The 25 Best Duos on Television Today - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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The 25 Best Duos on Television Today

May 6, 2009 by  

Who are the best twosomes on TV?.  That’s the question asked by Scooter McGavin posed to a few of us TV bloggers.  And now I pose the question to YOU! Check out the list below and let us know what we got right and where we went woefully wrong.

Remember, a twosome doesn’t mean two peas in a pod.  The field is open — Lovers. Co-workers. Enemies. BFFs. But your favorite TV twosome must have aired on original episodes between June 2008 and now.  (Narrows it down a little).

Take a look and then share your thoughts.

1. Coach Eric and Tammy Taylor (Friday Night Lights)
2. Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy (30 Rock)
3. Sheldon Cooper Ph.D. and Penny (The Big Bang Theory)
4. Jim Halpert and Dwight Schrute (The Office)
5. Patty Hewes and Ellen Parsons (Damages)
6. Dr. Temperance “Bones” Brennan and Special Agent Seeley Booth (Bones)
7. Emerson Cod and Olive Snook (Pushing Daisies)
8. Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl)
9. Shawn Spencer and Burton “Gus” Guster (Psych)
10. Chuck Bartowski and Special Agent Sarah Walker (Chuck)
11. Sam and Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
12. Marc St. James and Amanda Tannen (Ugly Betty)
13. Barney Stinson and Ted Mosby (How I Met Your Mother)
14. Bill Adama and Laura Roslin (Battlestar Galactica)
15. Landry Clark and Tyra Colette (Friday Night Lights)
16. Ben Linus and John Locke (Lost)
17. John “J.D.” Dorian M.D. and Dr. Christopher Turk (Scrubs)
18. Sookie Stackhouse and Bill Compton (True Blood)
19. Jeff Patel and Lester Barnes aka Jeffster (Chuck)
20. James “Sawyer” Ford and Juliet Burke (Lost)
21. Homer and Marge Simpson (The Simpsons)
22. Bill Adama and Saul Tigh (Battlestar Galactica)
23. Richard Cypher and Kahlan Amnell (Legend of the Seeker)
24. Earl and Randy Hickey (My Name Is Earl)
25. Michael Westen and Fiona Glenanne (Burn Notice)

In the interest of full disclosure, here was my Top Ten pick:
1. Jim Halpert & Dwight Schrute (The Office)
2. Marc St. James & Amanda Tannen (Ugly Betty)
3. Blair Waldorf & Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl)
4. Tami & Eric Taylor (Friday Night Lights)
5. Chuck Bartowski & Sarah Walker (Chuck)
6. Gregory House & Robert Wilson (House)
7. Sheldon Cooper & Penny (The Big Bang Theory)
8. Cappie & Evan Chambers (Greek)
9. Olive Snook & Emerson Cod (Pushing Daisies)
10. Barney Stinson & His Suit (How I Met Your Mother)

Voters: Dan, Ducky, Kath, Matt, Sandie, Scooter McGavin, TVFan, Vance

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46 Responses to “The 25 Best Duos on Television Today”

  1. Alex on May 6th, 2009 4:34 pm

    Chuck & Sarah are the BEST ON TV !!! all others suck!!!

  2. Carlye on May 6th, 2009 4:51 pm

    I think you pretty much covered it……. My top 5 are Eric and Tammy, Barney and Robin, Michael Scott and Ryan, Any combo of the big bang theory, and Blair and Chuck. Next you all should tackle Top 25 of all time TV duo’s : )

  3. Chancay on May 6th, 2009 5:42 pm

    How about the brothers (Scofield and Burrows)?

  4. bubblewrap on May 6th, 2009 5:59 pm

    The only one I can think to add that’s become one of my favorites is Castle and Beckett from Castle. They are so hilarious together. And I’m happily surprised to see Richard and Kahlan from Legend of the Seeker on the list- I discovered that show a few months ago. It’s a pretty good show.

  5. beth on May 6th, 2009 6:54 pm

    this is a tough one and i defintely can’t narrow it down to 1 sooo….top 5!
    *Eric and Tammy Taylor
    *Jim Halpert and Dwight Shrute
    *Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass
    *Tyra Collete and Landry Clarke
    *Barney Stinson and his suit (great addition)

    runners up- Booth and Brennan, Sheldon and Penny

  6. CFO (not myinitials) on May 6th, 2009 7:43 pm

    Donna Noble and the Doctor (Doctor Who)

  7. Susan on May 6th, 2009 8:13 pm

    Bret and Jemaine (Flight of the Conchords)

  8. Michele on May 6th, 2009 8:26 pm

    bubblewrap – I have to agree – Castle and Beckett are great together, and where I thought there was a severe lack of chemistry in the pilot, I love them more and more every week.

    Jim & Pam (Come on – at the height of their angst? None better!)
    Jim & Dwight
    Chuck & Sarah
    Buffy & Spike (Okay, not 2008 – but it was new to me as I just watched the show for the first time this year…)
    Sheldon & Penny
    The two from Better Off Ted (whose names escape me right now…)
    Topher and Adele (the scene where they were stoned? So freaking funnY!)
    Peter and Walter (Fringe – cracks me up!)

