"The Office" Thursday on Give Me My Remote - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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“The Office” Thursday on Give Me My Remote

September 7, 2006 by  

Two weeks from today is the Season 3 premiere of The Office. Can you believe it? Two weeks seems so close yet so far away. 14 days and we will know, once and for all the aftermath of ‘the confession’ and ‘the kiss’. What a night that will be. I’m nervous already. There’s NO WAY that the show can go the way I want it to…I just know it.

Season 2 DVDs Released on Tuesday….
The Office Season 2 DVD At least we have the Season 2 DVDs coming out “officially” on Tuesday, September 12th. I say “officially” because some select stores already have them on their shelves. But of course NONE of the stores near me. I keep getting emails from people saying they already have their copies in hand, and it’s KILLING me!!!!

I pre-ordered by DVDs on Amazon months ago, and I think they are set to arrive around the 17th or 18th. Yeah, I’m not going to be able to wait that long. As of now, it looks like I will be buying 3 DVD sets. The one from Amazon (already purchased), the Target version (with the extra ‘Booze Cruise’ video blog) and the Best Buy Severance package (S1 & S2 with Dunder Mifflin accessories included). I’m thinking one will be my “borrowing” copy – the one I lend to friends. Another might be one that I send to the cast to autograph (fingers crossed), and the third is the one I will keep in my sole posession…in a glass case above my bed. TMI? Yeah, thought so.

Anyway, on to your weekly installment of The Office Thursday on GiveMeMyRemote.com. – KEEP CHECKING BACK AS I WILL BE ADDING MORE TO THIS POST THROUGHOUT THE DAY!!!!

Football replaces The Office tonight on NBC. So sad. To that end, I’m sorry to report that there will NOT be an Office TVj session tonight. We will be back chatting over at BuddyTV.com next week at 8/7c. But be sure to click over there now and set a reminder for yourself, so you watch and chat along with us.

Farewell to the webisodes…

The Office WebisodesThe 10th and final webisode is live on NBC.com. I’m going to miss our little summer mystery…and yes, the money has been found and the culprit discovered. We get a little visit from Mr. Poop in this one. Yay!!! (click here to watch)

Kevin’s Blog – “Nice”…

Brian BaumgartnerBrian Baumgartner, who plays the fantastic Kevin Malone has updated his TV Guide Blog. I love Kevin, and love that he has been featured in more of the Office related features (webisodes, NBC fall preview, etc). He’s great!!

The Beard (formerly known as Roy)…

David DenmanRock 107 (Scranton, PA) talked to David Denman (Roy Anderson) about the upcoming season. Don’t get too excited, he doesn’t give anything away, but it’s still a good listen for all Office fans. (click here and enjoy)

The “Boss” Lady Sings the Blues….

Melora HardinDid you know that Jan Levinson (not so much ‘Gould’) is a sexy, saultry singer? Ok, maybe not Jan, but Melora Hardin is. Seriously, the writers must find a way to work her amazing talent into the show. How about another go at karaoke? Or perhaps we could see our favorite office couple “sway” to her beautiful and fitting song, “Heaven and Earth“. Check out www.melora.com for more on the other side of Lan Jevinson.

Talking to the Boys….

John Krasinski & Rainn WilsonNo new news on my upcoming interviews with Rainn Wilson and John Krasinski. Both are happening, but I’m just not sure about the timing. Their reps have been great, but both actors are crazy busy prepping for the start of Season 3. I’m pretty sure I’ll be talking to Rainn prior to the season premiere, and John hopefully a little later in the season (when he can spill a bit more). I’m more nervous to talk to John than Rainn only because if J. Kras ever been to this site, I’m sure he thinks I’m a 15 year old pyscho fangirl. John, I PROMISE it’s all an act. Hell, I don’t even find you the least bit attractive. (Do you think I convinced him…nah)

I think I have another interview in the works too. I’m working with awesome peeps at NBC to make it happen. When I know, you will know.

The Ballad of Jim and Pam….

