GREEK Season Finale: At World's End - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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GREEK Season Finale: At World’s End

June 16, 2009 by  

(Grab a few beers from the Kappa Tau fridge because you’re in for a wildly self indulgent look at last night’s season finale of GREEK.)

It’s the end of the world as we know it, and despite what REM might have you believe, all is not just fine. In fact, the end of the world has brought doom and gloom for some of our Cypress Rhodes Greek brothers and sisters.  The Armageddon known as GREEK Season 2 culminates with some of our college buds putting love on the line, others their academic standing…and perhaps a purity ring of two will be lost in all the shenanigans. We learn that the founding mistresses of The WB aren’t revered for their decision making skills, and Clay Aiken isn’t all that dangerous (in case you were worried).

GREEK ended its season tonight, but kept us sitting right on the edge of the roof – just where they wanted us.

Buddah once said, “There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it.” But I have to wonder if Buddah ever went to a frat party at CR? It’s not so easy to distinguish between this so called “good” and “evil”. Or if it is, maybe we just want to ignore it.

Rusty & Dale Against the World…or at least against sex
Such was the case tonight with Calvin and Dale and their need to suppress their wanton desires. Not with each other – despite appearances.  Calvin and Dale used the power of the purity pledge as a way to keep themselves strong when it came to physical interactions with Graham and Sheila, respectively. Dale’s cougar, Sheila, is getting all kinds of frisky. As Dale says, she’s “the energizer seduction bunny”. She has no regard for purity rings or hearing “no” (even if he says it like he means it). She wants her man and she wants him now.

Calvin also knows a little something about what Sheila’s dealing with, but in his case, it’s his Omega Chi brother and roommate, Graham. The only two out gay men in the fraternity both want to be a little more than bunk buddies, but neither are willing to admit it.  Calvin goes as far as avoiding Graham in hopes that nothing will happen to destroy their brotherhood.

But in a moment when Calvin seems to be giving into his weaknesses, it’s Dale that goes beyond his own comfort zone to offer his friend a hand. Of course this help involved Dale telling Graham that he and Calvin were dating.  Hilarious!

I probably watched the Graham/Calvin/Dale dorm room scene about ten times. Clark Duke just nails the timing. So funny!

Dale: But baby, won’t we be late for Showgirls? I know how much you hate being late.
Graham: Are you guys….?
Dale: “Yeah. I mean Cal’s a little shy but we’re in love…we’re gay together.”

Calvin is not so convincing when he later tries the same tactic to get Sheila (literally) off Dale.

Calvin: “Sheila stop. Dale is my boyfriend.”

But hey, it’s the end of the world, and neither of these guys are willing to let their chance for love pass them by.  Calvin and Graham get their smooch on while Dale and Sheila are taking full advantage of the KT couch (ew).  Do you think Dale lost that purity ring for good?  I hope not. Stay strong, Dale!


A twosome I can’t get behind as much is Rusty and Jordan. Sorry, but they are damn near nauseating. Rusty is the little brother of the show.  But am I supposed to find him as annoying as I would a little brother?  Maybe.  I kind of dig Jordan, but the two of them together kind of make my skin crawl.  And I felt that way even before they were brainstorming their own portmanteaus – Jordy, Rustin. Seriously?

It seems the young Mr. Cartwright hasn’t yet learned how to balance college life, Greek life and life with a new love.  When he’s forced to partake in an all night study session (on a Saturday…really?) and miss the KT’s End of the World party, Rusty makes the bold choice to sneak out on the professor in order to spend the night with Jordan and beer.  That’s going to come back to bite him in the ass.  Enjoy the night while you can, buddy.  Academic probation is just around the corner

Kicking Ass and Taking Names…All while looking so pretty
A chick that is on the path to greatness is Miss Ashleigh. Becoming ZBZ President has done so much for Ashleigh’s confidence. She’s not just Casey Cartwright’s sidekick anymore. Ashleigh has become the solid go-to girl that keeps her sisters heads on straight (well not Rebecca, but she’s allowed to experiment…it’s college).

