September 7, 2007 by Kath Skerry
I know it’s been like DVD giveaway central around here, but I keep getting all these fabulous prizes and I just want to share them with you as soon as I can.
Last week I encouraged you all to go out and buy Season 1 of FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. Well the good people behind the show went ahead and sent me two copies just for GMMR readers.
Whether you win the DVDs here or go out and buy the first season, you’ll be all caught before the Season 2 premiere on Friday, October 5th at 9/8c. We’re going to be talking a lot of FNL on GMMR this year and you don’t want to feel left out, do you….well, do you?
In addition to all 22 episodes there are a few choice bonus features for fans to enjoy:
Bonus Features:
- Behind the Lights – A special looks at the creation of the first season of Friday Night Lights
- Episode commentary with the cast
- Deleted scenes from some of the best episodes of the season
Enter to win…
If you are already a fan of FNL, leave a comment telling others why they should watch it. If you are a newbie who has never experienced FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, leave a comment telling us why you want to see it. Pretty simple, right?
Two winners will be chosen at random from all comments received. Please make sure to include a valid email address when leaving a comment. The contest ends on September 12, 2007.
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No other show on TV provides a realistic view of life, love, family and community in such a heartwarming way. Football is the just the metaphor.
I actually had a friend convince me to watch all the episodes online this summer, and it was great. If you don’t watch, you should, mostly for the great characters and wonderful stories in each episode.
Two words: Taylor Kitsch…oh and it’s filmed in Texas…oh wait…those are MY reasons.
Hmmm….well it’s got great characters and a realistic feel and a lot of heart. It’s just damn good…watch it…do it. that is all.
“Football is just the metaphor” – PERFECT!
FNL is amazing – This show seems to pull you in and capture your heart. You start to actually care for the characters and hope for the best for them. It also brings you back to you high school days and makes you relive those moments that were so huge to you back then. It’s awesome to be able to experience those moments again through this show. Another great aspect of FNL is that it is based in a small town – you really get that feeling of how close knit smaller towns are. This show is great to watch with your middle school/high school aged kids. It also brings up some topics that maybe you were afraid to mention to your kids, but this show will help you ease into conversations with them. Overall it’s an amazing show. Can’t wait for it to start back up again!
Already have October 5th on my calendar…can’t wait for Season 2
My TV viewing time was limited this past year, and a few other shows took up the available slots. With all of the good things I’ve heard about this show, though, I’m anxious to give it a try. One thing I haven’t been able to definitively find out, though – would this be okay to watch with smaller kids? A lot of times high-school-oriented shows I’ve seen deal a lot with teenage sexuality, and the young’uns are still a little too young for that. So what do you think? Is the content for all ages or should we send’em to bed early?
I’ve only seen the first few epsiodes (courtesy of Netflix) and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed them. I’d like to see the remainder of the season, and if I win, it’ll free up some space in my netflix queue!
It’s the best show on TV. Not only is everything Jo says absolutely true, as a Texan, I also appreciate how committed they are to portraying Texas accurately. It’s without a doubt the most realistic view of my state I’ve ever seen onscreen.
As a parent or a teen I think you can relate to the show and characters. The episode where Julie and Matt are planning to have sex is one of the most amazing hours of tv I have ever seen.
Oh I haven’t seen them all, but the pilot hooked me in immediately. Almost in a blink of an eye you care for these students and their day-to-day lives, which says something amazing about their acting. You root for the underdog and scowl at the b*tch! You want this team to be successful because they feel so real. It’s almost like your really watching a high school team make it in real life. If you love marvelous acting, directing, and behind-the-scenes actions like incredible lighting and camera moves, watch this. No one will be sorry…trust me! I just can’t wait to finish the season and prepare myself for the upcoming games this season!
I’ve never actually watched an episode because it seemed like it was always on tv when I had class. I really wanted to watch last season because I had heard so many good things about it. And I do want to watch the 2nd season but I really want to catch up on what everyone has been talking about all year.
It’s the most poignantly real TV show today, and the fact that it’s about football and I STILL love it is a testament as to how great it is. The pilot initially turned me off, but after reading all the glowing reviews, I went back to it and began watching again – it’s now one of my favorite shows, ever.
I’ve only seen bits and pieces of the first couple of episodes, but I’ve heard so many people absolutely raving about this show that I feel like I should give it a shot. Plus, Kyle Chandler rocks.
I’ve promoted this show all Summer and have gotten a dozen or more people into the show. I love their reactions when they’re almost shocked how much they love “a show about footnall.” I keep telling them, it’s not about football, it’s about life.
I just love all things football. And Kyle Chandler.
The show is just amazing and so realistic. I hate football, but that’s not what it’s about. It’s a great portrayal of small town America with finely-drawn characters and top-notch acting.
I’ve promoted this show all Summer and have gotten a dozen or more people into the show. I love their reactions when they’re almost shocked how much they love “a show about football.” I keep telling them, it’s not about football, it’s about life.
