Meredith replaces Katie, Madiva out, Sheriff Lamb speaks, and more... - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Meredith replaces Katie, Madiva out, Sheriff Lamb speaks, and more…

April 6, 2006 by  

So much TV news, and so little time. Sorry for the lack of posts today. Fatback & Collards and I spent the day in NYC – making deals…you know how it  I just got back home to Boston and I’ve got a tough choice to make – what ONE show can I watch before my body physically shuts down from exhaustion?  Normally this would be a no brainer – The Office.  But NBC thinks the public would rather watch a new episode of the horrendous Teachers, than a rerun of The Office.  NBC thought wrong. What’s a girl to do with so many choices just sitting there on the TiVo?  Well, I guess I’m going to go with (drum roll please)…The Amazing Race!!! My DVR is having some issues lately and it didn’t tape The Loop, so I’m kind of bummed.  Lost was another contender, but I am a few episodes behind on Lost right now, and to be honest, I don’t think I have the brain capacity to take it all in.

Since I haven’t had much to say today, I thought I would share some random thoughts on the latest and greatest TV news (or anything else that caught my attention).

Meredith Vieira Replaces Katie Couric on The Today Show
As GMMR reported yesterday, Meredith will leave her friends (and fellow crazies) at The View, for the opportunity to co-host The Today Show.  Goodbye Star Jones…hello Matty Lauer!!  Congrats Meredith – make us proud!!

Mandisa Booted from American Idol
So long, farwell, and in the immortal words of Heidi Klum auf Wiedersehen, good night.  Country music didn’t bode well for the girl from the South.  Go figure.  Last night we said goodbye to Mandisa.  I’m ok with it.  Here’s what I think.  There are only 3 people that I really believe are good enough to make it as the next American Idol.  For me, if you’re not in my top three, and you get voted off, then I don’t care all that much.  I didn’t think Mandisa was going to take it all, nor did I want her too, so i’m ok with it I guess.  What I’m not ok with is my TiVo not taping the performance show OR the elimination show.  I think my priorities are a little screwed up (well of course they are), but I specifically meant my TV priorities within my TiVo.

Sheriff Lamb is a Nice Guy
I’ve developed a little thang for Michael Muhney, who plays Sheriff Lamb on Veronica Mars.  I’m thinking it was the now infamous shirtless scene that did it for me.  Sadly Michael was not there when I spent the day on the set of Veronica Mars, but I did get to hang in his office for a bit.  So, I came across this interview with Michael today, and I thought I would share it with you.  Click here.

GMMR Faces Major TV Dilema
Ok, that was a tad bit dramatic, but man, I have had a bitch of a time keeping up with my shows these days.  Ever since I got back from Cali, work has been really tough for me. I’ve been getting home so late I have been averaging only one, maybe two shows a night.  Do you know the effort it takes to avoid Lost spoilers for the past three – yes three- episodes?  It’s tough.  And Scrubs?  I’m at least 4 epsiodes behind there.  Unacceptable, especially for a TV blogger like me. 

I’d love to say that I’d get caught up this weekend, but that ain’t happening.  I’m heading out of town tomorrow to spend the weekend with my two favorite people in the world – my baby nieces.  I haven’t seen them in about a month, and that’s just too long.  So I will be watching TV this weekend, but since I’m assuming you aren’t dying for the latest scoop on Dora the Explorer or The Wiggles, I’ll probably be “radio silent” until Sunday night.  But Sunday I’ll be back…we’ve got the SAD SAD episode of The West Wing, and perhaps even more sad, a repeat of Grey’s Anatomy.  Since I don’t really care about Desperate Housewives, and I’ve already seen this ep of Grey’s, I’m thinking I can use Sunday night to get caught up on Lost.  Done and done!

Big Pimpin’ Sellin’ Tees
I know I’ve already pimped the GMMR Online Store earlier this week, but I thought I’d give it another shot since I had a record week in sales.  So if you’re looking for t-shirt, mugs, hats, mousepads, and more from some of your favorite shows, then you should check it out.  I’m planning on adding some new products next week so make sure you check back soon.  And if you buy something, I would LOVE it if you would send me a pic of you wearing it.  I’ll post it on the site and you can be famous…LOL!!! 

I did add two new shirts this week.  (1)Logan has a great line in VM and I thought it was t-shirt worthy. (2) I think the least we could do is support Sophia Bush in her time of need.

ask_logan_4000x4000.png Team Sophia

Filed under GMMR News

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