Faced with the possibility of expulsion (yeah, that was a bit of a stretch writers) over the IKI float incident, Ashleigh, without Casey by her side,  finally stood her ground with Frannie. She called Frannie out on the joke that is IKI.  Frannie dropped her accusations. (And dropped the facade that was IKI). Panhellenic dropped the charges

..and then Ashleigh dropped a big old reality check on Casey.

Max returned early and despite all her efforts, Casey just couldn’t get Cappie off her mind.  After falling down a manhole (he he), and facing death (dumb, but just go with it), Casey can’t help but be consumed with her feelings for Cappie. Casey has become a hot mess of emotions. She’s gone off the deep end and has resorted to making pros and cons lists. Thankfully Ashleigh knows that in this moment, all her friend needs is brutal honesty.

Ashleigh: “You used to be this focused, driven person. When did you become this girl? Someone who sits around pining and making lists, and second guessing your choices? Paging Dr. Grey.”

Casey: Ash.

Ashleigh: “No, wait. You are more like Joey Potter”

Casey: “Whoa, ok I get the point.”

Ashleigh: “No, you’re worse. You’re the F word.”

Casey: “Dont’ say it.”

Ashleigh: “Felicity.”

Casey: “You bitch!”

Hilarious!  God I love this show!

But Casey loves Cappie. Right, back to that.

After Ash’s reality check, Casey is determined to find Cappie and tell him just how she feels.  She rushes over to Kappa Tau and pushes Cappie into a closet and goes right in for a kiss (that girl doesn’t hold back).  She tells Cappie that she still has feelings for him and she wants them to get back together.  Unfortunately, Cappie doesn’t feel the same way. Well of course he does, but in a decision born out of self preservation, he tells Casey that it’s just a reaction to her falling down the manhole (he he), and she shouldn’t leave Max for him.  Cappie lists off all his faults – well, at least all the faults that Casey has been throwing in his face since their break up – as the reason they won’t stay together.  Aw, Cap.

As the two of them leave the closet, Max is outside waiting.  Cappie takes the fall for the awkward encounter, and says that he’s still not over Casey and he’s been trying to win her back while Max was away.  Once again, aw Cap.

Thankfully for all involved, Casey doesn’t try to stay with Max.  She breaks things off with him.  In turn, Max gets drunk and moves out to California where he rents an apartment in a building with other 20-somethings just trying to find themselves. There’s a lot of drama, but a very cool pool.  Bye Max.

Casey heads home for some alone time.

Ashleigh finds her way to the roof of the KT house where she finds a sullen Cappie.  She tells him that Casey broke up with Max, and she’s going to keep breaking up with guys because at the end of the day (or the world), Cappie is the guy Casey is supposed to be with.  And as the KT revelers start counting down, Ash asks the one question we all want to know:

It’s the end of the world, Cappie.  What are you going to do?

Fade to black.  See you back at the end of August.

As much as I despise cliffhangers (I am an impatient person who wants instant gratification), it’s much easier to know that the show will be back soon enough.

But will Cappie decide to go to Casey or will the two of them dance around their feelings even more? Honestly, I don’t know how I want it to go. I know I want them to end up together in the end, but I’d rather not have the ping pong match of them getting together and breaking up.  It’s college. It happens. But I’d like to see what it’s like to see them happy – either with each other or with others.  Or in Casey’s case, how about she finds a little happiness without a man for a bit.

And since I’ve already gone way overboard in talking about last night’s GREEK, how about just a few more random thoughts…

  • I beg forgiveness for ever doubting Ashleigh.  It took me a while to get in her corner, but now she’s one of my very favorite characters. Anyone else think an Ash & Beccs spinoff would be hilarious?!
  • Is there anyone better than Dale?  I think not.

