Katherine Heigl Rocks the Bikini
October 2, 2006 by Kath Skerry
In the interest of fair and balanced journalism, I present the boys of GMMR a little Monday morning eye candy. Grey’s Anatomy Izzie may be busying baking muffins and grieving over Dying Dead Denny, but Katherine Heigl looks like she is having the time of her life basking poolside with her fiance, Josh Kelley.
(Click ot enlarge)
For more pics of Katherine head over to Egotastic
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Filed under Grey's Anatomy
and good morning to you
hehe. of all the days I need a wake up call and dont check GMMR first thing haha.
Sweet of the French paps cleaning up the pics.
More perfection.
Bani Israel deception and concealment of the right:
Jews were followers of Islam in the face of two methods:
First: the method of deception and camouflage, and Btalpis truth with falsehood, and to raise the suspicions and ambiguities in the legislation and the issues of faith, even the right to make people invisible, so is the human right and wrong, not able to distinguish between the two … This is what many people trying to raise and exercise in our lives now, in a move him to question the methods of thinking and the nature of Islam, and the victory of Islam and the possibilities of his arrival to the big target in life; Jews have played in the past and are still being practiced in various Bosalipem.
II: method of concealment and concealment of the truth, they have a lot of information and evidence which confirms the Prophet in his sincerity, but they were hidden from the people, because they do not want Islam to take its place as a natural Rsalip in the divine life, and Invidiously from the prostitute themselves. This approach is fully in our face with infidelity and atheism, when a lot of evidence to deny the right to teach, so as not to have him in their argument is accepted in some reject it, as pointed out by the Koranic verse clearly says: (Tlpsoa not truth with falsehood Tktamoa and right and you know).
We must refer to two points to clarify the meaning of the verse:
First point: The difference between the situation of concealing the truth and falsehood, the case of paneling, is that there are issues that can not play it, in the absence of their significance in the intellectual and practical, they resort to is withheld from the public so as not to know the right Firtbtoa, and there are issues that are not free of ambiguity and shadows in minute detail, they turn to when mixed with falsehood of themselves, to wear their religion on people, and play through in what they want to play on the right and wrong.
The second point: We note that in the Koran people go to the book not to the nation on the issue of confidentiality paneling right or false, although it is apparently supposed to ask the nation to identify the right and the wrong conclusion by reading the Bible and to reflect it, But apparently that people who do not have found a way to familiarize themselves with the Torah for what is already there, because they were Jews, and monopolize them hidden from the people, and showing them only what they want to show, as they were not even known people expressing their own language to get the job if it were a way Knowledge is the only way the introduction of the scholars of the People of the Book, and that the Koran is our view of them Ithaddahm that Izaroha for people to reveal what they are facts, and this is reflected in the Koranic verse: (Say: Bring Baltorap Vatloha, if you are truthful) (Al-Imran: 93).
(And establish prayer, pay Zakat and bow with those who bow) (The Cow: 43).