    I feel like I am forgetting someone big…..

  9. Annie on May 6th, 2009 9:27 pm

    I was happy to see Shawn & Gus from Psych made the top 10. James Roday & Dule Hill are one of the best duos ever.

  10. Faye on May 6th, 2009 9:34 pm

    Definitely Sheldon and Penny! 🙂

  11. Sarah on May 6th, 2009 9:39 pm

    Sheldon/Penny FTW!!!!!!!

  12. sam on May 6th, 2009 9:43 pm

    Shawn and Gus? Check.

    Penny and Sheldon? Check.

    Juliet and Sawyer? Check.

    I am thrilled that those three made the list, they are among my favorite pairings.

    And I agree with the few above that say Castle and Beckett should have made the list. They are a new show, but the chemistry between them is amazing!

  13. bbgirl on May 6th, 2009 10:01 pm

    Chuck and Blair take the trophy followed by Sheldon and Penny!!

  14. Chuck Bass & Blair Waldorf - P�gina 8 on May 6th, 2009 10:04 pm

    […] it down a little). Take a look and then share your thoughts. 1. Coach Eric and Tammy Taylor (Friday Night Lights) 2. Liz Lemon and Jack Donagy (30 Rock) 3. Sheldon Cooper Ph.D. and Penny (The Big Bang Theory) 4. […]

  15. krissy on May 6th, 2009 10:13 pm

    CHUCK AND BLAIR rulezzzzzzz….. they are the best couple in TV History… luv them soooo muchhh…
    Also luv marc and amanda form ugly betty.. they are funny..
    Waldass roxxxx…..

  16. Pattie on May 6th, 2009 10:15 pm

    Top 5

    1 – Chuck/Blair
    2 – Sheldon/Penny
    3 – Jim/Dwight
    4 – Booth and Brennan
    5- Marc/Amanda

  17. Nadia on May 6th, 2009 10:17 pm

    Chuck and Blair on Gossip Girl for sure! Best couple ever.

  18. Natalie on May 6th, 2009 10:33 pm

    Chuck and Blair! Only couple that has caused me to literally sob on a teen drama show.

  19. Maura on May 6th, 2009 10:59 pm

    Sheldon & Penny ALWAYS.

    Also, it’s spelled Ted MOSBY. LOLOL.

  20. Laura on May 6th, 2009 11:12 pm

    Sheldon/Penny is the best non-romantic pairing on TV, bar none! (although i wouldn’t be totally opposed if it went there a few seasons down the line…)

    Jack/Liz is the second!

  21. Ducky on May 6th, 2009 11:21 pm

    Wow, we only had 3 of the same couplings – my Top 10 list was very different.

  22. Hannah on May 7th, 2009 1:40 am

    1. Sheldon and Penny are starting to become my new favorite duo.
    2. Jim and Dwight are always hilarious.
    3. House and Wilson are also a win. Actually put House in a room with anybody and it’s entertaining.

  23. Gringa on May 7th, 2009 5:56 am

    1. Booth & Brennan
    2. Sheldon & Penny( I wouldn’t mind if those two become a real couple)
    3. Ben Linus and John Locke

  24. KT on May 7th, 2009 9:14 am

    Dean and Sam Winchester are the best! The brothers have the best brotherly bond I’ve seen on tv. That has everything to do with how well Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki get along off screen, like brothers!!!

  25. Ashley on May 7th, 2009 10:06 am

    I like this game.

    1. Chuck and Blair (GG)
    2. Michael and Dwight (Office) as well as Jim and Pam (Office)
    3. Reese and Crews (Life)
    4. Castle and Beckett
    5. Olive and Emerson (Pushing Daisies)

  26. Jenny on May 7th, 2009 10:23 am

    My three favorite shows, Chuck, Supernatural and Psych, FTW.

    But you mixed up Jeffster’s names. It’s Jeff Barnes and Lester Patel. 😛

  27. catherine Kansaze on May 7th, 2009 2:27 pm

    Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl …I tune in every now and then to see them torment and flirt with each other

  28. Nikky on May 7th, 2009 2:44 pm

    1) Jeffster for the win!!! “There’s nothing a hundred men could ever do” to make these guys any lower on my list. Legendary. (Chuck & Sarah are great too, but these guys are nothing without each other – a true twosome)

    2) JD & Turk will remain the model of Bromance forever in my mind

    3) where is Fringe’s Walter & Peter Bishop… that is a fun dynamic!

  29. Elle on May 7th, 2009 4:21 pm

    Winchester brothers FTW! I’m glad that you included Sheldon & Penny but I love the duo of Raj & Howard. But where are Walter & Peter Bishop (Fringe) or Clark & Chloe [or even Lois] (Smallville)?

