 5th, 2007 4:09 pm

    […] Me My Remote: The TV Writer’s Strike is on everyone’s minds, but there’s still a lot of TV to talk about in TV land. GMMR is shocked […]