Happy New Year from Give Me My Remote - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Happy New Year from Give Me My Remote

January 2, 2006 by  

We at Give Me My Remote wanted to take a quick pause to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year. We also wanted to take this time to thank you for your support of GiveMeMyRemote.com and the GMMR forums. We started this site only a few months ago, and we can’t believe how we’ve blown up in such a short amount of time. And it’s all because of YOU.

2006 looks to be a great year for Give Me My Remote. We are going to cover more shows in the new year, and try to get you more behind the scenes info on all your favorite shows and stars.

That being said, we are still new, so we need your help. Here’s what you can do:

(1) Tell your friends about Give Me My Remote and the forums.

(2) Keep posting on the message boards. Those are for YOU, so make sure we are talking about your favorite shows and topics.

(3) Talk to us. Are we not covering your favorite shows? Do you want to see more pics, spoilers, inside scoop? Tell us. We want to make GMMR is THE place to feed your TV addiction.

Just a few housekeeping matters…

Sponsors: GMMR exists because of the support of our sponsors. Help support us by clicking on the sponsor links on the left hand side of the page. It will only take a few seconds but it means a lot.

GMMR Store: WOW! I was so happy to see the stuff from the GMMR store flying off the virtual shelves. If you haven’t been there, click here to check it out. We are planning some cool shirt design contests in the new year. Stay tuned.

Special Thanks: GMMR wouldn’t exist without the support of our brother an sister sites. A special thanks to GMMR Forum co-founder Fatback (www.fatbackandcollards.com) and KS (www.allthisnonsense.com). Make sure to visit their sites…funny stuff.

So thanks again for a great 2005. 2006 is going to be something special.

Stay tuned!
– Remote

Filed under TV News

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