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Prison Break Recap: “Rendezvous”

Prison Break Recaps

Soooo?  Did I oversell last night’s Prison Break or did you guys love it as much as I did? From the emails I received last night, it seems that this ep was a big hit with a lot of you.

Since Michelle’s Prison Break recap last week was such a hit, she’s going to take over recapping duties for awhile.  Let’s face it…these recappers are better at it than I am anyway.

Title: Rendezvous
Original Airdate: 10/6/2006

Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have it all. Car chase? Check. Conspiracy theory? Check. Insinuation of emotion between Michael and Sara? Check. Disgusting bathroom scene with T-Bag? Check. This episode delivers it all. And then some.

Open to “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves blasting inside the house where we last saw T-Bag, Bellick, and Roy. Is the show doing an about face and taking on a lighter tone, what with the bouncy, happy music? Nope. Apparently, it’s the deranged prison guard take on Chinese water torture, as the men are using repeated loud playing of the song to get T-Bag to tell them where the money is (I kinda like that song…but I would have given up the money once they started plucking at the stitches in my rotting partially-attached hand). The song’s torture is thus far ineffective, though, so the men are beating T-Bag with a metal meat mallet (would I be a bad person here if I admitted if I felt a little bad for T-Bag here? Cuz I do. God help me, I know he’s a murdering pedophile, but I felt bad for him). But T-Bag still has that storage locker key in his sock, so he still has a bargaining chip if he wants to avoid further damage to his bloodied body.

Word comes through the FBI office that Lincoln has been nabbed by the cops; cheering erupts. But where is Mahone to share in the happy news? Perhaps digging a new garden somewhere. Pansies are nice this time of year.

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Prison Break Teasers and Spoilers for TONIGHT

November 6, 2006 by  
Filed under Prison Break, TV News, Wentworth Miller

WARNING! This post contains minor spoilers for tonight’s episode of Prison Break.

Prison Break Logo

Ok friends, I’m giving you plenty of warning so you have no excuses. You must, and let me capitalize it for emphasis, MUST, watch Prison Break tonight. I was lucky enough to catch an early look at tonight’s episode (thank you Fox), and there’s so much that happens that you are going to be really bummed if you miss it.

Of course I don’t want to spoil too much for you, but I’ll give you a few hints to wet your appetite.

Reunited and it feels so good…or not. Yes, as Prison Break fans probably know from the promos, Michael and Sarah reunite tonight for the first time since before Michael broke out of prison and Sarah’s life turned to sh…um, before things started going down hill for her. But don’t expect Dr. Tequila Tancredi to forgive and forget so easily. One thing is for sure, there is NO denying these are hot, Hot, HOT for each other.

Last week we saw Lincoln and LJ being arrested outside a train station in Arizona. Does this mean the end of the road for Linc? Is he headed back to Fox River and The Chair? Well…not exactly. But the capture of the father/son duo does lead to yet another interesting turn. It seems that even more people are interested in Michael and Lincoln’s whereabouts than we originally thought.

[gv data=”fe4jBhjuFNI”][/gv]
We’ve seen T-Bag in some unsavory positions before, but tonight is just plain old gross. Bellick and Geary are willing to go the distance to get Westmoreland’s money from T-Bag, and nothing seems off limits. The ‘ew’ factor is high so don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Oh and did I mention that Mahone and Michael come face-to-face tonight?! If there were a contest for most intense stares, these guys would definitely make it to the finals.

[gv data=”f1yYF53GmFM”][/gv]

And this isn’t so much as a spoiler as it is fact. Wentworth Miller is ridiculously hot. Check out these pics from tonight’s episode.

Wentworth Miller - Rendezvous (sunglasses) Wentworth Miller - Rendezvous Sarah Wayne Callies Wentworth Miller

Thanks to for the pics and videos. Make sure you head over to JustJared for more exclusive pics from Prison Break: Rendezvous

So there are a few teasers for tonight’s episode. As always, GMMR will be back tomorrow with a full recap of Prison Break.

Prison Break Recap: Unearthed

October 31, 2006 by  
Filed under Prison Break, Prison Break Recap, TV News

Prison Break Recap

Give some love to Michelle for pinch hitting on the Prison Break recap this week. I appreciate you taking this one for me this week since I wasn’t able to even watch the ep until this morning. And what an ep it was!!!

Title: “Unearthed”
Original Airdate: 10/30/2006

Pre-“Prison Break” prayer: Dear TV Gods: Please let Sara figure out Michael’s code so they can rendezvous at the hot. Please let Lincoln and LJ get to Panama so they can lead normal lives and argue about curfews and haircuts, like all normal teenagers and their parents do. Please let T-Bag meet a grisly and justified fate. But please don’t let all of this happen in the same episode, or else the series would probably be done. In Michael Scofield’s name we pray. Amen.

