"Rescue Me" is Back Tonight - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Sunday, March 23, 2025

“Rescue Me” is Back Tonight

May 30, 2006 by  

Denis Leary Rescue Me

The critically acclamied Rescue Me returns tonight for it’s third season at 10pm(est) on FX. I’ve seen a few episodes of this show here and there and have really liked what I’ve seen. I just set up a “season pass” on TiVo so I will definitely be watching it this season. To get you excited about tonight’s show here are a few Rescue Me reports and interview.

If there are any dieheard Rescue Me fans out there that are interested in writing weekly episode recaps for GMMR, please email me.

Filed under Rescue Me, TV Drama


3 Responses to ““Rescue Me” is Back Tonight”

  1. chris on May 30th, 2006 9:46 am

    Rescue Me is an awesome show! Dennis Leary is amazing in it.

  2. duckyxdale on May 30th, 2006 12:24 pm

    Who’s lending me Seasons 1-2 on dvd so I can catch up before tonight? I can quit my job and just watch this.

  3. coloradokila on June 1st, 2006 2:56 pm

    Love love love this show.

    Wish I had the DVD to send you, but I don’t.

    It is not Alias though, you can catch on.