I love this show because it is beautifully filmed and filled with real, flawed characters. I beg everyone I know to watch it and am planning on having a season two party at my house!!
The primary reason I love this show is that the relationships and characters are realistic, not made more dramatic or interesting for the sake of ratings. The issues they deal with on the show are done in a realistic manner, rather than make it like a special episode of blossom.
Here’s the thing. I was a fan of the show before it even first aired. Weird, right? Well, maybe I should change that a bit. I was a HUGE fan of the movie, and when I heard they were making a television show and it was being directed by the same guy who did the film, I think I automatically fell in love with the show right then and there. It didn’t help that I had previously seen Scott Porter (Jason Street) several times in the hit off-Broadway show and learned that he was going to be on FNL, either. In any case, I think people should watch the show because it’s just that good. Sure, the title threw a lot of people off. “Why isn’t it actually ON Friday nights?” Now it is, so that excuse is gone. “I don’t like football.” Here is where it’s explained that sure, football is a focus, but it’s more of a backdrop than anything. Every story needs a place to be told, these stories just so happen to be told in a small town in Texas where high school football is #1. There are so many good plotlines that sometimes it’s difficult to direct your attention to all of them. Street’s paralysis, the Tim/Lyla affair, Riggins and his wanting to be the star and doing anything to get there, and that’s just to name a few. This show is honestly worthwhile and anyone who is missing out for one reason or another… well, it’s their loss, isn’t it? This is a well loved show by many, but I wish it were more.
I’ve actually only seen a little bit of the show, and I don’t have Tivo so that made it even harder to catch the show when I wasn’t able to watch it. I’ve heard so many great reviews about it, and I can relate to the show very well. I live in a fairly small town where, during football season, everyone cannot wait until Friday. It’s all everybody talks about. If I were to get this DVD, I could get to see the episodes I missed, and create an even larger fan base for the show just like how I got all my friends addicted to The Office.
i want to see this show because i’m a newbie & after hearing/reading so many wonderful things about it, how can i not? ha
I love this show because it’s just plain awesome. I find myself interested in all of the storylines, and it’s one show I just have to watch.
haha. I should watch it b/c you told me to watch it.
(Yes, I know i’m ineligible to win but that’s okay…I’ll try to start watching it this year haha)
Luckily I have a speech prepared that I give to every single person I know…daily…Here goes:
Friday Night Lights is somehow more than a TV show. Every time I watch it I get completely sucked in; I feel like I’m watching a hidden camera show of these people’s lives rather than a scripted drama. Every actor in the show, right down to the towns people who have two lines, is at the top of his or her game. Some of their lines are delivered so well it give me chills. They deal with issues you’ve seen before, but in ways you’ve never seen before, mainly because they take the reality route rather than the tired TV routes on issues from teen sex to racism. There are so many scenes and conversations I watch and then think “I’ve actually been there…” especially after living in the South for 6 years and seeing the craziness that comes from football. Everything is so true and so beautifully shot and performed…there is just nothing like it on television.
If only that speech worked on anyone…
After hearing endlessly about this show on GMMR, I finally decided to give it a try. Within the first five minutes of the pilot, I was hooked. I’m pretty sure it was Matt Saracen and his grandmother that did it. Now I’ve seen the first seven episodes from a borrowed set of DVDs and I’m dying to see the rest before the new season starts!
I love this show because it feels so real. It feels like for 42 minutes one day a week you get to glimpse inside the lives of the people of Dillon, Texas. At first it feels strange almost and then you grow to love the characters, you start to cheer for them, feel their pain and understand their drive and love for all things football. The actors are phenomenal and I think Eric and Tami Taylor have the most realistic marriage ever to be depicted on television. I love this show. I would give anything to win these DVDs. I want to share this show with my friends and family so they can know what the fuss is all about.
This is probably the best – most realistic – show on television. How can you not love all of these characters? Matt…just a perfect little sweetheart. Coach Taylor – *sigh* what is not to love? And his wife and their relationship is just perfect. The stories are engrossing & the characters are so human. Even like Tyra who, at first, I just didn’t get at all & now she’s one of my favorite characters & her story arcs are some of my favorite. I cannot wait til this show is back in the fall.
I’ve heard such good things about the show, but never picked it up last year, not liking to start things in the middle. I managed to catch the first episode online, though… and there were tears. It seems like a GREAT show, with strong characters and stories.
Plus, I’m from the South. Come on…
The young actors are certainly wonderful, but Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton are the best portrayed married couple on television. Love this show.
This is my favorite show, ever.
I wasn’t that interested in it at first because all I knew was that it was about a football team in a small town in Texas. But when I finally watched it, I was in love! Even though I don’t know a thing about American Football.
The show is just so good, the actors are fantastic and so real (ans I love their accents). The show just makes me feel good.
After I had gone on on about my love of this show to my friend she watched it herself, not really expecting much and she got hooked!
The show just started airing here in Iceland, and I made sure everyone I know knew about it!
I’ll admit it — I got into the show initially for the football. I stayed for the realistic way the relationships are portrayed, and because the Southern accents, for a wonder, don’t suck.