Michael is at a botanical garden, where he quickly dons his requisite baseball hat “disguise” (I used to hate it when men wore baseball hats, but this show has really forced me to reconsider my position on the issue). He quickly blends in as a new volunteer, consults his tattoo for some post-escape advice, and immediately heads for the Apache Desert Ghost (a flower, for the botanically challenged – and I include myself in that group).

Alas, whatever he was going to retrieve will have to be left behind, because he’s spotted by undercover agents scoping out the gardens. {Note: I’ve made up my own little system of tracking the over-the-top, unbelievable instances in each episode; I like to call it the Implausibility Quotient, or IQ (of course, it’s all done out of love. They could tell me that Michael Scofield is an alien and I’d just go, “Yup. Makes sense.” And it really would make sense, because he is beautiful in an other-worldly sense. But I digress). The IQ for this scene is roughly a 5. Michael recognizes the men as agents when he notices that one has left a pile of cigarette butts during his “stakeout” – ding ding! A nature lover using the gardens as a big ashtray? Please.) Michael runs and escapes. (More IQ: why are the agents, who are on duty here ONLY to catch Michael, unsure if it’s really him? They can figure out that complex tattoo and figure out his every move based on it, but they’re having difficulty recognizing the man? IQ: 6).
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Prison Break Recap: Dead Fall

Prison Break Recap

Prison Break returned last night after a brief hiatus. So happy to see Michael and his Merry Men back and still on the lamb. I’ll admit that the last few eps of Prison Break have been lacking. The storyline seemed to drag and things got a bit boring. But last night’s episode..woo hoo…it was all that makes Prison Break so good. Some seriously suspensful moments and some great story arcs. I can’t believe how intrigued I am by Sarah’s antics. Prison Break has never really impressed me with their B storylines, but they maybe have found their balance. And weren’t you all freaking out when…oh damn, ok read the recap so I don’t spoil anyone and then we can chat.

Title: Dead Fall
Original Airdate: 10/24/06
Michael and Sucre…
When we last left the cons, they had just finished packing Westmoreland’s 5 million dollars into a backpack when Sucre stormed in and held the guys at gunpoint demanding the cash. And that’s just where we pick up tonight. C-Note, T-Bag and Michael have no choice but to let Sucre take off with the money. It’s either the money or their lives (I could totally be a drama writer, no?). With the cash and Sucre gone, and the cops closing in on them, the guys realize they have to split like a bananna (and a comedy writer…God I’m so good I scare my self sometimes). Michael gives Jeannette and her daugther (the hostages inside the house) a knife so in an hour’s time they can escape. C-Note and Michael plan on tying up T-Bag and leaving him for the po-lice, but it seems T-Bag has other plans and he has disappeared. C-Note and Michael bid adieu.

As Michael wanders through the woods, he hears a motorcycle revving and sees Sucre in the distance. Just as I suspected, the whole robbery was a rouse, and Michael and his boy Sucre had planned the heist all along. They decide to split the money four ways: Michael, Sucre, Lincoln, and a share to Westmoreland’s daughter. They open the back pack to check out their loot only to find it stuffed with National Geographic magazines. A fine read…education indeed, but it’s not going to help them make their way to Panama. Ruh roh!! As unbelievably bad luck would have it, T-Bag made a backpack switch and now is the keeper of the $5M.

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Watchlist: Monday, October 23, 2006

October 23, 2006 by  
Filed under TV News

Monday’s are becoming a hot, hot, hot night for TV.  But Prison Break is back after a short hiatus, and Justice is given new life on Mondays.  Last week’s Heroes gave me a renewed interest in the show and despite what everyone is saying, I am still love I.  Yay for Mondays!!  What are you all planning on watching tonight?
19395_pdfygjf HeroesHiro’s
Police question Niki about her fugitive husband; Matt uses mind-reading to benefit his marriage; Claire divulges her secret to her father; Hiro has a violent run-in; Peter receives a life-changing message; and Mohinder contemplates leaving New York.

19440_pThe ClassThe Class Goes Trick-Or-Treating
Yonk takes Duncan and Richie to Atlantic City for a fan event, and Nicole asks Duncan to prevent her husband from gambling; Holly has an embarrassing moment on camera at a petting zoo; and Lina and Ethan dress up for Halloween.

15507_p_4Prison BreakDead Fall
The fugitives again split up as they scurry out of Tooele, but only one has the money. Later, Bellick and Geary arrive and question Jeanette Owens (Diana Scarwid). In Arizona, Linc watches (from a discreet distance) as LJ is freed from lockup.

19440_pStudio 60 The Wrap Party
Jordan becomes intoxicated at a wrap party; three sexy women try to distract Matt from Harriet; Simon encourages “Studio 60” to hire more black writers; and Cal encounters a strange man wandering around backstage. Eli Wallach.

The firm has a heavy cross to bear when the bizarre, ritualistic killing of a school bully is blamed on a teenage outsider with a history of antisocial behavior

19440_pHow I Met Your MotherAldrin Justice
Believing that Marshall’s recently divorced professor (Jane Seymour) is giving out poor grades because of unfulfilled sexual needs, Barney sets out to satisfy her; Lily gets a job in Ted’s office.