  • Totes forgot to mention Frannie has left CR for good. I guess that shows how much I care. Ouch. That character had real potential but the story just got too repetitive for me to take interest.  Bye Frannie.
  • Dear writers on all shows. Can you please ban the following break-up line: “You’re the perfect guy. You’re just not perfect for me.” – the variation of “it’s not you, it’s me” is tired.
  • Dale (walking into Calvin & Graham’s room): “It smells like Hugo Boss and brimstone in here.”
  • Ashleigh: “We can go. I feel kind of Betsy-ish having a drink at noon.”
  • Frannie: “Being passed out in Clay Aiken’s bed is more threatening than you are.”
  • Dale: “But it’s not the end of the world. Don’t you read the scriptures I leave on your pillow? There will be signs!”

There’s so much to talk about, that I’m just going to open up the comments and let you go at it.  The only thing I ask, is that if you care enough about GREEK to comment then please make sure to do our part to get others watching.  There’s plenty of time between now and August 31st for newbies to get up to speed on the show.  Two seasons in more than months? Cake.

And if you’re reading this but never watched GREEK, go out and get the DVDs.  Go to iTunes and download the episodes. We want to see you in class with us when the new season returns in the Fall.

Now let’s talk GREEK…

Filed under #1 featured, Greek, TV News


13 Responses to “GREEK Season Finale: At World’s End”

  1. GREEK Season Finale: At World’s End | Joe Hosting on June 16th, 2009 10:21 am

    […] the whole story on Give Me My Remote Share and […]

  2. Marc on June 16th, 2009 10:56 am

    I have single-handedly gotten about half a dozen people watching this show by buying them the DVD’s or loaning mine out. I’ve watched faithfully since episode 1, season 1. This show is best young adult drama on television right now (WAY better than GG or 90210). Loaded with amazing pop culture references (like last week’s “90210 Classic,” referring to Emily Valentine and the burning of the homecoming float), and witty, hilarious dialogue a la Joss Whedon, it still resonates with stories and characters that are deeper and much more realistic than they first appear. This show is not perfect, but WOW, is it GREAT!!!!

    PLEASE WATCH!!!!!!

    BTW – Why are all these characters leaving mid-semester?!?! It was JUST homecoming, which comes in mid-October in most college calendars. Frannie and Heath should still be around come Aug. 31st, at least until they push for the end of the semester.

  3. Alyson on June 16th, 2009 12:25 pm

    The exchange about the WB girls cracked me up. As did many other things you listed above. I love the pop-reference filled dialogue on Greek; it and Cappie keep me coming back for more.

  4. Lizzydee on June 16th, 2009 1:29 pm

    oh man oh man…that was some ending!!! Im with Kath on how I don’t know how I want this to go. I want SO bad for Cap and Casey to be together at the end but I want to see Casey by herself for a little bit and then maybe have Cappie win her back with being the sweet guy that we all know he is 🙂 But I really think that Rusty did something really stupid, like dropped his major or something. I love love love Rusty but I think that the writers are going to have him really get into some deep emotional stuff next season. I.E leave the house…break up with jordan or chose a different major that he would be ok with(which would be nothing besides poly science..or whatever hes major is now called!) and writers….please have more Dale next season!!!! man, I just love this show!!

    Kath! the actor that plays Dale is Clark Duke. He is BFF with Michael Cera aka George Michael Bluth. They have a website where they have mini episodes of this show that they wrote TOGETHER! Its so so funny! There are 10 all together with each lasting behind 10-15 minutes! I would totally check them out when you get a chance! Enjoy!

  5. Patty on June 16th, 2009 2:00 pm

    Kath, chalk up another show that you got me hooked on! (now if you would only watch Supernatural!)I have the DVD’s and will be rewatching them this summer (since I have only seem most only one time) and passing them along to friends.

    I hope Cappie and Casey get together but I don’t want it to be all mushy and easy. I would like to see them both want to be together but struggle with each others expectations.

    Rusty and Jordan? Make me want to barf with all their lovey dovey stuff. Yuck.

