"Big Brother:All Stars" Houseguests Leaked? - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

“Big Brother:All Stars” Houseguests Leaked?

July 5, 2006 by  

The following contains spoilers for Big Brother: All Stars.If you would rather wait to see how it all plays out on the live show, then it might be better if you stopped reading.

CBS has done it again! So much for keeping a secret! Knowing that the selected houseguests moved in to the Big Brother house on July 3, those with live feed subscriptions have been watching the default screen for any indication of who is living in the Big Brother house. Well, the audio had apparently been switched on today for a while and here is the list of the 14 houseguests that are in the Big Brother house. Unfortunately there is no indication of who was voted in or who the producers chose.

Big Brother All Star Houseguests

BB1: George; BB2: Mike, Will; BB3: Danielle, Marcellas; BB4: Alison, Erika; BB5: Diane, Jase, Nakomis; BB6: Howie, James, Janelle, Kaysar

Also, there are indications that both Janelle and Jase are currently head of household. They need to agree on who to nominate or else they will become the nominees. No word on how the pair became head of household but it is unlikely that a competition has taken place so early in the game. Perhaps they are the highest male and female votes and the prize for winning “America’s Choice” is Head of Household (HOH) for the first week. Personally, I am very happy with the selection of houseguests for BB7 and I can’t wait for the official premiere on Thursday.

Queen TV is a special contributor to GMMR. She loves to dish about TV just as much as the rest of us. Make sure you head over to her site, http://queentigervixxxen.blogspot.com for more TV, news and gossip.

Filed under Big Brother


3 Responses to ““Big Brother:All Stars” Houseguests Leaked?”

  1. Lori on July 5th, 2006 8:24 am

    Yeah, GMMR, I saw this information last night. I immediately went and signed up for the “live feeds” as I do every summer. The only thing that can be seen on the feeds right now, is what looks to be a bunch of rolling flames, like a huge fire.

    Man, I cannot wait for the season to start, tomorrow. I’m very pleased with the All-Star contestants that were chosen, with the exception of Alison and Danielle.

  2. duckyxdale on July 5th, 2006 12:22 pm

    I cannot believe that Mike DoucheBag Boogie made it in. Same with that phoney Jase. I hate both of them!

  3. Jaime on July 5th, 2006 9:37 pm

    Yes! Howie and James made it!!