Prison Break Recap: Episode 204


Better late than never, right? I really did have every intention of getting this Prison Break recap up a lot earlier. But those damn Office Season 2 DVDs took over my life and I just couldn’t put them away…seriously, my eyes are starting to burn. But more on that Thursday.

I thought last night’s Prison Break was a strong ep. Lost of emotion, and I appreciated the somewhat concentrated storylines. This recap isn’t the bext because I was tired last night when I wrote it, and I’m still exhausted now. Please forgive me if there are typos…I promist to check in the morning when my eyesight returns.

Bellick and Roy catch up with Michael, Linc and Nika, and manage to run them off the road and into a tree. With guns drawn, Bellick and Roy confront the convicts, but hauling them into the Feds isn’t the priority here. Just like everyone else in the world, they know about the $5M Westmoreland has stashed in Utah, and they want Michael to lead them to it.

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Watchlist: Monday September 11, 2006

September 11, 2006 by  
Filed under TV News

15507_p_3_1 Prison BreakFirst Down
Bellick and Geary catch up to Michael and Linc; Abruzzi surfaces in Brooklyn with plans to flee to Sardinia, but first makes a side trip to D.C.; T-Bag stops at a gas station, where his vehicle attracts attention.

HIMYM.gifHow I Met Your Mother
Ted decides to make a final grand gesture to win over Robin. Then he learns she’s planning to go on a weekend camping trip that includes her co-anchor, Sandy Rivers (Alexis Denisof), who also has feelings for her. Penelope: Amy Acker.

Gene_1 Gene Simmons Family Jewels The Un-Anniversary
Gene takes his family to visit his mother in New York, where he’s trying to start a bikini car-wash business; and later he gets in trouble when he forgets an important event.

Mike_epps235 Russell Simmons’ Def Comedy Jam
Mike Epps hosts the return of the late-night comedy showcase, which last aired in 1997. Performers include Tony Rock, Sommore and Capone. Taped in LA at the Wilshire Theatre.

Prison Break Recap: “Scan”

September 5, 2006 by  
Filed under TV News



Title: “Scan”
Original Airdate: Sept. 4th, 2006

Previously on Prison Break…The boys split up. Bellick got fired. Linc and Michael tried to bust out LJ but failed. Tweener hitched a ride to Utah with a co-ed. T-Bag killed the doctor they sewed his hand back on. Ok, a lot more happened, but I had to watch the episode on a red eye back from California, so I dont’ quite remember everything.

In tonight’s episode, we open with the scene of a car that has recently exploded. As Agent Mahone and the other FBI guys look on, we learn that one of the escaped convicts has perished. But which one? Looks like we are going to have to go back 12 hours in time to figure out how this all went down.

Understanding that Lincoln needs medical attention for his gunshot wound, Michael shows up at the door of his hot Russian wife. Michael Scofield goes a little McDreamy and a little McGuyver as he uses some rubbing alcohol and cajun pepper to deal with Lincoln’s bullet would. Lincoln deals with the pain by downing some pain killers and vodka, also known as Dr. Tequila Tancredi’s breakfast.

Michael leaves Lincoln for a bit to go get the car, which has everything they need to disappear. Unfortunately, it’s the car that has disappeared. Agent Mahone, who has been waiting for one of the boys to slip up, is pleased to find important information in a backpack found in Michael’s car – including cell phones and their fake passports. As it turns out, the backpack was stolen out fo the car by a homeless man. The cops don’t have the car, but they are looking for it. Michael is the first one to find the car at the local impound lot. Just as he’s getting ready to get the keys and go, the impound clerk gets a call from the FBI to stall Scofield, and insist that he NOT leave the lot. Michael catches on and steals the key right from under the nose of the impound clerk. Always one step behind, Agent Mahone misses yet another chance to nab the elusive Michael Scofield. Read more

Prison Break Season 2 Premiere Recap

Cast of Prison Break

It’s officially the Fall season. My FAVORITE time of year. Cliffhangers are revealed, favorite characters return, and possible new classics debut. Yes, the Fall TV season is a thing of beauty. And lucky for us, the first show back is none other than last year’s breakout hit, Prison Break.

It’s been a while since I had to recap a show, and I forget how tiring it can be. I’m sadly out of practice so my apologies in advance for this rather lengthy read. Once I get back into the swing of things, I’ll be a tad bit better and condensing the the episodes. In the interest of full disclosure, the first half of this recap is being done from memory as my TiVo failed me tonight and it only taped the second half of the show. Luckily for us, Fox sent out advanced screeners so I had seen this episode last week. But since I don’t have the DVD handy, I’m going to have to do this first part from memory. I may not remember all the details, but you’ll get the gist.

