Pushing Daisies is What I Need To Be Happy - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Pushing Daisies is What I Need To Be Happy

November 15, 2007 by  

If you are watching PUSHING DAISIES and haven’t yet fallen completely head over heels in love with Ned the Pie Maker I think you should ask someone close by to check your pulse to see if you are still in fact alive. Ok, well I suppose if you’re a straight guy your exempt, but I think even the straight boys have a little bit of a man crush.

Last night’s episode was just another stellar example of why this is the best new show on television. The writing was pitch perfect, the visuals just stunning and the acting superb. And the romance, ah, the romance. And don’t forget the polygamy! What, there’s plenty of romance among polygamists…haven’t you ever seen Big Love?

Here’s the deal, if you aren’t watching PUSHING DAISIES by now, with all the begging and the pleading that I’ve been doing since before the show even aired, then I’m not sure I’m going to convince you. But for all you who are watching and loving it, I think we must discuss a few of the best moments of last night.

The opening dream sequence scene. Holy Mother of Pie!! I was spoiled that it was a dream so it lost a little bit of its magic, but what started off as the sweetest of sweet moments quickly turned hot and steamy and then oddly creepy. Did you hear the sound of heartbreak and despair when he thought he lost Chuck again? And the “Oh my god, your skin is amazing” line…damn! I think we have to watch again (and again, and again), no?

What a way to die. Only on Pushing Daisies does a guy die not from the poison his wife put in his coffee but rather because after he dropped said coffee he slipped over and over again on the liquid each time falling into a sharp dog brush handle on the desk in front of him. It was Pushing Daisies signature dark humor at its best.

Is Seacrest Next? Or what about Guilana DePandi? The hosts over at E! aren’t having much luck these days. First E! Kristin Dos Santos was found in a morgue a few episodes back, and last night’s murder victim was E!’s Talk Soup host, Joel McHale. Ted Casablancas should really watch his back.

Sit Emerson Sit. Good dog PI. Seems that it’s not too hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Especially when you have one of those little clickers. The easily trained Emerson was classic last night – his face every time Simone ‘clicked’ his order – awesome!!

Gangsta Love. Speaking of Emerson and Simone, there was all kinds of gangsta love going around last night. I’m hoping that Simone makes another appearance because I think she’s just the type of woman Emerson needs. And it was a nice touch that she admitted that she never married for love (it makes Emerson a bit less of a dog – no pun intended).

A Slice of Pie is also a Triangle. And sadly this slice of pie has feelings. It seems the kiss that Olive and Ned shared in the last episode had more of an impact on Ned than he had originally thought. It forced him to realize that maybe he was underestimating the need for physical intimacy in his relationship with Chuck. Could he love a woman that he could never touch? It seems that by the end he found his answer – yes. But what about Chuck? I always get the sense that Ned is a bit more invested in this relationship than Chuck. She hinted more than a few times last night that she might not be ok without physical contact, even if she does care for Ned. These poor kids! And let’s not forget about the last side of the triangle – Olive Snook. I really felt for her last night as she realized that despite what she could offer him, Ned really does love Chuck and she might just need to learn to live with that….for now.

What Do You Need to be Happy?….You.
Did I mention the romance thing and the me loving Ned thing? Just wanted to be sure.

For more on PUSHING DAISIES please visit the ultimate Pushing Daisies fansite – ThePieMaker.com!

Someone, anyone please tell me you are loving this show as much as I am?! I didn’t even scratch the surface of great moments from last night’s episode so feel free to share what you thought.

Filed under Pushing Daisies


22 Responses to “Pushing Daisies is What I Need To Be Happy”

  1. Angelica on November 15th, 2007 12:42 pm

    I am totally loving this show as much as you. My face often hurts after the show is over from the big ol’ smile on my face. The opener of last night’s show had my jaw on the ground a couple of different times for a couple of different reasons. And the end? *sigh* Yes, I love this show like Ned loves Chuck!

  2. Kristi on November 15th, 2007 1:06 pm

    My God.. this is quickly becoming my favorite show, period. ::hugs The Office:: It’s just that it makes me smile for an entire hour and even afterwards and I’m constantly squeeing and awwing. It’s just so amazing, I love it!

    I feel for Olive ’cause I’ve been there, we’ve all been there. You can’t blame her for wanting Ned; he’s so completely perfect and caring and WHY ISN’T HE REAL!?

    One of my favorite parts what the narrator saying “he was indeed a damn polygamist”! It made me laugh so much!

  3. mwhip on November 15th, 2007 1:07 pm

    What is up with Lee Pace’s eyebrows? Those things need their own show!!!

  4. Pushing Daisies is What I Need To Be Happy — All This Nonsense on November 15th, 2007 1:13 pm

    […] reading this post by: Give Me My Remote For more… RSS […]

  5. Althea on November 15th, 2007 1:24 pm

    I think those of us who love it love it a lot. I can barely breathe while I watch the show, and then I’m on cloud nine for the rest of the night afterward.

  6. Emily on November 15th, 2007 1:28 pm

    Trust me, I am so glad that I watched this show. It is so amazing, and I loved all of last nights. Its disturbing, its funny, its romantic, its smart. Is amazing.

  7. Britton on November 15th, 2007 1:33 pm

    I’ve already watched this episode 3 times (and the opening dream sequence about 40 times over. Hot!)!

    “Pushing Daisies” is one of the best things to ever happen to television. Period.

  8. Melody on November 15th, 2007 1:41 pm

    With every episode of this show, my love grows increasingly uncontrollable. And I have watched Ned saying, “Oh my god, your skin is amazing” an unhealthy number of times. I wasn’t spoiled for that scene, and while I did assume it was a dream sequence, my stomach still dropped when they started kissing – much the way it did when Jim grabbed Pam’s hand in “Fun Run.”

  9. Kismet on November 15th, 2007 1:56 pm

    Oh yes, I am absolutely in love with this show…And Ned!

    I also absolutely love Olive, and I’m so torn because I’m almost rooting her on…Almost.

    This show gets me so emotional, like somebody took my heart and dropped it into a bucket of hot cocoa. And, at the same time, somebody else is hitting my soul with a big fluffy teddy bear. And then, a third guy walks in and starts tickling my warm fuzzy bone. lol

  10. Lucy on November 15th, 2007 3:02 pm

    I don’t have DVR, so instead I watched some yummy Lee Pace Wonderfalls action. He’s got some swoon worthy make-out scenes there too.

  11. Carly on November 15th, 2007 4:51 pm

    I get butterflies when i think of this show.

  12. Wendy on November 15th, 2007 5:08 pm

    Best. Show. Ever. Kristin Chenoweth is friggin’ awesome, definitely Emmy worthy. I get so giddy Wednesday evenings when I know there’s a new episode on. I just hope the strike gets resolved soon so we don’t miss any episodes. I just love this show much that I want to marry it.

    How cute/funny was it when Olive went undercover as Pimento??? And she was dressed in green with red hair!!!

  13. Marv on November 15th, 2007 7:44 pm

    I started watching the show with my wife. She was interested in seeing what it was like when it started, so we watched it. I was happy to sit through it because Anna Friel is amazing and it was great to hear she was doing this show.

    But I took a bite of the pie and liked it, so now I watch it on the grounds of it being such a good (and different) show.

    However, my bias toward Anna Friel means that I don’t want anything to go wrong between Ned and Chuck whatsoever. Chuck all the way! Sorry Olive, but you’re not gonna win me over, no matter how hard you try!

  14. Jessica on November 16th, 2007 12:29 am

    I love this show! The Office and Pushing Daisies are the only shows I really care about and I am so upset about the Writers Strike!! When will they start negotiating???!!!!!! Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! I love your website!!

  15. TV Blog Coalition - Link Time! Nov. 16-18 | Daemon's TV on November 17th, 2007 11:02 am

    […] what could have been the last episode of The Office this season (a moment of silence). At least we still have Pushing Daisies to make us happy, at least for a few more eps. And before hitting the scene this weekend, check out […]

  16. TV Blog Weekly Roundup - November 16th-18th » Give Me My Remote on November 18th, 2007 2:56 pm

    […] what could have been the last episode of The Office this season (a moment of silence). At least we still have Pushing Daisies to make us happy, at least for a few more eps. And before hitting the scene this weekend, check out […]

  17. Mikey Likes TV » The Week in TV Blog Links on November 18th, 2007 11:54 pm

    […] what could have been the last episode of The Office this season (a moment of silence). At least we still have Pushing Daisies to make us happy, at least for a few more eps. And before hitting the scene this weekend, check out […]

  18. the TV addict » Blog Archive » TV Talk From Fellow TV Addicts on November 19th, 2007 9:39 am

    […] what could have been the last episode of The Office this season (a moment of silence). At least we still have Pushing Daisies to make us happy, at least for a few more eps. And before hitting the scene this weekend, check out […]

  19. Kimber on November 20th, 2007 1:58 pm

    YES! Definitely loving PD as much as you are. And the romance, and Emerson, Gansta Love, Digby, and just about everything else. I think I would fill an entire page here if I listed it all, so I’ll refrain from doing so.

    This show grabbed me with the pie-lette (which I was lucky to have caught rerun the Friday after it premiered and I was too stupid to remember to tape/watch it), and has held me captive ever since. I cannot get enough of it, and often watch each episode twice (did I mention I’m slightly obsessive?), and visit many forums and wonderful websites (i.e. thepiemaker.com) many times daily just to make sure I don’t miss anything new.

    PD is all about Ned/Chuck for me, even though I do love me some Olive Snook too. But I agree that Ned LOVES Chuck very, very much and is okay with the no-touching thing, but it seems that Chuck might be stuck on that point. Poor Chuck. I really think those crazy kids’ll pull through, though, and find a way to stay together.

  20. Jacob on November 29th, 2007 9:16 pm

    I can’t believe this show isn’t better in ratings compared to skanky shows like Grey’s Anatomy and Desperate Housewives. I am so glad there is a show that shows a little class and exempts it with witty writing and creative storylines that will never bore you. About time a new classical arises from the same drags they put on t.v. these days. Nice to have a show I can watch with my whole family!

  21. rjhngitgh on May 23rd, 2009 7:41 pm

    olive and ned can be together him and chuck are not gonna last they look like they r spliting up in the finale one because he took her to the charles house and before that he was saying i think it will be best or sumthing and also before that they had a fight.

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