HOUSE Recap: Mirror Mirror - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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HOUSE Recap: Mirror Mirror

October 31, 2007 by  

I’m sure it’s pretty difficult for writer’s on medical-based dramas to keep coming up with new and interesting cases.  I often wonder if there is some sort of Wiki out there that lists all the diseases and ailments used on medical shows throughout the years so others can avoid duplication.  You know, like ‘cancer of the toe leads to patient’s deafness’ was used on St. Elsewhere in ’86.  Or ‘pole impales man but he lives’ was done on Grey’s Anatomy so don’t go there.  Or ‘patient sells farm equipment which turns his blood bad and he starts mirroring people’ – House, 2007.

Last night we saw House and his team try to cure a man whose blood was turning to sludge, and they didn’t know why. But the most interesting part of the case was that the man’s ailment caused his to forget everything about himself and mirror the inner most thoughts of those around him.  Don’t understand? Yeah, it was a bit confusing to me as well but I went with it.

House and team do their thing: Diagnose, misdiagnose, run tests, start treatment, end treatment because it’s only making the patient sicker, run more tests, investigate the patient’s personal property, start a new treatment that again almost kills the patient, misdiagnose, use the personal property to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and solve the case and cure the patient.  Done and done.

While all of this is going on, Cuddy continues to have Foreman oversee House’s team and House isn’t loving it (or so he wants everyone to believe).  Foreman is pretty miserable to be back at the job he quit (or so he wants everyone to believe).  Chase and Cameron really don’t have much of a role but the writer’s are finding small ways to inject them into the story so we don’t forget about them. And Cuddy once again shows that she is powerless when it comes to House.  She has absolutely no authority whatsoever and I have to question why she is running that hospital.  I like Cuddy, but she’s pretty immature and I wonder if any of the other doctors actually respect her.  Then again, I don’t really see many other doctors in Princeton-Plainsboro so I guess we may never know.

Overall a good episode…wasn’t one of my favorites, but Hugh Laurie can do no wrong in my book.

Did you watch?  Thoughts…come on share and share alike!! 

Filed under House, House Recap


7 Responses to “HOUSE Recap: Mirror Mirror”

  1. HOUSE Recap: Mirror Mirror — All This Nonsense on October 31st, 2007 10:11 am

    […] reading this post by: Give Me My Remote For more… RSS […]

  2. Emily on October 31st, 2007 11:44 am

    It was a good episode, interesting with Mirror Syndrome.
    I still am not sold on the new ducklings… but I do keep watching because it is interesting.
    Unfortunately I didn’t see much of this episode, too much else going on.

  3. TheOfficeMattress on October 31st, 2007 1:11 pm

    It was a good episode, I thought Cuddy putting laxatives in House’s drink was funny, it is immature for someone running a hospital but funny nonetheless! And I agree GMMR, Hugh Laurie can do no wrong, he just cracks me up! 🙂

  4. Tobie on October 31st, 2007 2:03 pm

    I enjoyed this episode. I found I was laughing quite a bit between Cuddy/House trying to one-up each other.

  5. Althea on October 31st, 2007 2:07 pm

    I thought that Cuddy putting laxatives in House’s vicodin bottle was really mean, until we find out that House may have replaced her birth control. Those two things are not the same level of immature.

    But I did love when House is telling Foreman about how if he doesn’t leave then Cuddy’s going to end up pregnant and Foreman says something like “I don’t know see what you sleeping with Cuddy has to do with anything”

  6. Give Me My Remote on October 31st, 2007 2:14 pm

    I like Cuddy, but I do find her antics a little questionable at times. The laxatives thing was only one example, but sometimes she’s like the 8 year old in the playground teasing the boy she likes. I’m not saying he’s any better, but he’s not the head of the hospital.

  7. TV Blog Weekly Roundup… » Give Me My Remote on November 6th, 2007 12:00 am

    […] GMMR is shocked to discover that she misses Karen Filipelli on The Office, but not shocked that she isn’t missing Cameron, House and Foreman on House. Should she be? And her readers are wondering if her love for all things Pushing Daisies is healthy […]