Jenna Fischer and John KrasinskiA buddy of mine over at BuddyTV.com jumped on The Office train not too long ago, but that hasn’t stopped him from becoming as obsessed as the rest of us. Check out his new article on Beesly and Halpert. I love getting a guys take on the office romance.

The Ballad of Jim and Pam

There is not one show on network TV that makes me laugh like The Office. Adapted from the British show of the same name, its subtle humor has a style and uniqueness previously unseen on American TV. The pacing and plotting of The Office is far more relaxed than a typical show, which allows for the actors to manipulate comedic beats in ways sitcoms won’t allow.

The Office is unique in it’s presentation: single camera, presented in widescreen, filmed on a practical set in a faux-documentary style, and shown on NBC without a laugh track. The actors are all well-versed in improvisation, and a large portion of each episode shown is unscripted. However, the one aspect that I find to be both unique and completely refreshing on The Office is the relationship between salesman Jim Halpert and receptionist Pam Beesley.

Continue reading “The Ballad of Jim & Pam”

Other Office Tidbits…

Want to know when your favorite Dunder Mifflinites will be on TV? OfficeTally.com tells you how to make sure you never the cast in their other TV appearances (talks shows, guest stars, movies, etc). (click here)

NorthernAttack.com & OfficeTally.com have announced their grand prize winner of The Office Ipod giveaway. What a great contest. Congrats to the winner and runners-up. Click here to read all about the contest and the winners.

The original Office creators, and all around comedic geniuses, Ricky Gervais & Stephen Merchant worked with Microsoft to create some hilarious training videos. Word is Gervais & Merchant didn’t expect these videos to hit the streets, but they are all over the place already so what the hell. I love Michael Scott, but damn David Brent is amazing. Click over to DuckyxDale to watch the videos.

Dunder Mifflin is Having Casual Friday….

Michael Scott was not joking when he expressed his concern for Pam Beesly and her ‘ticking time bags’.  Just to show how serious he is, Dunder Mifflin will be wearing jeans on October 6th to support Lee’s National Denim Day.  Check out the video to learn more.

[gv data=”UC71pS62dk0″][/gv]

Images courtesy of NBC Universal, Universal Home Entertainment, Stuff Magazine


20 Responses to ““The Office” Thursday on Give Me My Remote”

  1. dada on September 7th, 2006 1:41 pm

    Wow, I think Michael’s head would explode if he saw those pictures of Jan (Melora) on her website!

  2. Jennings on September 7th, 2006 2:55 pm

    “I’m more nervous to talk to John than Rainn only because if J. Kras ever been to this site, I’m sure he thinks I’m a 15 year old pyscho fangirl. ”

    heyy, i resent that. lol. jk. I can’t wait another two weeks, even though part of me can’t believe its only two weeks. I have rethought my position on JAM, and now I have faith that everything has worked out-I can only be optimistic as we enter the real homestretch. I just seem to be getting a good feeling, especially after reading Jenna’s blog, and she keeps say that “we will be screaming at our TVs in a good way.” I really hope she wasn’t pulling our leg.

    Oh, and I wanted to let you know that I ordered a few pins from your store for my school uniform: the “Team Halpert,” “Assistant to the Regional manager,” and my favorite, the “Jim loves Pam. I support Office Romances” I love them soooo much…

  3. GMMR on September 7th, 2006 3:04 pm

    So glad you like the pins!!! YAY!! Just remember, Jenna didn’t say we’d be screaming at our TVs in a good way, she actually said “I just saw some footage from our first episode and I think you might be screaming at your TV again very soon. ” No mention as to whether the screams would be happy or frustrated. I’m going with the latter.

  4. Jane on September 7th, 2006 3:08 pm

    Speaking of The Office, have you seen the little PSA some of the cast did for Lee National Denim Day?

  5. jenny on September 7th, 2006 3:44 pm

    I also preordered the amazon.com DVDs but was able to cancel the order on their site. Would highly recommend that to anyone else who preordered with them but is going to Target/Best Buy to get the extra goodies instead. At least, that’s what I plan on doing.