I’ve never watched an episode of this show but I have heard from so many people it’s amazing. I should win because pretty much every single of of my favorite shows right now (The Office, Lost, Heroes) I initally got interested in them on DVDS–and yes I know Heroes just came out! Thats how I roll…haha
I don’t want to be put in the drawing because I went and bought the season already (along with another copy for my sister who is now addicted). I just wanted to say that all the reasons that were given above were spectacular!
Can’t wait for Oct 5th!! I hope that the ratings show this great outpouring when it comes back on!
I’ve never seen FNL but I’m very interested in it because…what kind of show merits a cash-back guarantee? Even if I don’t win the copies, I’m looking forward to buying the first season as soon as my local Best Buy gets it in stock again!
Kyle & Connie. They’re just so magical together and have such an amazing chemistry. They are so easy with one another and I absolutely buy them as a married couple. The entire cast is so talented and for such unknowns its really refreshing. its NOT jsut about football and its NOT just about teenagers! I hate when people say that. Its was the best show last season hands down.
Reasons to love this show:
1. It is not just about football
2. Matt
3. Coach Taylor
4. The camera work is terrific
5. The Taylors relationship, as a couple and a family
Eat it up with a spoon. Love it.
Of course, I love almost everything about this show(seriously, if I were a college student, I’d probably try to write a dissertation on it) I would have to say I love how every actor finds a way to inhabit their characters to where it blurs the line of reality, even in the smaller parts and bit players. I also love how no one(not even yucky Buddy Garritty) is one dementional. They might have been set up with premade labels(the star footballer, the bad boy, the popular cheerleader, the slut, the nerd, ect., ect) but nobody stays in their box for long. Also, for silly reasons, I love how everyone is called by their full names. I don’t know why, but it tickles me. I’ll stop here, even though I could go on…and on.
ps. ok, I have to love any show that will give a shout out to The Office, like FNL did in the epi ‘It’s Different for Girls’.
“They had a blanket!!”
Give peace a chance – just watch it.
If we lived in a totalitarian society and I was the dictator, this would be first on my agenda. Everyone would have to watch this show. In situations like this, I curse democracy and freedom!!
Contrary to popular belief, the show is NOT about football. Football is just the setting… it’s the backdrop. I don’t like football. I’ve tried – halfheartedly – to get into it. And it does nothing for me. So, when I sat down to watch the season premiere of this show, I thought to myself ‘this is going to be so stupid. An entire show about a small Texas town that is obsessed with high school football? Whatever.’ But I watched it anyway because it had gotten really good reviews and I just had a feeling that I NEEDED to sit my ass down and watch this.
Dear lord was my feeling ever right. Every episode of this show gets better and better. It is the most understated, character-driven, realistic show on television right now. The stuff that the characters go through is so real that it will make you squirm in your seat (‘The Office’ style). It’s got the most wonderful humor in it too…. Sprinkled in here and there when you are least expecting it. This is not a show about a small Texas town alone – this is a show about you and me and everyone in the whole world. There are no good guys and bad guys in the show. No one comes off entirely clean, and no one comes off entirely dirty either.
The fact that this show is character-driven might turn some people away. And admittedly, if you need to see a ninja fight in every movie/tv show that you watch or a car blowing up or some really unrealistic sex scenes with women that look like they have rubber boobs…. Then yeah, you’ll be disappointed.
But for most people, the fact that it’s character-driven doesn’t make it boring. To the contrary, that’s the beauty of the show. It is riveting, and it doesn’t need to employ any cheap plot devices to be riveting. It’s captivating because it’s real. It’s real, honest-to-god HUMAN drama. It’s what Grey’s Anatomy used to be before it started teetering close to the line of the soap opera. (Sorry Grey’s, I still love you, but… you’re in the danger zone)
Friday Night Lights is like an amazing feature film that continues each week.
Watch it for me. I don’t mind shamelessly begging on my hands and knees for this one.
Read some reviews from people that are smarter than me here:
Sorry, I forgot to mention I don’t really need to be considered for the drawing either. I bought my DVD set at 9am the day it came out, and I can share my copy. I’d rather see others converted. Thnx!
This show has heart. It’s so beautifully written and acted that it’s hard not to be sucked in.
I want to see it because it stars “Bomb Guy” from Grey’s Anatomy. I missed it last year, but I definitely want to catch up and start watching this year !
I don’t know if I can fully describe how much and why I love this show. It’s just SO real. So often the situations in TV shows seem contrived and unrealistic – with FNL I found myself feeling like I could relate to what was going on as well as the way the characters responded to it. Everything about it is perfect! I’ve been bugging people to watch it and want them to get hooked before season 2.
Give peace a chance – just watch it.
If we lived in a totalitarian society and I was the dictator, this would be first on my agenda. Everyone would have to watch this show. In situations like this, I curse democracy and freedom!!
