It's All About "The Office" Today!! - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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It’s All About “The Office” Today!!

April 27, 2006 by  

Jim Halpert & Michael ScottIn honor of the return of NBC’s The Office, Give Me My Remote is going is having an Office party!!  For you Office fans, check back throughout the day for some great Office pics, posts, and videos!!

For those of you have stopped by my humble site a few times, you may have picked up on my mild obsession with NBC’s The Office.  I honestly love this show and I think it’s the funniest thing on TV today.  But it’s been forever since we’ve had a new episode.  To get my Office fix, I’ve been relagated to watching reruns over and over again.  There’s only so many times my little TiVo can replay Jim & Michael’s karaoke scene before it revolts against me.  So it’s a good thing that we have a brand new episode tonight.  Here’s the synopsis:

Dwight Schrute When half a joint is found on company property, Dwight dons his Lackawanna County volunteer deputy sheriff’s uniform (complete with badge) and launches an investigation. He brings in a professional drug tester—a turn of events that makes Michael nervous. Meanwhile, Jim and Pam play a game in which Jim is forbidden to speak.

Like I’ve said before, I’m not sure how I feel about an episode that requires John Krasinski to remain silent, but as long as he’s on screen I will be happy.  And how can you not laugh at Dwight in that Sheriff’s Volunteer Sheriff’s uniform.  Classic.  Oh, and I don’t know how many of you have heard the radio promos, but the ones they are running here in Boston feature Kevin (Brian Baumgartner) and they are hysterical!!!  I can’t wait!!

In other Office news, as you all know NBC supersized the season finale of The Office.  As I’ve said before, I think NBC would have done this with or without our Supersize The Office petition, but its nice that the petition was appreciated by the cast.  Here are a few quotes about (directly and indirectly) about the petition:

Jenna Fischer, Angela Kinsey, Brian Baumgartner

From Jenna Fischer’s TV Guide Blog

Finally, a big thanks to everyone who voted for the Supersized Office Finale. You did it! NBC has agreed to make the finale 10 minutes longer than a normal episode. I’m not allowed to talk about what happens, but I promise — you won’t be disappointed Enjoy the new episodes. They are leading up to a great season finale!

From Angela Kinsey’s MySpace Blog

Thank you, thank you to all our fans!  It’s official! The finale will be super-sized due to the extraordinary efforts and loyalty of our fans!

From Brian Baumgartner’s MySpace Blog

I guess some of the fans of the show have been lobbying NBC for some extra time on the air for the “Season Finale”. Well guess what folks- you won! NBC has added 10 minutes to the season finale episode and so it will now be a whopping 40 minutes. Pretty F’ing cool. You may not have been able to save Arrested Development, but dammit, you got us 10 more minutes. And I guess everyone who is anyone is very pleased and excited about that.

Thanks again to all of you who left your thoughts.  And for those who have asked that we start another petition…well, we will have to wait and see.  Maybe James and I will start a petition to lobby for a visit to the set and bring you the behind the scenes scoop on The Office.


4 Responses to “It’s All About “The Office” Today!!”

  1. duckyxdale on April 27th, 2006 12:14 pm

    Angela’s attitude really makes me a happy man. If I worked with her I think I would spend the first couple months wanting her dead and then the last 3 years wanting to be her best friend because she’s so awful and bitter. I like awful and bitter, it suits me well.

    Love ya GMMR!


  2. GMMR on April 27th, 2006 12:19 pm

    Now I know why we are friends!!!

  3. Jill on April 29th, 2006 1:24 pm

    What station/time/day are the promos in Boston??

  4. officefan23 on February 9th, 2007 1:42 pm

    Man, I recently had on Office party of my own…..watched every single episode we could get our hands on. Seasons 1 and 2 the a few from season 3 that i had TiVo’d. It was much fun.