  30. Kirsten on May 7th, 2009 4:30 pm

    Michael and Fi definitely should have been higher on the list!

  31. Tiffany on May 7th, 2009 4:51 pm

    For me the only ones that matter are 1) Rick Castle and Kate Beckett from “Castle” They’ve got amazing chemistry and are just brilliant and perfect together.
    2) Greg House and Lisa Cuddy, why? Because well, duh, they’re amazing!
    3) Richard and Kahlan, cause they’re adorable and who doesn’t love a little forbidden love?

  32. Keleigh on May 7th, 2009 6:32 pm

    My favorite top 5:
    1. Sam and Dean Winchester
    2. Bones and Booth
    3. Chuck and Sarah
    4. Castle and Beckett
    5. Adama and Tigh
    Seriously, I’d watch any of these pairs in anything, any day of the week! They all have amazing chemistry which is pretty much the entire reason I watch them. I don’t even care what the plot is.

  33. Dingo on May 7th, 2009 7:53 pm

    Of the duos actually on your list, my vote would be:

    #1 The Winchester brothers from Supernatural
    #2 Daylight
    #3 Roslin & Adama from BSG

    The ones that you didn’t list, but I think you should have:
    – The Doctor & Donna Noble from Dr Who
    – John Sheppard & Rodney McKay from Stargate Atlantis
    – The Doctor & Jackson Lake (aka the Doctor & the Doctor) from Dr Who (Christmas Special)

    I’m a bit of sci-fi fan. You would never have guessed, right?

  34. Nayant on May 8th, 2009 1:06 am

    Wow, there are so many duo’s listed in shows i can’t make it through b/c the characters are so fake (2 dimensional) and the chemistry is forced it’s uncomfortable to watch!

    My tops:

    1. Sam & Dean – Supernatural
    2. Crews & Reese – Life
    3. Baltar & Six TIED with Cmdr Adama & Pres Roslin – Battlestar Galactica
    5. Liz & Jack: 30 Rock
    6. House & Wilso – House
    7. Michael Weston & SAM AXE – Burn notice
    8. Goren & Eams –
    9. Charlie & Alan – 2.5 Men
    10. Jim & Dwight – The Office

    ** Castle & Becket – still new and working out the Kinks, but POTENTIAL Is there!

    ** Brennan & Booth have good chemistry, but I just don’t believe an anthropologist with Asperger’s Syndrome.

  35. Jen on May 8th, 2009 1:07 am

    Starbuck and Apollo – Battlestar Galactica

  36. Nayant on May 8th, 2009 3:08 am

    Whoops premature posting is a bad thing 🙂

    Also in my Honorable mentions:

    Have to give prop to CFO and Dingo for their votes.

    *Donna and The Doctor
    *Sheppard and MacKay

    Great Chemistry and Comedic timing…

  37. zekat on May 8th, 2009 3:58 pm

    Yay for Sheldon and Penny! I love these two together.
    Jim & Dwight are awesome, especially as heads of the party planning committee.
    Marc & Amanda are pretty great on Ugly Betty too.

  38. JenniferH on May 8th, 2009 4:23 pm

    Sheldon and Penny FTW!! I’m loving seeing their names everywhere. WOOHOO!

    – Barney/Robin
    – Jack/Chloe
    – Chuck/Blair
    – Doctor/Rose
    – Doctor/Donna
    – Castle/Beckett
    – JD/Turk

  39. Elle on May 9th, 2009 2:15 pm


    for the win!!

  40. Jen (HIMYM) on May 11th, 2009 11:21 pm

    For HIMYM, I think instead of Barney and Ted, it should be Barney and Marshall. They’ve been spending tons of time together now that they work together. And hopefully we can say Barney and Robin.

  41. karol on May 16th, 2009 11:20 pm

    poxa Oo os irmãos winchester era p estar em primeiro!!
    eles são os melhores (the best boys) !!!
    e as outras séries não importa!! rs hsuahsua
    kiss kiss

  42. Patricia on October 1st, 2009 5:20 pm

    Si….Sheldon & Penny for the win…Is Sawyer & Kate for ever, Sawyer & Juliet is stupid

  43. Lanford, Illinois…1988 « oh, briggsy… on March 3rd, 2010 3:38 pm

    […] so!  Dan and Roseanne were kind of a late 80s sitcomy version of Friday Night Lights’s Eric and Tammy Taylor–not nearly as fleshed out (or hot–yowzah!), but as real as you were going to get for […]

  44. henray on November 19th, 2011 9:58 pm

    i never really saw the Sheldon and Penny connection. any specific episodes you guys can show me to to change my mind? until then, Jim and Dwight have been VERY consistent along with Liz and Jack (30 rock). But, cmon, Jim and Dwight for the win.

  45. henray on November 19th, 2011 10:01 pm

    OMG! how have we forgotten about Kelso and Red ?! (That 70s Show)

  46. Reyaan on July 28th, 2012 11:05 pm

    Uhhhh walt and jesse from breaking bad???