Good News/Bad News for Veronica Mars Fans - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Good News/Bad News for Veronica Mars Fans

May 15, 2006 by  

TV Guide’s Michael Ausiello is reporting that the buzz from the upfronts is that The CW has picked up Veronica Mars for a third season, BUT, they have only picked up our girl for 13 episodes. I’m not going to freak out just yet, as nothing…I repeat…NOTHING has been 100% confirmed yet. That being said, Michael Ausiello is a very reliable source. 13 epsiodes? Seriously…13 episodes. Watch out Nielsen families, because I’m going to be tracking you down and forcing you to watch Veronica Mars next season.

From Auseillo:

Veronica Mars Renewed?
Just received a fresh batch of Upfront intel and the buzz is that CW will order 13 episodes of Veronica Mars next season. Multiple sources close to the show confirm that this is true, but until CW makes it official on Thursday morning, I’m listing this as just a rumor. My take? Thirteen episodes is better than zero episodes.



4 Responses to “Good News/Bad News for Veronica Mars Fans”

  1. Jo on May 15th, 2006 2:43 pm

    hahah what a great screencap to go along with this story. you know business wise, 13 eps make sense. but from a viewer’s side, it still sets me on edge until Thursday…

  2. Mandy on May 15th, 2006 2:51 pm

    I HATE HATE HATE that they judge all TV on the Nielsen family ratings. I don’t know who they send those boxes to, but I truly need one!!!! Those people obviously only watch things they are used to and not any new, great shows. If they cancel Veronica after 13 episodes, I’m going to have to go live in a cave somewhere. I can’t wait till Thursday. Why couldn’t CW go first???? AHHHH the agony!!!!

  3. Julie on May 15th, 2006 4:58 pm

    This is definitely glass half full/half empty news. I’m an eternal optimist, so we’ll go with the ‘half a season is better than no season’ option, and hope it gets better treatment than Arrested Development got when it got a 13-episode order for Season Three. Siiiiigh.

  4. Lainer on May 16th, 2006 12:53 am

    13 episodes????? Sorry, I’m greedy and I neeeeeeed my 22 episodes of VM!!!!!! Living in Canada, I don’t get ANY say in regards to these damn Nielsen ratings. There are so many shows that have been canned on the basis of these stupid ratings. If CW wants to be the best damn network ever!, they should resurrect Arrested, Wonderfalls, Dead Like Me (along with VM of course) and I’ll be glued onto my sofa FOREVER! 🙂 Wait, do I get CW in Canada? :-S