Contrary to popular belief, the show is NOT about football. Football is just the setting… it’s the backdrop. I don’t like football. I’ve tried – halfheartedly – to get into it. And it does nothing for me. So, when I sat down to watch the season premiere of this show, I thought to myself ‘this is going to be so stupid. An entire show about a small Texas town that is obsessed with high school football? Whatever.’ But I watched it anyway because it had gotten really good reviews and I just had a feeling that I NEEDED to sit my ass down and watch this.
Dear lord was my feeling ever right. Every episode of this show gets better and better. It is the most understated, character-driven, realistic show on television right now. The stuff that the characters go through is so real that it will make you squirm in your seat (‘The Office’ style). It’s got the most wonderful humor in it too…. Sprinkled in here and there when you are least expecting it. This is not a show about a small Texas town alone – this is a show about you and me and everyone in the whole world. There are no good guys and bad guys in the show. No one comes off entirely clean, and no one comes off entirely dirty either.
The fact that this show is character-driven might turn some people away. And admittedly, if you need to see a ninja fight in every movie/tv show that you watch or a car blowing up or some really unrealistic sex scenes with women that look like they have rubber boobs…. Then yeah, you’ll be disappointed.
But for most people, the fact that it’s character-driven doesn’t make it boring. To the contrary, that’s the beauty of the show. It is riveting, and it doesn’t need to employ any cheap plot devices to be riveting. It’s captivating because it’s real. It’s real, honest-to-god HUMAN drama. It’s what Grey’s Anatomy used to be before it started teetering close to the line of the soap opera. (Sorry Grey’s, I still love you, but… you’re in the danger zone)
Friday Night Lights is like an amazing feature film that continues each week.
Watch it for me. I don’t mind shamelessly begging on my hands and knees for this one.
I have just gotten hooked on FNL! My husband has been watching Season 1 online and I got sucked in too! I’d love to own it on dvd! It’s hard to watch on the computer sometimes! I need to get caught up before Oct. 5!
I’ll admit that I was sceptical of this show when I first heard about it. A football show? Set in Texas? I highly doubted that it would appeal to me, a Canadian, non-sports fan. But luckily a friend finally convinced me to tune in, and I realized that this was one of the most gorgeous, bittersweet explorations of small town America that I had ever seen, let alone on network television. So many aspects of the show blew me away, notably the amazing acting by a relatively inexperienced cast and the brilliant writing, but what struck me the most was the directing. This is one of the most beautifully filmed shows that I’ve ever seen (well, except maybe for the West Wing, but we won’t go there). The lingering shots of the actors and the town add a whole new dimension to an already incredible show. Anyone who hasn’t seen this show needs to watch it. I guarantee that even one episode will suck you in.
I *love* Friday Night Lights. I was able to announce this outright proclamation of adoration right after the 2nd ep…
I actually remember thinking last year, after hearing about Kyle Chandler’s new gig, why after such an amazing and memorable Emmy-nominated guest appearance on Grey’s Anatomy, would he choose to star in a show like this?!.
Alas! I was wrong; about *any* preconceptions I might have had about Friday Night Lights; just as I’ve been wrong about Prison Break when that show premiered.
After reading all the appraisals from the press, I gave FNL a shot. I think it might have been the Peabodys that won me over. After all Battlestar Galactica won this prestigious award last year and I couldn’t be more appreciative of that show. After having watched the Pilot ep, I could not imagine not seeing the entire season!
FNL is smart, emotional, personal, intimate, real, unique.
I have read tons of good things about the show since it started and is one of the only shows you talk about that I don’t watch. I would love to get my hands on a copy so I could catch up for the premiere of season 2. Also- I would love to be able to add the show to my already ready to explode DVR.
kyle chandler + connie britton = unparalleled amazingness
I *love* Friday Night Lights. I was able to anounce this outright proclamation of adoration right after the 2nd ep…
I actually remember thinking last year, after hearing about Kyle Chandler’s new gig, why after such an amazing and memorable Emmy-nominated guest appearance on Grey’s Anatomy, would he choose to star in a show like this?!.
Alas! I was wrong; about *any* preconceptions I might have had about Friday Night Lights; just as I’ve been wrong about Prison Break when that show premiered.
After reading all the appraisals from the press, I gave FNL a shot. I think it might have been the Peabodys that won me over. After all Battlestar Galactica won this prestigious award last year and I couldn’t be more appreciative of that show. After having watched the Pilot ep, I could not imagine not seeing the entire season!
FNL is smart, emotional, personal, intimate, real, unique.
I’ve never seen it, but I hear about it all the time! I’m curious to see what it’s all about
I don’t even like football, but I love Friday Night Lights. I have read that the cast tends to improvise their lines, and re-watching a few episodes this summer I have seen that it gives the show that perfect realistic touch!
i’m new to FNL, but i’m constantly hearing about how amazing kyle chandler is in his role, and how much chemistry he has with connie britton as his wife. i’d love to see how that develops over the course of season one!
