Anyone Have Hotel Connections in NYC? - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Anyone Have Hotel Connections in NYC?

May 15, 2006 by  

With the amount of people that come by this site everyday, I’m holding out hope that one of you has a connection to someone in the hotel industry in New York City.  I’m holding out very thin hope, but hope all the same.  I have to go to NYC on Wednesday night for business and with the TV upfronts in town, I can’t seem find an open hotel room in the entire city for less than $700/night.  Don’t you think it’s a bit ironic.  Me, of all people, finally getting the chance to be in NYC during the upfronts, and I can’t get into a hotel because all the TV stars and producers are there.  Life just sucks…ha ha ha.

So yeah, if your Mom, Dad, Uncle, Husband, Sister happens to work in the hotel industry and can find a room for me, let me know.  It’s a long shot but I had to ask.

Oh, and a special thanks to John Krasinski for offering to let me crash at his pad in New York.  J. Kras, it was awfully sweet of you, but we are just getting to know each other, and I don’t want to rush things.  Wait? what? Damn, did I doze off while blogging again?  I hate when that happens.

Someone help me find a hotel 🙁

Filed under TV News


3 Responses to “Anyone Have Hotel Connections in NYC?”

  1. Kristin on May 16th, 2006 7:24 am

    I’m not in the hotel industry but I travel up to NY a lot. I’d check the Wyndham on West 58th(reminds me of The Shining with fuzzy wallpaper). It’s relatively cheap-$180/night last time I went, right by Central Park West and they’re really nice & if you’re not too picky try a hostel. You can get a room for around $70 a night (shared room & bathroom). I’d google hostels and go from there. Hope you find something!

  2. RJB on May 16th, 2006 8:25 am

    Try the Gershwin Hotel near the Flat Iron building, quirky, artsy, and affordable.

  3. glucticteta on April 12th, 2008 1:21 am

    HEY ALL!!:

    Just Wanna Look Around Before I Yap Off At The Mouth


    I Know People 🙂 See What I Mean: