Sneak Peek: Project Runway Finalist Collections - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Sneak Peek: Project Runway Finalist Collections

September 15, 2006 by  

The four Project Runway finalists, Jeffrey, Laura, Michael and Uli premiered their collections today in Bryant Park as part of New York Fashion Week. Some pics of their collections are already online. They all look fabulous….even Jeffrey’s. I’m personally rooting for Michael ALL.THE.WAY.

Click on the images below to see more photos of the collection at

Laura Bennett, Project Runway Jeffrey Sebelia, Project Runway

Michael Knight, Project Runway Uli Herzner, Project Runway


14 Responses to “Sneak Peek: Project Runway Finalist Collections”

  1. Mrsdata on September 15th, 2006 1:26 pm

    I’m pulling for Michael too! And Uli, it’s nice to see that her dress isn’t some crazy print. Jeffrey is such a dick though lol Michael is more talented and he has a better personality to boot.

  2. Mapia on September 15th, 2006 2:41 pm

    I am shocked that Jeffrey’s collection doesn’t look half bad! He seems to have toned down the heroin chic.

  3. GMMR on September 15th, 2006 2:43 pm

    I know. I thought the same thing as well. And I’m interested to see more of Michael’s collection as I wasn’t all that thrilled by those babydoll dresses. I actually like Laura’s as well. Uli’s was nice but I thought it all looked too similar.

  4. coloradokila on September 15th, 2006 3:07 pm


    He has to win, it is the only way I will get over my disappointment that Lukas won Rock Star Supernova.

    Oh – and he is the best designer – there’s that.

  5. jenny on September 15th, 2006 3:28 pm

    As long as it’s not Laura. I didn’t like her stuff — it just seemed to have fluffy bedazzled crap all over.

  6. Lynn on September 15th, 2006 3:32 pm

    Ok, I noticed that Michael, Jeffrey and Uli’s collections all contained something that looked like a swimsuit. Could it be that that is the final challenge and Laura is not part of the top three? Can someone look for this too or am I just dreaming?

    And, Michael’s rocked! He deserves the win…

  7. Emma on September 15th, 2006 4:11 pm

    Laura’s collection is the same thing over and over again. Uli has no range. It’s gotta be between Michael and Jeffrey.

  8. lola lu on September 16th, 2006 2:03 am

    why are they’re 4 finalists? In the previous seasons there were always 3. Does anyone have any scoop as to what happened so they would show 4 collections?

  9. Mrsdata on September 16th, 2006 7:22 pm

    There are actually 3 finalists because the producers don’t want the top three to be revealed. So, even though four collections are shown one of the designers are already “out” from the show. We won’t know who was kicked off until next week’s ep.

  10. distracted on September 17th, 2006 10:59 pm

    Funny, because I feel pretty much the opposite of everyone else. I love Michael, but I liked Laura’s collection the best. I thought it looked the most “wearable”–stuff I’d actually buy. Maybe I’m just not haute couture enough!

  11. cindy on September 18th, 2006 11:48 am

    i agree with distracted – laura’s is my favorite and always has been – its the most wearable. michael’s was good, but way too animal printy and didn’t seem to have any kind of continuity or theme. ulis dresses all seemed like the same old thing she’s done, but she does it well. jeffrey’s wasnt so bad tho – amazingly enough – although way to colorful for this seasons and the upcoming few season’s trend towards black and white.

    speaking of trends: why did no one pay attention to silouhettes – no one went for the pouffy skirt or sleeves (not in the angela way mind you) but like all the other real designers in fashion week.

  12. Mrsdata on September 19th, 2006 8:48 am

    Ok, I just saw a promo for the show and Heidi said, “We’re not commited to having a top three” So, I don’t know, they’re might a top four….

  13. Mrsdata on September 19th, 2006 8:48 am

    Oops, I meant there not they’re…I’m not Ashton Kutcher.

  14. Girly Girl on September 19th, 2006 10:36 am

    Fashion Week critics are reporting Laura nailed it…

    Michael= too Kimora Lee Simmons, and thats already being done by Kimora Lee Simmons

    Jeffrey= bland, boring, not interesting

    Uli= same dress, different prints