The Office Season 2 on DVD - Quickie - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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The Office Season 2 on DVD – Quickie

September 13, 2006 by  

The Office Season 2 DVDAs you know, tomororrow is “Office Thursday” here on GMMR, and I plan on gushing plenty about The Office Season 2 DVDs, but I had to make a quick post today to thank ALL of you who have emailed me about the shout out on the “Casino Night” DVD commentary. I knew it was coming, but having listened to it yesterday was crazy!!! Special thanks to my boy Rainn Wilson…you rock!!!

What was really cool for me was to be mentioned along side the two best Office fansites, & James and Jennie have become good friends over the past year, so it was really fun for all of us to be mentioned together.
For those of you who have seen the deleted scenes, you can probably guess which were my favorites. But I don’t want to talk about that here since many have not had the chance to watch the DVDs yet.

So if you have listened to the commentary, watched the deleted scenes, the Booze Cruise video blog and the other Office goodies, head over to the GMMR forums and join me in breaking down the beauty of the DVDs. I put the DVD thread in the “Spoilers” area for now, because I didn’t want others to be spoiled. Head over to discuss the Office Season 2 DVDs NOW!!!

Filed under The Office, TV News


7 Responses to “The Office Season 2 on DVD – Quickie”

  1. Jennie on September 13th, 2006 1:15 pm

    “…it was really fun for all of us to be mentioned together.”

    Yes it was! What an absolute thrill, huh? 🙂 Jennie

  2. Jack on September 13th, 2006 1:23 pm

    congrats again on being mentioned you three

    Just goes to show us all that not only do we have the best cast, but, our triumvirate dpes a great job of leading the way for us fans 🙂

  3. mg714 on September 13th, 2006 1:49 pm

    I cannot wait to see the DVDs and hear the shout out to GMMR, as well as the other great Office sites! I’m waiting on my bro to get them – hopefully he’ll be able to get the one at Target with the video blog still. I’m way too excited about the DVDs and the premiere NEXT WEEK!

  4. Becky on September 13th, 2006 4:31 pm

    “She lives in Kansas..She says “theres no place like home.” I wish I knew what that movie was called. That’s going to kill me. “

  5. Jennings on September 13th, 2006 7:33 pm

    I LOVE THE OFFICE SEVERANCE PACKAGE! IT IS THE BEST THING I’VE EVER BOUGHT! I have yet to watch the commentaries, but I am going to watch the Casino Night one tonight….I love, love, love it…and ONLY ONE MORE WEEK!!!!!!!! (plus a day, but who cares?) 😉

  6. Abby on September 14th, 2006 6:59 am

    These dvds are killing me. I have work and school and the only time I can watch it is at 10-10:30 (and I get sucked in for an hour or two) then I get up at 5am.

    Hurts so good.

  7. Sus on September 14th, 2006 7:43 am

    I’ve rented the season from Netflix and I watched the first disc last night, will watch the second disk tonight, and the last two this weekend. Can’t wait!