  6. Jack on September 7th, 2006 3:55 pm

    hehe. 3 dvd sets? wow. Your dedication just went to a whole new level GMMR 🙂

    I take it we’re not having the weekly office chat tonight?

  7. GMMR on September 7th, 2006 3:56 pm

    Jack…wow, you just proved that you don’t even read my posts. My feelings are hurt 🙁

  8. mg714 on September 7th, 2006 4:58 pm

    Great Office news as always, GMMR! I definitely can’t wait until the 12th – I’m going to have to make a special trip to the nearest Target by me and hopefully will get one with the bonus disc.

    I saw some promos for Earl and The Office yesterday and am just so excited for the premiere! I know that it won’t end up exactly as JAM fans want right now, but they do have a few more years to go with the show, so they can’t necessarily be together right now. I have faith in the writers and just am anxious for the season to start!

    (BTW – thanks for the Myspace add, GMMR!)

  9. GMMR on September 7th, 2006 5:01 pm

    MG – what is your MySpace name?

  10. Anne on September 7th, 2006 5:20 pm

    hey guys!
    I was on the TODAY show webpage and I found this video of The Office cast welcoming Meredith Viera on to the TODAY show…
    if that doesnt work then here is the main page and go to the bottom under the videos.

  11. mg714 on September 7th, 2006 5:32 pm

    GMMR (and others) – my MySpace name is “Amateurtvexpert” – someone had already taken my mg714 alias! 🙂

    There isn’t too much on my myspace page right now – I just started putting it together. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep it up, though, since my “real life” tends to get busy from Fall to Spring – high TV season! I’m going to do my best to post my thoughts on shows and/or pop culture from time to time, though.

  12. Jessica on September 7th, 2006 6:21 pm

    first, I was really disappointed to hear that the Office wouldn’t be on tonight. it’s my first week of classes and I really could have used it. second, I’m having a real dilemma about the season 2 dvd. does anyone know for sure what the extra stuff on the Target version is? third, good god, Melora Hardin is hot. fourth, I cannot wait for the John Krasinski interview!

  13. Kris on September 7th, 2006 6:40 pm

    Jessica, i have the same conflict w/ the season 2 dvd. I want The Office goodies in the Best Buy package, but i also want that extra footage (Booze Cruise video blog) from Target. I can only choose one, and it really sucks.

  14. Jack on September 7th, 2006 7:04 pm

    GMMR: Shame on me, and i’ll come groveling and begging for forgiveness next week 🙂 hehe. I cannot believe I missed that. I really and truly do read your posts otherwise 🙂

    🙂 Keep up the good work!


  15. Denise (ddker) on September 7th, 2006 9:00 pm

    I cancelled my amazon order and I’m gonna get both the one from Best Buy and the one from Target. I’ll give one of the season 2 DVD sets as a present to a friend of mine who I just got interested in the show.

  16. Brian on September 7th, 2006 10:50 pm

    Holy shnikeys, gmmr. I was busy from sun-up today until now. I check in before calling it a day and you’ve provided a wikipedia’s worth of Office info, as usual. And there wasn’t even an episode on today. I’m too tired to even digest it all now.

  17. GMMR on September 7th, 2006 10:52 pm

    Well then come on back tomorrow Bri!!! Get a good night’s sleep my dear boy.

  18. Colin on September 8th, 2006 4:30 am

    LOL GMMR was mentioned in the season two commentaries. Congrats. 😉

  19. GMMR on September 8th, 2006 7:03 am

    Thanks Colin. Yeah, I heard that last week and I kind of flipped out. Looking forward to hearing it myself on Tuesday!!!

  20. Kathleen on September 8th, 2006 4:21 pm

    First of all- you have an awesome site! I am a HUGE fan of The Office and love each and every post Office post. Especially, those containing Mr. John Kraskinki.

    I want to ask if you know the song title and artist that is played during the promo video for the upcoming season of The Office.

    Take care, and please keep the JKras/Office posts coming!