    I love Ashleigh and Dale. I never liked Max. Perfect guys aren’t really perfect. Ever.

    I am so glad this show will be back in August. Short hiatus = excellent!

  6. Nicole on June 16th, 2009 3:33 pm

    I’m waiting to read the recap until home time, since it’s extra long (yay), but had to jump in to say THANK YOU to Lizzydee for reminding me where I know Clark Duke from. I loved those webisodes and was so sad when I had watched them all – hilarious.

    Also, as much as I would love to see Cappie scramble over to ZBZ to sweep Casey off her feet, I would like a slower progression with him winning her over after she’s had a chance to be single for a bit. I think it would be more rewarding and less likely to end in a too-quick breakup to keep things interesting. I want them together for the long haul!

    I have no problem with Rusty and Jordan, despite their lovey-dovey-ness, even though normally I would find this to be a problem. They are both just so adorable it’s hard to find them nauseating. But I do miss Jen K – I really liked them together.

    Anyhow, I’m going to hold the rest of my thoughts until I read this later. Thanks for recapping it Kath!

  7. Jen (HIMYM) on June 16th, 2009 7:11 pm

    I am so glad you finally got into Greek! I, like Marc, have been addicted since E1 S1 and it’s my must-see Monday show, no matter what else is on.

    I’ve gotten my best friend hooked when she originally gave up after the first episode. She caught up as fast as you did. And now I’m checking UPS/USPS every few hours to see if the first DVD has finally arrived at my friend’s place in Jersey. The hell of Jersey keeps bouncing it around the state, damn them.

    But anyways, I’m alright with Rusty and Jordan but I’m not overly involved with their relationship. I do really like Jordan though. I adore Ashleigh though and I’m surprised it took you so long to get on to her bandwagon. I agree think it was a stretch for them to possible suspend or expel Ash. Everyone was laughing and drinking beer, how could it have possibly been Ash behind the prank, seriously??

    Calvin and Dale = awesomeness. The only thing that would have been better in this episode would have been more Cappie & Dale.

    Good riddance Frannie! At first I thought she was just going to finish off the entire year and just never be seen again but then I thought how she really was supposed to graduate the year before but she screwed up and had to repeat. Heath, on the other hand, will be sorely missed.

    What I’m wondering is that Ash, Casey, Cappie, Evan, Beaver and a few others are seniors. It takes 3 “seasons” for a school year. We’re only at homecoming now (last time it was Christmas break when they ended this chapter in their school year), how many more seasons will we get?? I can’t imagine that all the seniors will just stay another year for grad school at CRU but they are essential for the show. I don’t want this show to end any time soon but it’s not like there are any more Cartwrights coming to CRU to keep up the brother/sister aspect of the show (which, by the way, this episode was lacking).

    I looooved the exchange between Ash and Casey regarding Meredith, Joey and the F word. That was hilarious. I looove how they incorporate TV & pop culture on this show. I’m so happy we don’t have to wait too long but still, it is long enough.

  8. Kath (GMMR) on June 16th, 2009 7:55 pm

    I really do hope that Casey and Cappie are kept apart, not my silly circumstance, but more out of respect what they could have. They have to earn it. Cappie might need to sweep Casey off her feet, yet, but Casey also needs to give a little something back to Cappie. She is a fickle little fool when it comes to love, and I think Cappie’s reaction last night was justified.

    I think it’s worth mentioning again how much I adore Clark Duke, and how inspired this role is. He could easily be a caricature but instead he’s a well rounded, and hilarious character. What I appreciate the most is that the writers have constructed Dale in such a way, that even though he disagrees with how his friends live their lives, he still treats them with respect. There’s not hatred in his heart. And I think at the end of his CR experience, we’ll find Dale the most changed character on the show…in the best possible way.

    Surprised there was no Evan/Rebecca storyline. I thought for sure the writers were setting something up when they forced the two to spend all that time together in the car.