There are so many reasons to watch this fantastic show. The acting, by everyone involved, is just incredible. The writing is something other shows should emulate. The characters are so believable; you can’t help but fall in love with them. It’s got something for everyone: sports, action, humor, relationships, drama, etc. I look forward to all the shows coming back this fall, but none more than FNL.
The reason newbies should jump on the FNL train is the performances are so nuanced and real; sometimes you forget that they are acting. I tivo’ed the show and didn’t start watching until I had about 8 saved and I think I watched them all in one day. I was hooked!
Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton. Need I say more? Okay, I will. They are both beautiful people, talented actors, and make Friday Night Lights the show that it is. Just watch one scene between the two of them and you’ll be hooked on the show just like the rest of us. Go! Watch! You won’t regret it.
Angela Kinsey talks about this show a lot, and I trust her opinion.
Plus, I was bummed when Kyle Chandler got blown up on Grey’s. I was really hoping to see more of him . . . and this way I could!
It’s an amazing show and one of the few shows on tv right now that I bother to sit down and watch every week. The acting of Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton is AWESOME! And Taylor Kitsch and Zach Gilford are pretty fiiinnneee looking haha.
I’ve been a die hard fan from the start, am already sending around a copy of the dvds to everyone I know. NBC should hire me out!
Just an amazing show. I am still angry at the Emmy snub, but it is sort of nice, not everyone watching it. It’s like TV’s hidden gem. It just has to stay around.
You should watch because the ratings are heinous. This show needs to stay on for many more seasons…
Eric and Tami Taylor are the most realistic TV couple I have seen in a long time. I appreciate that they are truly in love with each other and Tami is such a strong, independant yet supportive wife.
Wow! I watched the whole series on this summer and I would love to have it to watch over and over again. They got so much right in this show, from the relationships to Texas football to everything the characters say and do. Mums! Mums at the homecoming game! I can’t recommend it enough.
Wow! I watched the whole season on this summer and I would love to have it to watch over and over again. They got so much right in this show, from the relationships to Texas football to everything the characters say and do. Mums! Mums at the homecoming game! I can’t recommend it enough.
Awesome perfection. Simply put, the best 22 episodes for a television series…ever. While watching the entire season on a 7″ laptop with sub-par video quality, I knew what a gem this show truly was. As a fellow Texan, I appreciate the writers by putting Texas in the middle- as a character- and not just a location to film. Kyle Chandler’s Hair is mesmorizing!!
The reason you should watch this show is simply that it is the best show currently on television. The writing is absolutely superb, the acting is wonderful and realistic, and the stories are intriguing and gripping. I was hesitant at first to watch this show because I, like many, wasn’t into watching a show about football. I tuned in for the episode where Jason finds out about Tim and Lyla and from then on I was hooked. I can’t tell you enough how great this show is, and if you haven’t done so already be sure to check it out for yourselves, you won’t regret it!
I love friday night lights!
FNL is without a doubt the best drama on TV. Season 1 is so perfect that I’m almost scared that they won’t be able to maintain that level of realism in Season 2. Of course, when you have Kyle Chandler & Connie Britton as the anchors of the show, how can they not. Fantastic! KC totally deserved an Emmy nod, nay, Emmy win for his outstanding performance. Love this show!!!
I love everything about this show but my favorite thing is Zach Gilford as Matt Saracen. Seriously I want a Matt Saracen of my very own. I just love his portrayal of this character. In the beginning when everything is going wrong for him – it breaks your heart and makes you love him and then later when he gets a little happier – I just love it when he smiles!! And it needs to be said that watching him and Julie Taylor together is just the cutest and sweetest thing – I get sugar shock watching it. Love it!!! The coach is hot too!!
Love me some Kyle Chandler – been a big fan sense the Homefront days. I could go on – I just love the show that much!!
all the characters are so great…it’s a very interesting show, very realistic, and of course there is minka kelly, one of the most beautiful girl ever…i just love her…(minka if you read this….you know what to do….)
I actually only started watching the show a week ago. I borrowed a friend’s DVD set and I watched all 22 episodes within 2 days. Needless to say, having my own copy would be amazing.
The best thing about the show is that it’s not really about football, but the people in the town of Dillon and their adoration for it. Well, sans Tyra. I’ve already memorized half of the team’s numbers so when they play, I know who is actually in the game. That is how devoted I am.
When I saw the pilot, I cried when Jason couldn’t get up. I cried! I’d never seen the show before and I was already emotionally attached before the first episode ended.
I love all the characters, even though I’d have to say Matt is my absolute favorite. The one scene that made me love him was where he sang to his grandmother to get her out of the closet.
Another character I really enjoy is Tim. He’s a pretty bad boy, being an alcoholic 17-year-old. But his heart is in the right place! Over the season, he grew. I could see Tim opening up more with his emotions. Through his relationships with Tyra, then Lyla, then his mid-30’s next door neighbor who happened to be a mom.
Everyone brings so much to the show through a different angle. And it astounded me when I found out the show got snubbed for any Emmy’s. It surprised me becuase this is one of the shows I watched and truly thought it would get some nominations.
