CHUCK Giveaway - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

CHUCK Giveaway

October 1, 2007 by  

Have you ever daydreamed about being a government superspy?  Well here’s your chance…to own a poster and a t-shirt from the TV show about a guy who is government superspy.  Hey, it’s the best I can do.

NBC’s CHUCK giveaway

I’m giving away a CHUCK poster and t-shirt (size L) to one lucky winner.  Just leave a comment below telling me what you thought about the CHUCK pilot (good or bad) and you’ll be entered.  If you haven’t seen the pilot, no worries, you can watch it on for free or you can come back tomorrow and tell me what you thought of this week’s episode.  See, it’s easy.

And to really get in the head of Chuck Bartowski, head on over to and learn more about the myth, the man, the spy, the nerd.

Chuck’s Secret (

Filed under Chuck


29 Responses to “CHUCK Giveaway”

  1. Phyllis Vance on October 1st, 2007 12:27 pm

    I thought the first episode was adorable! I’m excited to add a third favorite show to my viewing schedule. NBC may not be making the best business decisions, but their comedies are definitely the best thing on tv!

  2. CHUCK Giveaway — All This Nonsense on October 1st, 2007 12:32 pm

    […] reading this post by: Give Me My Remote For more… RSS […]

  3. Emily on October 1st, 2007 12:39 pm

    I love Chuck! Zachary Levi is so charming and perfect for this role. Plus, the show has humor, intrigue, action, and romance. It’s definitely top 3 new favorite show…and that’s saying a lot because I watch A LOT of TV!

  4. BrokenBrain on October 1st, 2007 12:46 pm

    I was pleasantly surprised with the first show. It was funny but not pretentious. And yowza for the female spy.

  5. 2mchtv.noschthng on October 1st, 2007 12:51 pm

    I loved Chuck!! I thought if was fun and hilarious. Like Emily It is one of my top 3 favorite show on the air right now.

  6. Kim on October 1st, 2007 12:51 pm

    I thought it was really cute. It was better than the previews made it look, thats for sure. Chuck kinda reminds me of a slightly older Seth Cohen. It was all around pretty light hearted and fun. I am looking forward to more episodes.

  7. » Blog Archive » Premier Week Thoughts on October 1st, 2007 1:00 pm

    […] Chuck – Cute, funny, and plenty of promise. UPDATE: is holding a Chuck giveaway! Check it out! […]

  8. Becky on October 1st, 2007 1:16 pm

    I liked the premiere episode. I’m hanging in there for tonight to see if this is a permanent addition. I thought he was kind of adorable with his geekiness. The CIA man – Adam Baldwin. I think he’s hot. Maybe kind of a little bit of a bad guy while being a good guy – but still hot. I liked him on Firefly too so that may be it.

  9. Christy-24 on October 1st, 2007 1:25 pm

    I thought the show was cute and it is a nice lead in to Heroes. I guess time will tell if it will be the show I watch Mondays, or the show I DVR.

  10. CFO (not my initials) on October 1st, 2007 1:30 pm

    Okay, I really liked the pilot, but…

    I thought the characters were good, and I think they will find their groove as the show progresses. They were definitely fun to watch. (I even loved Captain Awesome).

    I think the writers need to hire a better technical adviser. Here was my #1 gripe with the show: Bryce’s hand-held device is basically fried, but they are able to trace the last email sent.
    Then later, Chuck’s computer is dropped from a relatively low shelf and a couple of parts fall out and it is suddenly broken beyond repair?! BALONEY!!!! (Or bologna for the purists). The necessary info could have still been recovered from the hard drive. I just felt that for us to buy the threats as real threats, they need to bring a little more realism to the technology. I am perfectly willing to believe that the subliminal images in a cutie-poot tech geeks brain are going to save the world. I just want more realism so that I can believe the characters are actually going to believe it!

    But Mr. Levi is very cute and HILARIOUS and I loved the tone and the pace of the show. I also loved Mr. Baldwin (Jayne to me, baby!) and I really look forward to following this show. Only 8 1/2 hours to go… (I actually liked Chuck better than the premiere episode of Heroes last week…)

    Okay, so that was long & rambling, sorry 😀
    I love Chuck and will keep watching. I just thought that the actors deserved a teensy bit more realism to work with.

  11. maureen on October 1st, 2007 2:36 pm

    Prior to watching the show I thought the premise was a bit much . The idea of the head of the ‘Nerd Herd’ saving the world wasn’t that appealing to me until I found myself enjoying the show. I am not sure it’s the right lead in for ‘Heros’ because as a previous poster stated it is a fun show with a light tone. If it doesn’t work on Mondays it could always go in that NBC sitcom block because it does have enough comedic elements.

    I usually enjoy hour long dramas or satirical dramedies but I was happy to get wrapped up in this modern fable with tech touches.

    I will watch again tonight to see where this thing goes.

  12. Kaci on October 1st, 2007 2:49 pm

    I’ve been watching Chuck since the first glimpse of the leaked pilot, and I don’t think I’ve ever fell so hard for one show based on its premiere episode. Zach Levi is so good in his role, and sadly I can really identify with his chracter’s background (minus government secrets that flash spontaneously in my brain). The writing is clever, and I love rewatching and picking up all these subtle references to geek-stuff I missed on the first watch. I’m already ready for DVD!

