Big Brother Shocker - Janey's Got a Gun - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Big Brother Shocker – Janey’s Got a Gun

September 6, 2006 by  

Big Brother

…ok well she doesn’t have a gun, but she did have a sole evicition vote and she wasn’t afraid to use it. In one of the BEST moments in Big Brother history, Janelle evicted Dr. Delicious, The Puppetmaster, The Evil Doctor Will Kirby from the Big Brother house. Chilltown has fallen.

[gv data=”KXUecoM-QpM”][/gv]

I actually stood up off my couch and applauded last night when Janey chose to save Erika over her bedmate, Will. Now if you’ve been reading GMMR then you know that Will was my FAVORITE houseguest. Yeah he was slimy, shady, and pretty much an egotistical a-hole, but the boy knew how to play the game. That was, until he got played.

So I actually spent some time this week watching the live feeds. It’s so strange to be able to watch the houseguests 24/7…no matter what they are doing. Altough I was hoping to see some mad scheming, I mostly saw the houseguests sleeping. Dude, the Big Brother house is boring. I mean BORING!! What I did observe first hand was Will working it (big time) with Janelle. The minute she won POV he was her BFF. They flirted and made out a little. He was using all his charm to secure his sho-mance kept him around for another week. But I’ll tell ya something. As much as I loved Will’s gameplay, I wasn’t as impressed with him when I got to watch the non-edited version of Dr. Delicious. Will seemed desperate in his interactions with Janey, to the point that it became completely transparent that he was using her. And to be honest, I truly thought Janelle was falling for his BS hook, line and sinker. I figured she would boot Erika in the name of some sexy hair and bedroom eyes. But no…Janelle proved herself to be a worthy component, and one who I am now hoping takes home the big prize.

For his part, Will was completely understanding of Janelle’s vote, as I think he secretly respected how she played the game, and even how she played him. The remaining member of Chilltown, the always whiny and coattail riding Mike Boogie is now left in the house with two woman who are out to get him.

And as for Erika…I am SO happy that she figured out that Boogie was playing up their sho-mance as nothing more game strategy. I was VERY worried that she was going to leave the house actually thinking that Boogie cared about her. Yes, she looked foolish on national television, but by revealing that she knew about Chilltown’s ulterior motives (aka ‘Operation Double Date’) she has redeemed herself just a little bit.

Oh and finally, we got our first glimpse into the sequester house where ousted houseguests must go until they reprise their roles as jurors in the season finale. James, Marcellas and Howie seemed bored out of their minds, but at least they have books and movies to watch. Howie and Marcellas were bitching at eachother like two kids on a playground. We saw Danielle enter the sequestor house followed soon thereafter by Chicken George.

One lesson was learned last night…Howie is an immature asshat. Still bitter after being nominated by George, Howie started verbally attacking George the minute he walked into the house. George was having none of it, and tried his best to remain the adult in the situation. I’m interested to see if Howie pulls the same BS on Will. Something tells me he won’t be such a tough guy. Too bad Howie forgot that this is a game, and he got outplayed.

So I’m not as interested in Big Brother now that Will has been ousted, but I’ve come this far, and I’m now jumping on the Janey bandwagon. Boogie, it’s your time to go.

Filed under Big Brother, TV News


3 Responses to “Big Brother Shocker – Janey’s Got a Gun”

  1. Ashley on September 6th, 2006 12:54 pm

    I was completely surprised when she evicted Will. I liked him, but it’s so satisfying to hear Janelle and Erika bond over how CT will get what’s coming to them. Especially when you think back on Will and Booger’s loathsome (though admitably entertaining) diary room phone calls. It’s like a last minute unexpected boost of girl power or something…

  2. Rayne on September 6th, 2006 3:10 pm

    I love how freaked out Mike was after Will was given the boot. I don’t like that guy one bit. I was kind of irritated by Janelle throughout most of the season, but I hope she wins it anyway.

  3. Jennifer on September 7th, 2006 11:23 am

    I totally agree with you – I’ve loved Will’s 10year old antics and sharp wit on this year’s show, and it reminded me why I came to like him in season 2. I felt that if the girls were going to fall for the shomance crap, they should go down. But Janelle’s ousting of Will was among the BEST moments in BB history because a) I didn’t think she’d actually do it , and b) Mike’s total surprise and childish reaction. Will, you’ll be missed, but now I’m hoping Janelle wins the whole thing for that move alone — something tells me he definitely respects her for it… And did you notice Will’s demeanour change the moment he left the house? boy sure knows how to play a character (what he was clearly doing in the house)…