The cinematography is some of the most beautiful in recent TV I’ve seen. I’d watched the extras and learned that the actors don’t use marks, making it more real and spontaneous. I like the slightly shaky and grainy feel. It makes it seem as if the actors truly are real. And to believe that makes a truly wonderful show.
Realistic. Optimistic. Heartbreaking. Full of love. With the best cast EVER.
I don’t want to win one since I already own it and I want to share the wealth but I did want to say that I went out and got it like you guys told me to and we are loving it! We just watched the homecoming episode last night. I’m pretty sure we’ll have them all done by the time the second season starts!
This show is unlike any I’ve seen — so authentic and honest and complicated and funny and moving (and how!), not to mention that aesthetically, it is achingly beautiful (poetic cinematography). It’s also one of the best reviewed shows this year…possibly ever. This is one of my favorite critic quotes, from the New York Times:
“Lord, is ‘Friday Night Lights’ good. In fact, if the season is anything like the pilot, this new drama about high school football could be great — and not just television great, but great in the way of a poem or painting, great in the way of art….”
I love that, because I’ve thought since the second episode that watching the show is like reading good, accessible poetry — bittersweet & funny and thoughtful poetry (see Billy Collins). But if you hate poetry, don’t let that stop you. The point is, it’s damn good.
At the end of every episode last season — every single one — I was touched profoundly and desperately wished the hour wasn’t over. I feel like a better person just for having watched the show. How many things on TV can you say that about?
Note: Since I already purchased my Season 1 DVD, if I get it, I’m going to pass it around to all my friends and force them to watch. It’s gorgeous on so many levels.
People should check out Friday Night Lights because it’s actually the most realistic portrayal of teenagers on television today. The drama the characters have are real and not too soap opera like, unlike shows like The O.C. and One Tree Hill.
I mainly started watching Friday Night Lights because of Kyle Chandler (who I saw previously in Grey’s Anatomy), but after a few episodes, I was hooked onto the show. Friday Night Lights is so much more than just about football; it’s about the relationships of the characters and the intricate developments in their lives. The plots are so realistic, unlike many dramas these days, and the actors are truly talented. Try an episode and you’ll be hooked
Opie says: “it’s a real life drama presented in a real way. it’s small town America at it’s finest…that doesn’t go over the edge…we can see a bit of ourselves in it”
The acting is so good; you really believe in the Taylor family and the people they touch. These are good, honest people who, granted, make some mistakes, but they are trying to get through life as best they can.
It was such a real moment for me at the end of the season when Coach Taylor said he understood the players might be mad that he was leaving and that he would always support their dreams, but that he had dreams too. I love that he doesn’t give up on his dreams. It’s inspiring television. Thanks to GMMR for turning me on to it!
I’m a big fan and have been since the first episode my sister told me about it and from the first episode I was hooked! My favorite episode is hard to nail down because they are all so good but one of my favorites has to be It’s Different For Girls because as a girl who attended public high school in a small town I’ve never seen teenagers so realistically portrayed, the casting is perfect I’ve been a Kyle Chandler fan since Early Edition and I have to admit I didn’t know the awesome-ness that is Connie Britton before I watched but now she is one of my favorite actresses in short I love the show and everything in it so please pick me because a bigger FNL fan you will not find!
I’ve only seen snippets of the show here and there but what I have seen looks good. I was working most of this past TV season and I had other shows to record that I new I liked and wanted to see. So to be fair, I’ve never really given the show a chance that I know it deserves and if I won, I would definitely like to see what everyone else sees in FNL and perhaps be able to spread the love and convert others myself.
I started watching this show halfway through the season and immediately had to go back and watch the rest of the season. No show on television right now, cable or network, has the heart that this show does. It portrays beautiful, real, sometimes heartbreaking relationships like they are in life. An absolutely amazing find.
Best show on TV! Matt Saracen is also one of my favorite characters: sweet, funny, cute, and a QB!
Watch for: the football, the relationships, the families, the drama, the emotion, the comedy, and the hot men! (Okay, and for the guys, the hot ladies too…)
I just want to see it to see what all the fuss is about
It’s real, it’s relatable. It’s a show where you can really believe in what you’re seeing. It’s not just the football, it’s the characters, their relationships, their lives.
With a great cast, backed with an awesome soundtrack, Friday Night Lights proves to be THE show to watch.
I’ve watched a lot of shows from many different genres and I can honestly say Friday Night Lights is pleasantly realistic without being the least bit boring. Every single week you’re drawn in and it never fails to amaze. From the settings to the characters to the storylines to the soundtrack, it’s absolutely refreshing. Even those who don’t necessarily love football will fall in love with this show. It’s relatable and just a pleasure to watch.
I love Friday Night Lights! It is incredibly unique because it is shot like a documentary and the acting is just terrific. It was robbed of Emmy noms. Connie Britton and Kyle Chandler so deserve to win for that. Seriously, this show appeals to so many people, its insane. I love it, and can’t wait for Season 2!
