Katharine McPhee’s Battle with Bulimia
June 23, 2006 by Kath Skerry

American Idol runner-up, Katharine McPhee, recently opened up to People Magazine about her 5 year battle with bulimia. The singer said that at her worst she was making herself vomit 7 times a day. It wasn’t until McPhee made it onto American Idol that she decided to seek out help.
“When I made it onto American Idol, I knew that food – my eating disorder – was the one thing really holding me back,” she says. “I was bingeing my whole life away for days at a time … So when I got on the show, I said, ‘You know what? I can do well in this competition. Let me give myself a chance and just get ahold of this thing.”
According to People, Katharine McPhee, with the support of her parents, and her actor boyfriend, Nick Cokas, 41, (yes, Kat has a boyfriend old enough to be her daddy), enrolled at Los Angeles’s Eating Disorder Center of California, where she spent three months undergoing group and individual therapy, six days a week.
These days Katharine has a much better handle on her eating disorder and says to be taking it day-by-day, and thanks American Idol. “American Idol saved my life, because if I hadn’t auditioned I don’t think I would have gotten a handle on food.”
Credit where credit is due…
Ok, so I’m not making light of Katharine’s eating disorder, but I couldn’t help but laugh out loud (mostly in horror) this morning when reading about her struggles in the newspaper. The Boston Herald, the less respected of my hometown newspapers, seemed to be bursting with pride after Kat McPhee admitted that her struggle with bulimia began when she put on 20 lbs during her freshman year at the Boston Conservatory.
You have to read this to believe it…I can’t get over it.
“American Idol” also-ran Katharine McPhee’s five-year battle with bulimia began when she packed on 20 pounds during her freshman year at The Boston Conservatory…. And who does Katharine blame for her ballooning figure? The pizza makers at Boston’s own Little Stevie’s House of Pizza!
“We would (go out), get back to the dorm at two in the morning, have three slices of Little Stevie’s House of Pizza – which were big – and go to bed,” the 22-year-old songbird chirped to People.
But not to worry, the boys at the Boylston Street pizza emporium didn’t take her slag to heart.“Tell her we wish her the best with the whole bulimia thing and that we’ll be here waiting for her when she decides to come back,” one pithy pie guy told the Track.
“Tell her we wish her the best with the whole bulimia thing and that we’ll be here waiting for her when she decides to come back” ….are you SERIOUS?!
$20 bucks says that the slimeballs at Little Stevie’s come out with a shirt next week that says “Our pizza is so good it led to Katharine McPhee’s eating disorder!”
Amazing. Simply amazing.
For you boys that came here just to see pics of Katharine McPhee….sorry. But check out Pics of Katharine McPhee at FBCG.
(Source: People Magazine)
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Filed under American Idol
I linked ya!
did a newspaper really write that? that is so low.
whatever this is so lame
i’m bulimic too
i think i wanna be bulimic
ok i am bulimic and thats a serious thing, luckily i got help and am doing much better but its not joke so all you ass wholes who think its one big joke its not and good for katherine mcphee she really is an idol
i think that is a serious problem that people need to take care of or they can probably die from it if they don’t take care of it. But overall I hope she is okay with the whole bulimia thing because she is a awesome singer.
Music is like the doorway to our souls. It helps us connect to our inner voice and to the external world as well. Music has the power to heal