    As for Ashleigh, I’ve been on Team Ash for a long time now, it’s now new, but I didn’t love her in the beginning. I thought they wrote her a little too dumb – like Beth dumb. Last night’s episode showed just how far Ashleigh has come since the first episode.

    I’ve been devastated that the audio recordings I did while on the set of GREEK were destroyed. But I’ll still share vids and pics from my time on set. It will be soon, and it will be during the “Rush Week” I’m planning for GREEK. It’s all about getting newbies on board. I hope you’ll paint your face blue and help cheer me (and the show) along.

  9. Diana on June 16th, 2009 10:51 pm

    Great recap. I’ve been waiting for Casey and Cappie to get together for so long…but at this point I actually want to see Casey chase after Cappie for a bit. He’s always wanted to be with her, always gazed longingly, messed with her relationships…and she’s always fended him off and/or chosen other guys. It could be fun watching her trying to prove to him that they should be together.

    Ash kicked major ass! Glad she’s found happiness and confidence with herself, the ZBZ presidency and Fisher.

    Dale cracks me up!!!! Whether it’s bonding with Cappie or lecturing about Christianity…or now making purity pledges with Calvin, he’s always spot on! “We’re gay together” had me laughing out loud.

    I also totally agree with wanting Rebecca to have a storyline next semester. I miss her bitchiness! Unleash it on someone, please! Oh and I was surprised too about her storyline with Evan going nowhere…maybe the car stuff was laying a foundation for something next season?!?

    Finally, just had to add that I have loaned out my dvds as well, and (just like with FNL, VMars, Chuck and BSG) I have had nothing but positive responses!

  10. Jen (HIMYM) on June 17th, 2009 12:09 am

    I was just watching an old episode of The OC, the one that had Colin Hanks and (gag) Paris Hilton and I saw the girl that plays Beth (the naive ZBZ turned IKI sister) in it. Just random thing I had to mention since I just noticed her.

  11. pau on June 19th, 2009 8:55 pm

    Good recap, this show is loved, it’s a good thing.
    It’s not awesome but it’s light, fun, quite realistic and funny (sometimes teen drama cliche though but rather well written).
    It’s far better than these other teen soap much more promoted by the medias (yes Gossip Girl and 90210 i think of you !)
    Actually it’s the smart teen drama and it’s rare and bonus : it has Clark Duke.

  12. Jane S on June 27th, 2009 7:30 am

    I am guite addicted to Greek.
    And more or less the reason is that this show is not so serios about relationship and feeleing, and is looking from the comedy prospective. Any situation is more or less showed from the comedy side. Recently I have review some of the Dawson’s Greek episodes and they are so serious with all these endless conversations and serous looks and tears, and … it is toooooo much. That is why I like GREEK – it is funny, independelnty of the outcome.

    Just to say that for me Max was too serious as character, he didn’t fit in the story. I am glad he is out.

    And the last episodes (after 19) the story between Cappie and Casety suddenly become to tragic. I really like to go back to the more funny part of their story. Is not the end of the world after all.

    For the next season I want:
    1) Evan and Rebecca together – there have very good chemistry between them and they are funny togetger;
    2) Evan and Cappie being friends (and of course to continue to compete)
    3) Evan and Casey – to have long conversation and to renew their friendship (they were very nice couple, and their story finished to early, but ok it is to late for them now);
    4) The show to continue to be comedy without to much drama in it; With more Cappie & Dale stuff in it.
    5) For Rusty to grow up. It is time already;
    6) And of course I want the relationship between Cappie and Casey to go to the next stage -to stop only annoying each other, or argue, or make stupid moves, and to start building actual relationship, which to show that they really are suposed to be with each other, becouse by now this is not so clear. They have to grow enough to understand each other and to give each other what they need. So I am looking forward to this.


  13. alicia on October 27th, 2009 8:15 am

    my favorite part was when capy and casey kissd at the end i thought they would never get to tell eachother how they felt but they did.