Because it’s truly not just about football, it’s about the relationships. And the writing MAKES this show, as well as the freedom the actors have within the scene. Hell, if a show can make ME enjoy football, you know it’s worth it.
Kyle. Chandler.
Well I’ve heard this is one of the best shows on television and I’d love a chance to sit down and watch it at my convenience! I have three little girls so watching any television show is very hard to do. With DVD’s I can stay up all night and fall into the fantasy world created for fans. I also LOVE Kyle Chandler…he’s just awesome:)
I have never gotten sucked into a drama like I have “FNL”. It feels so real and heartwarming and gritty and about 10 million other things. The acting is also marvelous. I’m psyched to watch it without the distracting commercials!
The chemistry and realness of the relationship between Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton makes the show.
I started watching the show this summer online. I had always heard how great the show was from critics and some of my friends, so I figured I should give it a try. After a few episodes, I was addicted. Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton have the best chemistry. I love Landry and his ridiculous comments. And, Matt and Julie are so cute together…
I watched two episodes of FNL on and thought that they looked promising. I don’t really enjoy watching shows on my computer, so I’m hoping to either rent or buy this DVD this summer.
I’ve heard so many good things about this show, and I was kind of upset with myself for not watching it when it first premiered. So this way i could watch season 1, and start watching FNL’s new season!
also Kyle Chandler — so cute, does anyone remember him from Early Edition?? great show.
I have to say i’m guilty of missing this show the first time around. So when started streaming episode, I jumped at the chance to watch them. I was hooked three episodes in, but the streaming was so bad I never finished the season. I need to find out what happens!!!!! it’s a great show, good drama, nicely shot, and hot actors.
I watched the first season on FNL while on vacation this summer – friends had all the epis Tivo’d… and all I can say that this is an AMAZING show! Perfectly cast (I heart Kyle Chandler and Taylor Kitsch), impeccable acting (by all), and brilliant storylines (it’ll make you laugh, cry, and sit on the edge of your seat, guaranteed!) I am not a football fan in the slightest, and you don’t have to be to fall in love with this show. Watch it! Watch it! Watch it! You are truly missing out if you don’t!
Riggins! And it’s just a great story.
I’ve never seen this show before, but it really sounds interesting to me, since I’m a fan of these kind of shows. It’s just that I never got the time to watch the show, but I’ll definitely try to catch a few episodes of the first season. I’ve heard some great things about FNL from other people, which makes me feel even more guilty of not having seen this show yet.
Friday Night Lights is a spectacular show. I am a big sports fan, but you know what? This show is NOT about sports. Every once in a while, they show some football and it jerks me back to reality.
This show is about personal relationships. Coach Taylor trying to balance life with his wife and daughter while trying to earn the respect of the hormone-filled team… Tyra trying to salvage a decent home-life while wavering between all the bad boys in her life and just one good guy… Riggins trying to outdo his inner demons… Saracen trying to have a relationship that’s doomed while trying to man up as a leader on the field….
This show is simple, yet complex. It’s fun to watch and I am glad it’s been renewed.
Friday Night Lights is the best show currently on TV. I got caught up on season 1 on NBC this summer, and cannot wait for season 2. Why should you watch? Coach, Mrs. Coach, Sareson, Riggins, Smash, and all the other wonderful characters that inhabit Dillion, Texas. I love the show, and am even learning a wee bit about the game of football…and this is coming from a girl who HATES football.
Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose!
Every single one of my best friends has nothing but praise for this show, and I’ve wanted to watch it for a long, long time.
I have listen to your podcast since the beginning and have always been intrigued by FNL but never had the time to watch (stupid job). Plus who wouldn’t love to watch Kyle Chandler over and over again. It looks like a great show.
I thought is was strange that no one had left a comment left! Stupid me, commenting on the wrong blog.
So I doubt that I have a chance at this point, but like I said over on MySpace, everyone I know who has good taste in TV loves FNL and though I keep saying I am going to watch it, I still haven’t. I would have no excuse if you sent me a free DVD set! Then I could catch up and start watching S2 with everyone else.
What I love about FNL is that in many ways it doesn’t feel like watching TV at all. Sure, it’s a fictional show so there are some less-than-believable moments. But it is more real than any “reality” show ever will be. You should really just check it out to experience Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton deliver the most engaging performances in current television.
I love this show so much! I watch plenty of tv but this is the first time I’m completely head over heels inlove with a show. Something about it just touched me. And Matt Saracen is just made of awsome.
This show is just all around good. Great editing and camera work. I never thought Texas could look so beautiful. The music is great, especially when Explosions in the Sky is used. It seems they pick the perfect song for the perfect occassion, like when the team is about to have a big game. We see great young actors and some really good veteran actors as well. There are so many great stories to follow. This is a show for the whole family.
I have never seen a full episode of this show. I’ve recently been told by several friends who are fans of the show, to give it a try. I watched half of an episode last week and enjoyed what I saw. I’d love to watch season one and be all caught up for season 2.