If you are a Prison Break newbie, click here for a VERY brief recap of Prison Break Season One.

For all you Prison Break vetrans, let’s pick up where we left off at the end of last season. The inmates used all their resource to break out of the prison walls. And in the last moments of Season One, Michael and his band of Merry Men were on the run from the police, the dogs, and the helicopters hovering above.And running full speed is just how we find the boys as we begin the Second Season of Prison Break. Whew…ok I’m exhausted just by trying to recap last season for ya. Someone get me some Gatorade, I think I just lost a few electrolytes. Moving on…

The convicts have escape but they aren’t out of the woods yet (figuratively or literally). Bellick and his crew are hot hot hot on their trail. Since these eight men are now the most wanted men in the country, it’s no surprise to find out that the FBI has quickly been brought in. As you would expect, there is no love lost between Bellick and the new FBI lead, Alexander Mahone, played by the great William Fichtner. (Sidenote: Ok here’s the deal with Fichtner – although he’s been in a ton of movies and TV shows, to me he’s Colonel Willy Sharp from Armageddon. So until he owns this new role on Prison Break, I’m going to just have to refer to his Armageddon character. Just wanted to give you a heads up).

Ok so with Bellick and the FBI hot on their heels, the boys are going all Forrest Gump on us and running for their lives. The guys are hoofing it full speed in an attempt to cross the train tracks before the train, well, kills them. Some of the guys make it across in time but Michael and Sucre aren’t fast enough and they are left hanging from the side of a moving train. Just as Bellick is about to lay some serious lead into Michael, Lincoln pulls them both to safety without a moment to spare. Score one for the convicts.

Prison Break Season 2 Premiere Recap

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Watchlist: Monday, August 21, 2006

August 21, 2006 by  
Filed under GMMR News, TV Comedy, TV Drama

15507_p Prison BreakManhunt
The second season opens the morning after the escape, as Michael, Linc, Sucre, C-Note and Abruzzi barely manage—with the help of a freight train—to elude Bellick. Check out GMMR’s non-spoilery take on the S2 premiere of Prison Break.

Vanishedfox05 VanishedPilot Episode
Debut: The disappearance of a senator’s wife prompts an FBI investigation that turns up more questions than answers. A TV reporter (Rebecca Gayheart) throws herself into the case.

060615insider2Treasure HuntersFinale
The mystery loot and its winner are revealed during the season finale, which finds the final three teams competing to solve one last puzzle.

HIMYM.gifHow I Met Your Mother
Without asking him, Barney gets Ted a beautiful “escort” (Erinn Bartlett) for Robin’s media-awards dinner in an attempt to make Robin jealous and get his two friends together. This one of GMMR’s fave eps from last season. And look for a cameo from Alyson Hannigan’s (Lily) real life hubby and former Buffy/Angel star, Alexis Denisof.

Prison Break Recap – South Park Edition

May 2, 2006 by  
Filed under Prison Break, Prison Break Recap







Prison Break Recap (Contain Spoilers) 4/17/06

Prison BreakWhen we last saw the kids over at Fox River, Michael and Sucre both ended up in solitary, along with Lincoln. Michael for not telling Pope how he burnt his back, and Sucre for getting caught outside the prison walls.  While in solitary, Michael slammed his fist into the wall repeatedly in an attempt to convince Tancredi and Co that he had lost it.  They bought it hook, line and sinker.  Michael ended up in the Whack Shack (aka psych ward), which we came to find out, was exactly where he hoped to be.  Since Michael couldn’t remember what the tatoo on his back looked like, he turned to the one person that might be able to….Haywire.

For you Prison Break newbies, Haywire was once Michael’s cellmate.  He’s a little on the crazy side, but he is similar to Michael in the fact that he has spacial myopathy…ok, I have know idea what the hell that is, and I just made it up, but basically Haywire was able to look at Michael’s tats and see past the art work to the blueprints. He actually became a bit obsessed with Michael’s tatoos. Although this caused quite an issue for Michael while he was cellmates with Haywire, he’s counting on Haywire now to help figure out the missing blueprints. 

There is just one little snag in Michael’s plan – Haywire doesn’t recognize him.  All the meds are numbing his mind.  That is, all the meds were numbing his mind.  Michael forces Haywire to puke up the drugs.  Slowly but surely he starts to come around. In a series of very homoerotic scenes, Michael gets Haywire to sketch out the missing part of his tatoo.  Um, a special thanks to Fox for so many shirtless Wentworth Miller scenes tonight.  This blogger is very appreciative.

Off his meds, Haywire is able to sketch out the missing blueprints with crazy accuracy (no pun intended), but he’s also able to remember that Michael  was the one that got him thrown back into the Whack Shack, and he’s none to pleased.  Before he will hand over the missing blueprint sketch to Michael, he insists that he be let in on the details of the escape.  Michael tells him of his plans alright, but when Haywire decides to try to escape on his own, he soon finds out that the plans Michael shared weren’t necessarily the right ones.

