HOUSE Season 4 Spoilers from Hugh Laurie & Friends - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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HOUSE Season 4 Spoilers from Hugh Laurie & Friends

July 24, 2007 by  

Cast of HOUSE

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Season 4 of HOUSE. Read at your own risk.

In what I can only assume must have been one of the most fun panels to attend on the TCA press tour, MeeVee Editor Joel Brown got to hang with the cast of HOUSE yesterday. It seems that Hugh Laurie and his Princeton-Plainsboro colleagues, Jesse Spender, Omar Epps, Lisa Edelstein, Jennifer Morrison and Robert Sean Leonard were ready to spill the scoop on S4.

The big question stemming from the season finale was whether or not Drs. Cameron, Foreman and Chase will be returning to work alongside House. The answer…YES…well, eventually.

“…the truth is, everybody is back eventually. And everybody is back having changed and having different capabilities. …

As the season opens, though, House’s three acolytes are working elsewhere…and House is sifting through 40 potential replacements.

As [Executive Producer Katie] Jacobs explained it, “In the first episodes, House is alone and he is solving cases by himself. And Cuddy is pissed and (Wilson) thinks he is losing his mind. And Cuddy will insist, and eventually win, that he hire a new team. And he will do it in a very House-ian way. So essentially the truth is over the first episodes he’s going to call in all the resumes on his desk, it’s a very large number, I think 40, a large number, and we’re going to see who survives. We’re going to play a ‘House’ version of ‘Survivor.’

“We were on the phone with Fox, and we said, ‘We’re going to kind of play ‘Survivor’ with ‘House,’ and they said, ‘Don’t you mean you’re going to play ‘American Idol’ with ‘House?'”

And just what is Hugh Laurie’s secret to making his cranky and misanthropic character likable? And why does his answer have anything to do with STAR TREK? Click here to read more from Hugh Laurie and more musing from the HOUSE panel at the TCAs.

Filed under House


30 Responses to “HOUSE Season 4 Spoilers from Hugh Laurie & Friends”

  1. mwhip on July 24th, 2007 1:50 pm

    Who is the girl on the far right of the photograph?

  2. Give Me My Remote on July 24th, 2007 2:00 pm

    That is Executive Producer Katie Jacobs

  3. HOUSE Season 4 Spoilers from Hugh Laurie & Friends — All This Nonsense on July 24th, 2007 2:44 pm

    […] reading this post by: Give Me My Remote For more… RSS […]

  4. la on July 24th, 2007 3:15 pm

    thank you thank you thank you! 🙂 I love House

  5. Sus on July 25th, 2007 8:26 am

    Squeeeeee for House! 😀

    Katie Jacobs looks awfully young to be an executive producer. But then you can’t really see her face that well.

  6. Daniel on July 26th, 2007 5:48 pm

    Keep yourself updated with the latest news, gossip, and watch ALL aired episodes of House M.D. at

  7. meme on August 4th, 2007 11:25 am

    thats Jesse SPENCER .. not spender.

  8. cs on August 7th, 2007 2:31 am

    what if …..I might be wrong
    She is Piper Perabo.
    She played in two episodes in S3 and she had a date with House.

  9. david on August 7th, 2007 10:16 am

    I would like to see him hire three new people and have jesse jennifer and omar return as doctors to the hospital and not as his doctors that way we get to see three new people being trained which will make interesting viewing. Three new people for him to rip into as the jesse jennifer and omar were getting away from being so dependent on house so i think three new faces will make the show even better. thank you.

  10. houseeeee on August 9th, 2007 7:38 pm

    wooooooo i thought jennifer , jesse and omar were all gone for good.

  11. andrew on August 15th, 2007 12:06 pm

    When does season 4 start?

  12. andi on August 16th, 2007 6:29 pm

    25 September

  13. Superking on August 19th, 2007 6:29 pm

    I’d like to see Chase as a rival doctor, since he showed many signs of brilliance throughout the series, more so than the other two.

  14. jamesb91 on August 21st, 2007 12:30 pm

    I’ve heard that Emma Thompson will be appearing next series.

