Ellen DeGeneres to Host Show from her Hospital Bed - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Ellen DeGeneres to Host Show from her Hospital Bed

April 30, 2007 by  

Poor Ellen DeGeneres. While trying to lift her dog this past weekend she injured her back to the point that she was put on full bed rest. Being the consummate professional that she is Ellen has said the show must go on – even if that means she has to host her Emmy winning talk show from a hospital bed on the stage.

About her recently injury Ellen said: “I tore a ligament and did something to something else. That’s what happened and they said that I’m not able to sit, to move or to do anything.”

Guests who will talk to Ellen from her bedside include Ryan Seacrest and Lindsay Lohan.

“This is not a sweeps stunt or anything like that. This is not like what Regis (Philbin) did – that whole bypass surgery.” said DeGeneres.


Filed under Ellen DeGeneres


3 Responses to “Ellen DeGeneres to Host Show from her Hospital Bed”

  1. Sus on April 30th, 2007 8:56 pm

    Awww, get well soon Ellen!

  2. Diana on April 30th, 2007 10:23 pm

    ahh, poor kid! She is strong and I think she’ll heal quick, but that really sucks for her. I’ll bet she’ll be doped up on meds which should make for interesting shows this week.

  3. HealthcareHottie on May 1st, 2007 2:27 pm

    Leave it to Ellen to take a thing like a back injury and use it to her advantage, putting a comical spin on it.

    Good for her. They could have easily had a stand-in host like they did on Live or air repeats.