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Prison Break Recap (Contains Spoilers) 4/10/2006

Wentworth Miller

Since we last saw Michael Scofield, he has managed to get himself to the beauty salon. Interesting how Michael can manage to get his hands on some Clairol while in prison. I ain’t complaining…Worthy looks hot with the darker hair, but this was clearly the first episode they shot after their mid-season hiatus.

Michael and his Merrymen are still working on the guard’s breakroom. Not for nothing, but Ty, Paul and Preston could have had the breakroom destroyed, rebuilt and pimped out with a freakin’ hot tub and 52′ plasma by now. Seems that the guards have had enough of the dilly dallying as well. The boys are informed that although they aren’t completely done with their job, today is the last day they will be on assignment in the break room. Professional carpeters are coming in at 8am the next morning to lay down the new carpet. I wonder if the carpet guys will mind a rather large, gaping hole in the floor. The guys figure they have to lay down some quick dry cement before their shift is over. Too bad Bellick’s eyes and ears, Tweener, was added to the last minute PI detail. Uh oh, there is no way they can get that cement poured with faux-Vanilla Ice in the house, y’all…word…word (God I hate Tweener). As the guys are ordered out of the room by the guards, Michael promises he will sneak out and fill the whole with quick dry cement before the carpet guys get there in the morning.

In a far less interesting storyline, LJ, Nick and Veronica are still on the case of finding out who framed Lincoln Sr. and Lincoln Jr. LJ is a bit pissy and reads Nick and Veronica the riot act, and he’s out for blood. He’s kind of a whiny kid, but I guess I can cut him some slack since his father is on death row, his mother was murdered right in front of him, and he is being hunted down by the government.
Since the team of three don’t seem to be getting anywhere, they try to leverage the only person they can connect to all this craziness – Quinn. Too bad they left him for dead in the old well in the woods. The crew goes up to see if he’s stll alive. Nope. But I guess he wasn’t missed because his body is still there. Conveniently enough, the only part of his body not emerged under water was his hand that was holding his cell phone. LJ is lowered into the well to recover the phone, and on his way up, he notices two names carved into the wall.


Back in the woods, LJ discovers Nick’s dad’s gun collection. We don’t see him grab a gun, but something tells me he did just that.

Back at Fox River, Dr.Tancredi told Pope about the cloth embedded in Michael’s burn, and Pope wants Michael to tell him how he got burned. Michael doesn’t seem to have a good story prepared, so he just refuses to tell Pope. His refusal lands him in solitary. Now this certaintly puts a damper on the escape plans. At least Michael and Lincoln can chit chat through the drains since the brothers are both in solitary. Michael is starting to lose it a bit. Worthy melts my heart everytime his eyes fill up with tears, so I don’t mind one bit.

With Michael in solitary, there is no one to fill up the massive hole in the floor of the guards room. With the carpeting company coming in early the next morning, the boys are on that famous creek without the much talked about paddle. There is only one person that can get from his cell to the guards office – Sucre. Problem is, once Sucre fills the whole, he has no way to get back to his cell. Well there is the storm drain in the middle of the yeard, but that would be a death wish….right?

While talking to her nurse friends, Sara finally admits that she thinks Michael is a hot piece of ass. Tell us something we don’t know. She also admits that she will never get it on with an inmate. Hmmm, we’ll see about that.

Something else we learn during this episode. Michael doesn’t do well under stress. He keeps reciting the phrase “I put my blood into this”, and when he says blood, he means blood. He repeatedly smashes his hand into the wall until it bleeds. Realistically, for as hard as he was hitting the wall, the bones in his hands would have been pulverized into dust.

Over in the cell block, Sucre escapes from his room and manages to fill the hole with cement, only to get caught in the yard. Oh Sucre…no!! But wait, it seems as if Sucre isn’t the dimwit I pegged him for. Knowing he’d have to have a reason for being in the yard if caught, Sucre convinces T-Bag to get it on with the local prison trannie so he could get his/her panties. When Bellick accuses Sucre of trying to escape, Sucre denies it and says he just had to see his lady…after hours, because he was afraid of losing her. And look, she even gave Sucre her panties. Hot damn, Michael isn’t the only one with braind in this group.

Sucre gets thrown in solitary with Michael and Lincoln. Reunited and it feels so good. It’s like a party down there. One more and you could have a nice game of Beirut. With Linc on one side of him, and Michael on the other, Sucre quickly learns that the Razr is out, and the drain pipe is in when it comes to the hottest form of communication these days. Lincoln and Sucre chat, but Michael seems to be a little quiet which makes Linc a little nervous. His instincts were right, Michael is not ok, and Sara is quickly summoned. Question: does Sara live at the prison? Because she seems to work 24/7/365.