  15. Dan on August 24th, 2007 3:43 pm

    Jesse SpenCer not SpenDer come on people

  16. jacqui blackpool england on August 24th, 2007 6:44 pm

    when are we going to get this in england. watched the last episode where everyone leaves last night so left on a cliff hanger and can’t wait to see the new series.

  17. lk-p on August 26th, 2007 8:50 pm

    just watched the last few eps of season 3 (got back from holiday a couple of hours ago) and my god was i scared that there would be none of the family left for a fourth series.
    especially worried that the beautiful jenny morrison would not be returning!
    im ecstatic that theyre all back (arbeit eventually) for another season.

    also… i cant see very well but i am quite a piper perabo fan and uness shes dyed her hair red and has a rather odd facial expression there i don’t believe that is her.

    it would be great to see some legendary brits in House like emma thompson so if that bits true im immensly looking forward to that ep.

    and Superking; i personally think chase is a muh worse doctor than cameron or foreman. plus the majority of the amazing brain waves come from them which solve the cases (when House doesnt get there first) and his role (both medically and emotionally) is not as vital as cameron or foremans.

    and lastly was anybody else not majorly pissed off that cameron got with chase?!?!?!
    i mean we all know shes hot for House right? *is pathetically still rooting for that gem to shine*

    anyways night all and enjoy the reruns! god knows that it wont show till next year in britain :'(

  18. Emily W on August 29th, 2007 2:20 am

    I am SOOO excited that it is coming back. My cable has been out since… well, forever. I couldn’t see the finale until just yesterday when I bought the season. But for the last post-Chase and Cameron got married in real life…. so I like the fact that they finally got together. Especially since we all can see how much Chase loves her! They all BETTER come back. And stick around FOREVER. I LOVE this show!!!

  19. Dale Griffin on August 29th, 2007 5:27 pm

    Does anyone know when season 4 starts in the UK?

    Or could you please tell me how long ago S3 fiished in US and I’ll work out how long I’ve got to wait. Thanks!

  20. Give Me My Remote on August 29th, 2007 5:32 pm

    The US Season 3 finale was on May 29th. The US season 4 premiere will be on September 25th. Sorry that I don’t know the UK premiere dates, but I hope that helps.

  21. v dumont on September 1st, 2007 10:25 am

    So, the producer is already trying to spin off the three other doc’s? I thought the chemistry (or lack thereof) was the very issue that made them attractive.
    Here is an alternate idea: how about getting rid of Cuddy for a while, then House would have to shock someone else with a whole new variety of black belt sarcasam — until Cuddy returns.
    Wilson can lose his mind and go a few episodes looking for them.
    Whatcha think?

  22. cooneyz on September 4th, 2007 10:55 pm

    Jennifer Morrison and Jesse Spencer called off their engadgment a few weeks ago.,,20051905,00.html

    Talk about an awkward set for season 4.

  23. Chelsea on September 6th, 2007 9:36 pm

    does anyone know where this picture is from? like were they interviewed on a tv show,or what?

  24. Chelsea on September 6th, 2007 9:40 pm

    anyone know where this picture is from?
    were they like interviewed on a tv show?

  25. melissa domico on October 2nd, 2007 10:08 pm

    i love the show but they need to bring everybody back! its not the same with out them!!

  26. Chelle on October 4th, 2007 7:37 am

    I was really disapointed that Jennifer and Jesse have called off their engagement, they make such a cute couple.

    As for the show I LOVE IT!!! House is so funny, Chase and Cameron should stay together in the show.

  27. first_do_no_harm on October 6th, 2007 10:18 am

    Does anyone think that there will be any house and cameron romance in season 4? Have my fingers double crossed.

  28. robert on October 6th, 2007 7:06 pm

    i love house its the best program on tv just watched the first episode of season 4 and its going to get even better cant wait till its over hear

  29. Jelly on October 26th, 2007 3:17 pm

    aaah yes, i’ve seen this pic a few times before. love it!
    lol look at the look on cameron’s face 😀 i just noticed and she looks funny lol
    house and cuddy….beautiful as ever!
    they so better be getting together in season 4. i really want to see them kiss! :] thats the only thing i’m dying to see in season 4! and of course anything else anti-climax that might happen in the season. like if wilson turns out to be gay or something lol………or is it?

  30. house decor on September 1st, 2008 2:14 am

    More house fans needed please