Veronica Mars Season 3 Casting Scoop
June 28, 2006 by Kath Skerry

According to TV Guide’s Michael Ausiello, Michael Cera, best known for playing George Michael on Arrested Development, will not be appearing on Veronica Mars next season. Michael Cera and his AD on-screen cousin, Alia Shawkat, both appeared in an important episode of VM last season. Show creator Rob Thomas had noted that he was asking both Michael and Alia to return as recurring characters during season 3. However, it looks like Michael Cera has a few movies in the works and his return to Neptune, CA is unlikely.
“We’re very bummed, but surviving,” Rob Thomas tells Ausiello. “We’re hoping to get him in the show after his movie wraps, but the boy has many projects, so we’re not banking on it.”
In other VM casting news, Tina Majorino (Mac) is thisclose to becoming a series regular. This has been in the works for a while, but Majorino’s desire to continue to work on Big Love had made things a bit more difficult. I guess Mac just isn’t ready to truly say goodbye to Beaver Cassidy.
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Filed under TV News, Veronica Mars
*crosses all fingers and toes* Oh please oh please oh please let Tina become a regular!
Mac’s one of my favorite characters. In fact, it wasn’t until her first episode that I knew I loved the show.
Forget Big Love, Tina. Go with the LoVe!
Hey, at least they can’t get GM on board for a reason! Michael Cera getting work is such awesome news.
It´s a great show with very talented actors, I love kristen and jason´s chimestry, they make a great couple, I like he´s kinda bad boy but with Vmars is so cute.. and really, he´s so sexy!!
I like their relation.. And I think it could be great to see him jealous of another guy and fight for Veronica but of course I wanna see them together. I hope to see a lot of Logan on the show!!! =)
I love this show. really it´s my favourite show, Jason is so hot and a talented actor! Kristen awesome actress. I can’t wait till season 3.
I´m so excited to know it´s gonna be a third season!! GREAT!!
I love this program, I cant miss an episode!!! Hurry up season 3 I need my Veronica Mars fix!!!
Oh my god i love Jason Dohring…
He’s so cute…
Please please please be with Veronica for the whole season…
Jason Dohring is just ADORABLE!!!
I’m french, (sorry I don’t speak english very well) in france M6 broadcasts only the first season so I want to know where is Duncane Kane? Please can you answer me because he and veronica make a great couple. Are logan and veronica will be together? I want more information about that… thanks
i love this movie very much but they always sex
eu hmoi je parle pa anglaiss donc j adore trop cette serie et elle est trop bien avec dunkane
I was so shocked at the end of season 2 that i almost cried. It was so good! I really really hope they stay together for the whole season. dont spoil it for me! i buy the dvd’s since my schedule’s pretty tight!
Jason Dohring is the love of my life
hello my nama is marine and i speak french and i am frenchi Veronica March j aime the seri I am a fan has fond I am every episode and it is out of question that I miss an episode
kiss marine has all fans
elle est super cette saison quand je les regarder pour la premiere fois je suis rentre de suite dans l’histoire est jai voulu de siute regarder les prochain episode
i love véronica mars!!
i love veronica Mars!!!!! its been my favorite tv show eversense the first episode. Ive bought both seasons and saw all of the third season but i havn’t bought it yet. I love duncan and when i saw him leave the show in the 2nd season i got soooooooooo sad. Hes like my favorite character. And Veronica Mars is also my favorite character. kristen bell and teddy dunst are so cute together!
I LOVE IT!!!!!
i love veronica mars show , when i sow it the first time i couldn’t wait to see the end,
she’s my favorite character ‘couse she can take care of every thing and she’s strong girl and i like that about her…
I love Veronica mars heaps!!
but here in australia they kept on moving the times back heaps and didn’t even bother with the 3rd season
i’m trying to watch them online but it’s difficult and sometimes the vids don’t work
i really want season 3 so badly!!
Wow seriously i need Veronica Mars season 3!!! i only started watching the series’ in august this year and i am dying here waiting for the 3rd season to be available here in Australia…
im thinking of ordering the nxt season off this site but i dunno if it would work in the dvd players in aussie???
is it true that season 3 is the last veronica forever?! i will die without my mystery fix everynite!
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