Over in the far less interesting storyline, LJ shows us that he’s not the brightest bulb by using the internet to track down Kravecki. After calling him and getting no answer, LJ thinks it’s a great idea to break into his house. Um, this is how your Daddy ended up in the clink LJ. Kravecki manages to come home while LJ is still in the house. As suspected, LJ stole the gun and uses it to confront Kravecki. Seems LJ’s aim is a bit off because he only manages to graze Kravecki in the neck. Not enough to bring him down. Meanwhile, a suspicous neighbor saw LJ break in and called the cops, who just happen to show up as LJ is pointing the gun a Kravecki. Bummer dude. The cops arrest him, and question Kravecki. Seems Kravecki is a dried meat salesman, and knows nothing of this Goverment plot of this kid’s dead mother. Weird, right?

In the dark halls of Fox River, Michael’s obsession with the burned-off blueprints leads him to use his blood to reconstruct the blueprints on his cell wall. Sara comforts Michael who is hurt and clearly losing it…or is he?! Michael is conveniently relocated from solitary to the psych ward. Where he meets up with Haywire. OMG I love this show. If you remember back in the day, when they were cellmates, Haywire was obsessed with Michael’s tatoos. Michael thinks he can use Haywire to recall what his back tatoos looked like. Problem is, Haywire doesn’t even seem to remember who Michael is. Uh oh.

Prison Break Recap (4/3)…May Contain Spoilers

April 3, 2006 by  
Filed under Prison Break, TV News

Tonight’s episode of Prison Break takes a look at the lives of some of the Fox River inmates, before they were behind the penitentiary walls.

Lincoln & Michael: Prison BreakMichael and Lincoln weren’t always the best buddies they are today.  Before they both landed in Fox River, the brothers were somewhat estranged and lived two very different lives. After their mother died, and their father left, it was Lincoln who was responsible for raising his little brother.  Michael took his share of his mother’s insurance money and put himself through college, which led to his career as an architect, while Lincoln lived a life of petty crime. We see the brothers just prior the whole Stedman incident.  While Lincoln is desperate to have a relationship with Michael, Michael wants nothing to do with Lincoln who he is clearly ashamed of.

As it turns out, Lincoln owes some not so nice people $90k.  his debt can be forgiven if he agrees to kill someone that night in a parking garage…hmmm.

Lincoln refused at first saying that he’s not a killer, but eventually caves as the bad guy threatens Lincoln’s family if the debt isn’t paid immediately. 

Not wanting to go through with it, Lincoln reaches out one last time to Michael for help.  Too bad Michael is too busy almost making out with Veronica to take Lincoln’s call.  Don’t worry – they don’t.  Believe it, I wouldn’t be able to sit here typing this if they did.  I think I would still be washing my eyes out.

Not being able to get in touch with Michael, and desperate to get his debt relived, Lincoln enters the garage. His every move within the garage are monitored by the shady FBI agents – and the moves they couldn’t catch on tape, they alerted with the help of photoshop. The rest is Prison Break history.

Michael first hears of Linc’s arrest from Veronica.  Michael is not as quick to believe his brother’s innocence as Veronica is.  Michael found out about the $90k debt, and just assumes that Lincoln killed his old boss (Stedman) in order to get the cash.  Michael can’t understand how Lincoln could possible owe someone $90k.  Veronica drops the bombs of all bombs on Michael when she tells him that his mother’s insurance money, that paid for college, his loft, and the threads he is wearing never existed.  On that note, I’m all for starting a letter writing campaign to get the FRSP uniforms changed from prison blues to Brook Brothers – Worthy looks HOT in a suit.  Anyway, it was Lincoln who borrowed all that money and passed it on to Michael.  He just said it was insurance money because he knew Michael never would have accepted it otherwise, and Lincoln wanted a better life for his brother.

After hearing this news, Michael feels like he is ultimately responsible for Lincoln’s imprisonment and impending death.  If only Michael hadn’t taken the money…if only he had answered Lincoln’s call the night of the murder.  Yeah, Mikey wasn’t feeling too good.  This is the moment he decides that he needs to help his brother, because it was always Lincoln taking care of Michael. When they were younger, Lincoln used to make little origami swans for Michael.  The swans stood for familial obligation – watching out for your own.  Now the tables have turned and it’s time for Michael to start making little papers swans for his big brother. Michael agrees to visit Lincoln each day, but Lincoln informs him that he’s being transferred to Fox River, and magically a light bulb appears over Michaels’s head.

The plan to get Lincoln out of jail starts immediately.  Blueprints are laid out, articles are clipped about the people on the inside that could be of service – everything Michael will need to break his brother, and himself out of jail.  Except there is one problem – Michael can’t seem to remember all the intricacies of the jail.  Well thank god the boy got hungry, because without the tattooed covered delivery girl, Michael might have never been able to move forward with his prison break.
With his tattoos in place, and all suited-up, Michael picks up his guns and walks towards the bank and his new life.

