John Krasinski on Jay Leno - Watch Now - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

John Krasinski on Jay Leno – Watch Now

May 11, 2006 by  

In case you missed John Krasinski’s appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno this week, your in luck. I have it here. John is so enjoyable with his anecdotes, he’s pretty damn funny.




4 Responses to “John Krasinski on Jay Leno – Watch Now”

  1. Julie on May 11th, 2006 11:29 am

    Thanks so much for putting this up, GMMR and metvotp! Even though you were nice enough to remind me that J. Kras was going to be on Leno, I completely forgot to tape it in the wake of the VM finale. It was a good interview; he retells a couple anecdotes, but he’s still so freakin’ adorable.

  2. suzette on May 11th, 2006 6:16 pm

    Thanks. I didn’t stay up late enough to watch. Jay totally pronounced his last name wrong.

  3. cara on June 7th, 2006 12:07 am

    noo it doesn’t play anymore. i never got to this

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