  13. Peter on October 1st, 2007 2:50 pm

    A great show. Funny and bright.
    Strangely, Chuck (the character) reminded me of Jim Halpert. Which is probably why I liked the pilot as much as I did.
    And an added bonus – I hear that Rachel Bilson has a guest spot on the show. Fantastic.

  14. Sam on October 1st, 2007 2:55 pm

    it was good. i’m guessing that it will improve with tonight’s episode, too.
    and i liked the agent assigned to chuck, haha.
    congrats to nbc for another great show.

  15. Kristi on October 1st, 2007 3:05 pm

    I’m really loving this one! It’s been funny so far and hopefully it will stay that way! It’s probably the new series I look forward to the most – it’s up against some stiff competition though (in my book) so I hope it stays afloat! I can’t wait to see another episode tonight.

  16. Ben on October 1st, 2007 5:11 pm

    It was much better than I thought it was going to be. Maybe it was the NBC previews, but I didn’t have my hopes up for it. I’m anxious to see tonight’s second episode and see where they are going to take Chuck. Plus getting to see Jayne work at a Best Buy knockoff is looks like fun…

  17. mickeyrandy3 on October 1st, 2007 5:47 pm

    Well… I heard good things about Chuck on this website, so when Yahoo had a few preview… how could I not watch it. I do heart some Zach, but I do heart Adam just a little bit more (I heart Firefly!). Anyways, I currently work at a Best Buy, and how can you not laugh at the “Nerd Herd”…. my co-workers and I are going to try to make up buttons to wear… because yea just about everyone I work with watches this show! I just need to say however, that I’m supposed to believe that someone as cute as “Chuck” can’t get dates… I would date him anyday….


  18. Emily on October 1st, 2007 6:04 pm

    I loved it. I thought the characters were fun and the dialogue witty. Chuck could become my new Seth Cohen…love the nerds!

  19. Alyson on October 1st, 2007 7:36 pm

    I thought it was a great combo of hilarious and action-packed adventure! I can’t wait to see what goes on for the rest of the season. Plus, I’ll watch anything with a Firefly alum!

  20. JK on October 1st, 2007 8:28 pm

    I was not a fan of Josh Schwartz when he did “The O.C.,” but I really enjoyed “Chuck.” It was not my favorite pilot of the season (that honor goes to “Reaper”), but I am almost positive that this show will continue to grow, and that the action and humor will balance each other out nicely. (BTW, Levi is a cutie 😉 ).

  21. Kalie on October 1st, 2007 8:34 pm

    I was one of those people who had the fortune of watching the leaked pilot over the summer. Before then, the premise didn’t automatically hook me. But being a former fan of “The O.C.”, I decided to give Josh Schwartz a chance on one of his new shows. Honestly, I was surprised by just how much I loved the pilot. I wasn’t expecting much, so it blew away my expectations. I believe I had more fun watching the pilot for “Chuck” than I did while watching the pilot for “Pushing Daisies” (a show that, unlike Chuck, I was hyped up for from the very moment it was announced). Every person I had shown the pilot to before the show’s premiere immediately loved it and plans on watching it on a weekly basis if the following episodes live up to the same quality or better. While it does have flaws and you have to suspend a great amount of belief (then again, you have to do that with about 95% of television these days), it’s definitely a fun and entertaining show. That’s really all I ask for. NBC has a good thing going with its Monday night line-up. And even though the night doesn’t best Thursday, it comes alarmingly close.

    As of right now, I’m more excited for a new episode of “Chuck” than I am for a new episode of “Heroes.” That speaks volumes about how much this show has grabbed me. The most pleasant surprise this fall, in my opinion. The promos and commercials hardly do it justice.

  22. Katie on October 1st, 2007 8:46 pm

    I thought Chuck was awesome! I didn’t expect the show to be so good because I don’t watch many action shows, but it is! Chuck is funny and he kicks some ass! plus he is so cute!

  23. Maggie on October 1st, 2007 9:01 pm

    I thought the Chuck pilot was much better than I had been anticipating. It’s funny, the soundtrack is amazing, and Zachary Levi is obviously adorable. 😛

    This has turned into one of my favorite shows, especially nice when it leads into Heroes!

  24. Casey on October 1st, 2007 9:01 pm

    I absolutely loved the pilot! I actually just finished watching the second episode and loved it more then the first. This is definetely on my watch list for this year( it will probably be the only one beside Pushing Daisies!) I can’t wait to see where this show goes and if it stays at the level it is at right now.

  25. Nicole on October 2nd, 2007 8:17 am

    You know, from the promos I wasn’t sure if I was going to like Chuck but I ended up really enjoying it! It was funny and charming and action packed. There are still some question marksthat I want to know the answers to! I’m hoping this gets to keep going for a while!

  26. Beccat on October 2nd, 2007 9:12 am

    Liked the pilot. Not sure if it will make it this year. But what the hell.

  27. jenny on October 3rd, 2007 9:36 pm

    I soo loved this pilot to the point where after five seasons, Dancing with the Stars is getting kicked to the curb. Zach Levi is awesome and the show is just so great working the fine line between being a fun comedy and sci-fi show. Can’t wait for the rest of the season!

  28. Rob on October 8th, 2007 9:42 am

    I enjoy the show. The upcoming potential “love” relationship between the spy and Chuck seems cliche’ed but there are some interesting characters with which to build a series. And the acting by Zachary Levi is well done.

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