Pam Beesley on the Talk Show Circuit - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Pam Beesley on the Talk Show Circuit

March 1, 2006 by  

Our favorite receptionist, Pam Beesley is going to be chatting it up tomorrow all over the TV. Jenna Fischer, who plays Pam on The Office will be on The Today Show tomorrow morning, Martha Stewart in the afternoon, and Conan O’Brien tomorrow night. Make sure you set your TiVos, because we all know how adorable Jenna is on these talk shows.

In addition to talking about tomorrow’s return of The Office (thank God), I’m sure we’ll hear about her upcoming movie SLiTHER, which was directed by her husband, James Gunn (Dawn of the Dead)

Filed under TV News


2 Responses to “Pam Beesley on the Talk Show Circuit”

  1. tvgirl13 on March 2nd, 2006 10:06 am

    She’s going to be in Chicago this weekend! I might have to stalk!

  2. Matthew Thompson on March 6th, 2006 8:49 pm
    This is my Tribute to Jim and Pam from the Office. Just wondering what you think of it.