I have never watched a full episode of this show. Friends and even strangers keep telling me how great it is. I hate waiting for it every week and watching in weird orders though. I like watching shows from beginning to end. I watched a few minutes of episode 3, I believe, and it seemed really good. I need to see season one. I don’t see myself watching season 2 if I haven’t seen the first season.
Friday Night Lights is one of the best shows to come on tv in a long time. I highly recommend it to everyone. The show has something for everyone and is a great way to spend time together. My boyfriend and I are always so busy but we would sit down and spend that one hour a week together watching the show. He is really interested in football and I don’t know much about it, so the show was a way for us to share in one of his interests and I was able to learn a bit about football while watching something I loved. The show really has something for everyone, the characters seem so real and are all experiencing real life issues making them relatable for everyone. I tell everyone about the show and I would like to be able to keep sharing the first season of FNL and get more people watching season 2.
I’m from SOuth Africa where Rugby is the equivalent of Football, except in SA the whole country is as obsessed with it as the town of Dillion is with it’s football. After watching it for the first time I saw it gettting one heck of a following in my country, suddenly more people on campus were talking about Coach Taylor’s newest tactics than Rugby National players selection. This show is a must see, it’s the only thing that I know of that can make a hardcore Rugby fan a Dillion Panther within a 22 episode arc.
You should watch this show for the relationship between the Taylor family. it is by far the most realistic relationship I have every seen on TV. I love this show and never miss an episode, and this is from someone who hates football.
I dare anyone to watch this show and not fall in love with it – who’d of thought there could be so many amazing characters and stories to be found in a sleepy little town like Dillon? I’d love to “convert” my family & friends via the Season 1 DVD’s!
Friday Night Lights is full of real compelling drama, a whole new approach to the way its shot, and the best ensemble cast I’ve ever seen on TV (well, toss up between FNL and West Wing). Watch it to be inspired by Tami Taylor’s awesomeness. Watch it to find an appreciation for football and Texas you never thought you could have. And if nothing else, buy the DVD and watch it just so that NBC will see the fan support and keep it on for a long long time as an act of altruism for all us diehard fans out there.
Out of all the shows that I began to watch last season, Friday Night Lights was unfortunately not one of them. At first it appeared to me as a doomed show and it wouldn’t survive its first couple of episodes. As the series began and cotinued I heard great things about it, yet I was always skeptical. I never really got the chance to tune into the show, and would love to win these DVDs to catch up on what could become the next classic. Thank you.
hi, there im a newbie. the reason why i want to see because i have heard great things about the show. How it is more than about football, that the characters and thier relationships are so interesting and dymaic that it draws youin the very first time you watch it.
I am a recent convert and watched the whole season in only a few sittings – it was so addicting – and I don’t even like football. The dialogue is real, the characters engaging – it is like reading a great book.
The writing is amazing! The dialoue is very genuine. Also the acting is great too. The nuanced performances of the actors and the subtleness of the stories increase the believability of the show.
Never saw the movie or the TV show. Have been hearing good things about the show. I guess I never got into it because I was in marching band in high school so we kind of did our own thing and the football team did their own thing. But since I’ve recently graduated from college I’ve had a sense of nostalgia of all things related to high school so I should check this out.
I’ve never seen the show, not sure why. I trust almost everything my Entertainment Weekly tells me, and they absolutely love the show. I just stumbled on your website, you seem to like all the shows I like, so this is just another sign that it’s time to check out FNL.
Every last one of my friends is sick to death of hearing me tell them how great this show is. It’s not just great, it’s brilliant. From the actors to the writers to the producers to those who film it to the set designers, it is an amazing dance of skill and improvisation. The show never fails to amaze me with it’s subtle nuance in storytelling. I have finally resorted to telling people to watch it for other reasons- hot actors and actresses, “you remind me of _____”, or simply, “just watch it ONCE and tell me you don’t love Kyle Chandler’s incredibly emotive hair!” My co-workers and family even get a kick out of my constant “Butch up, Sally” and “Get out of my chili!”s.
I’m so glad it’s on DVD. I’m going to go buy a set and send them to my dad, who has just had surgery and is laid up for the next couple of weeks. I know he will love it too. And then hopefully he will pass it on to Mom, and my Brother… well, you get the drift!!!!!!
FNL on NBC!!!! Woo HOO!
this show makes all other shows seem so glaringly fake in comparison. i was skeptical at first, but after watching the pilot, i was hooked. and how could you not love matt saracen?
I’ve live for football, but my the deal I have with my wife is that if I get to watch the games I want to watch, she get control of the remote the rest of the week during football season. If I could get these DVDs, I know I could hook her into watching everyweek, because I’m almost there just with the bits and pieces we have been able to see.
I just got hooked on Friday Night Lights in July! You don’t have to like football to like this show. The writing is superb and the cast has great chemistry with each other . . . Not to mention they are all extremely good looking! Hopefully the Friday Night Lights sponsored House Parties on September 14th will get more people liking this great show! Can’t wait to see what is in store for the Dillon Panthers in season 2!