SucreThe first time we get to meet Sucre is when Lincoln runs into him, literally, after the garage shooting.  Sucre and his boys are hanging out when he notices a gorgeous woman looking his way.  For Sucre and Maricruz, it was love at first sight. Although his cousin convinces him that Marivruz is out of his league,
Sucre doesn’t want to hear it and plans to take Maricruz out for a romantic dinner.  After his cousin reminds him that he’s broke, Sucre decided to rob a convenience store.  In true Sucre style, he only takes the $50 he needs to take his lady out for a fancy supper.  Well the date must have gone well because Sucre and Maricruz quickly fall in love and start talking about their future…together.  Sucre tells his friends and cousin that he wants to propose to Maricruz…once he gets money for a ring.  Knowing that’s going to be some time, Sucre decides to hit the liquor store again.  This time he needs a little more than the $20 the cashier is offering.  After apologizing to the cashier for holding him up, Sucre is busted by the cops.  It wasn’t the cashier who called the cops, but rather Sucre’s own cousin.  Bastard.  Guess the cousin wanted Maricruz all to himself.

Looks like the good doctor had some major issues prior to her arrival at Fox River.  Sara was a bit of a junky, which I have to say is convenient, seeing she works near all those free meds.  While high as a kite, Sara witnesses a kid get hit by a bellick.jpgcar.  Too bad she’s too screwed up to do anything to help the kid. 
We next see her 18 months later telling her story to her fellow recovering addicts.  Sara is ready to get back to work, and she wants to help people get from where she was, to where she is now.  One of her fellow Looks like Sara isn’t the only recovering addict on staff at Fox River. Bellick is in the same recovery group.  After hearing that Sara is ready to go back to work, a much more softened Bellick informs her of an opening for a doctor at Fox River.  He offers to take her to dinner to discuss it more, and in doing so Bellick offers up the best line of the night: “I got a gift card to the Red Lobster just over the interstate…” Ha.  Classic!!


As it turns out, C-Note really was in Iraq.  After doing a few deeds for his CO, C-Note is repaid by a relatively safe assignment as a prison guard. While on duty, C-Notes witnesses the torture of some of the prisoners. After he files a report, and insists that he will take his claims of prison torture to a higher  level, his CO has him arrested for smuggling black market goods into Iraq.  After his dishonorable discharge, C-Note heads back home but struggles to find a job.  Although very reluctant but equally as desperate, C-Note agrees to deliver a truck full of stolen goods.  The cops are alerted, and C-Note is arrested.  Not wanting to risk losing his family, C-Note tells his wife and daughter the his unit was being redeployed to Iraq.  His brother-in-law is the only one that knows the truth.


The night started off pretty good for T-Bag.  He had dinner over at his girlfriend’s house, and hung out with her and her children after dinner. The way T-Bag looked at his gf’s kids was so unsettling.  His girlfriend seemed to be happy to have this sweet man in her life, well, at least she was happy until she turned on the TV and saw T-Bag’s picture on America’s Most Wanted.  It seemed to go down hill for her after that.  The line “it’s not you, it’s me” wouldn’t really cut it, so she turned him in.  The two later meet up again, but this time T-Bag is behind bars.  He tried to tell her that he was reformed the moment he met her, but by turning him in, he went back to being the crazy, sick bastard that killed six students in Alabama. And just to show manipulative he can be, T-Bag tries to make his ex-girlfriend feel guilty for turning him in. That guy has some serious issues.
BIG News Tonight on Prison Break…Definitely Contains MAJOR Spoilers

There was one MAJOR development tonight.  For those of you who maybe doubted Lincoln’s innocence, doubt no more. Terrence Stedman is alive and well – living in Montana.  So whose dead body did they dig up from the ground?  Not sure, but it wasn’t the Vice President’s brother. Looks like Terrence knew exactly what he was doing.  He even went as far as to remove all his teeth so they could “id” the body in the event that some chick lawyer and her crazy lawyer friends wanted to pursue it further.

All and all I thought this was an Ok episode.  It didn’t really give me the insight I was hoping for.  It was nice to see Worthy in those suits though.

Just so you know, I’m literally falling asleep at my computer.  So if you see any mistakes, or typos, please forgive me….I will do my best to fix it all up nice and pretty in the morning.



Prison Break is a Damn Good Show (Contains Prison Break Spoilers for “The Rat”)

March 21, 2006 by  
Filed under Prison Break, TV Drama, TV News

Prison Break

You know how hard it is to type when you’ve been crying for a 1/2 hour straight?  I just finished watching last night’s Prison Break, and I cried like a little baby. Prison Break returned to TV last night after what seemed like years. Fox was smart enough to pair it with 24.  Now that’s some Monday night lineup.  If you missed last night’s episode, here’s the basics.

So when we last left off, Michael Scofield and his band of merry criminals were trapped in the maintenance room after the corroded pipe they planned on using during their escape was replaced.  Without that pipe there plan was foiled.  After realizing defeat, and almost getting caught by a few suspicious guards, the guys darted back through the man made underground tunnel and up through the guards bunker. They arrived above ground just as Bellick entered.  Whew…I forgot how anxious this show gets me.

With no way to break out, Michael must deal with the reality of his brother’s execution at midnight that night.  Meanwhile, a pissed off T-Bag is giving Michael a bit more grief than he needs right now.  Threats are flying every which way.

One person who seems to understand what Michael is going through is DB Cooper.  Recalling tales of past executions, Cooper tells Michael a story in which one of his fellow inmates had to wait an extra three weeks to be executed because there was a malfunction with the electric chair.  Michael was hoping to get a few more details when Tweener interrupted their little chat.  But Michael (and DB Cooper) knew the message being sent.

On the outside, Veronica and Nick are still trying to work the legal side of Linc’s case.  An old law school friend of Nick manages to get Lincoln’s case heard by a judge.  But with no strong evidence, there’s nothing the judge can do. The appeal was denied.

Michael manages a trip to the Dr’s office, not only to see Sarah, but Lincoln, who is in an adjoining room.  Michael pleads with Sarah to ask her father (the Governor) to grant Lincoln clemency.  Sarah said that despite her best efforts, her father just wouldn’t listen to her.  Michael asks that Sarah just hear Nick & Veornica out before making her final decision about  asking her father.

Not wanting to put all his eggs in one basket, Michael manages to escape through his cell tunnel mid-day in an attempt to disrupt the electric chair.  He manages to find a rat which he uses to compromise the fuse leading to the chair.  As DB Cooper mentioned, every death by execution must follow a number of strict protocols.  Something as simple as changing a fuse requires the issuing of paperwork and a stay of execution until the paperwork is completed.  Michael figures the faulty chair would buy Linc at least three more weeks.

What Michael hadn’t counted on was Tweener snitching to Bellick. In order to save his own ass (literaly), Tweener told Bellick that he overheard Cooper and Michael discussing the end result of a faulty electric chair.  Upon receiving this intel, Bellick heads over to inspect the chair himself.  And what do you know…the chair isn’t working right.  Bellick, and the head warden in charge of the death chamber, enlist the services of the maintenance guy who informs them that the fuse shortage was caused by the dead rat.  Bellick asks him to replace the fuse ASAP, but the maintenace guy tells him that he needs to file the appropriate paperwork or get fired.  Billick uses the “Lincoln Burrows is a terrorist” line to convince the guy to change the fuse without filing the paperwork. I mean, it’s not like anyone would know.  The fuse is fixed and the walk of death begins.

Prison Break: Michael & DocAfter getting his head properly shaved, Lincoln is allowed some time to spend with Michael and Veronica. Veronica tells the guys that Dr. Sarah came by to hear them out, and she’s going to try to talk to her father about a stay. Linc isn’t interested in hearing any more talk of hope.  He wants to get right with himself before he has to head to the chair.  Veronica lets Lincoln know that LJ couldn’t come to the execution as he is still wanted by the police.  She does however call LJ so the father and son could have their last conversation….and let the waterworks begin.

LJ tells his father that he dreamt of the two of the working on a house.  But in his his dream they were both older.  He loves his father and doesn’t want him to die today.  Break my heart.  LJ may be a punk but the kid has been through a lot lately.  You know, with his father on death row, his mother being killed in front of him, being framed for his mother’s murder by the corrupt Secret Service agents who seem to be hunting him down.  Damn, what a week for that kid.

After hanging up with his son, Lincoln loses it a bit all while claiming his innocence.  It’s just about that time that Pope enters and tells Lincoln it’s time to die.  Well not in those words, but you’re picking up what I’m putting down.  During the long walk to the death chamber, the Warden gets a call from the Governor.  Did Sarah’s speech to her Daddy work?  Nope.  See the Governor is much more beholden to the Vice President of the United States, who is standing over his shoulder, than he is his daughter.  The Governor was just calling the Warden to inform him that he reviewed all the facts, but he’s not granting the stay of execution.  That’s it…Lincoln is going to fry.

As he enters the chamber, Lincoln has flashbacks of his life, and all the times those he love told him to keep the faith.  He tries to remain strong, but the final hugs from Veronica and his baby brother, Michael are really hurting the guy. This is breaking my heart, and doing a number on my mascara.  Had I known Prison Break was going to be so emotional tonight, I would have worn the waterproof stuff.

Lincoln is escorted into the chamber and comes face to face with The Chair.  And we come face to face with the end of tonight’s episode of Prison Break.

I’m beyond thrilled that this show is back.  It’s the one show on TV that keeps me on the edge of my seat for the full hour.  The upcoming scenes look good.  I’ve been avoiding spoilers as much as I can.  I’m just not sure I want to know how things are going to playout for Michael, Lincoln, and the rest of Fox River State Penitentiary inmates, but something tells me that we should heed the advice of Lincoln Burrows, (and the 2004 Red Sox)…KEEP THE FAITH.


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