Kevin Federline on CSI...UGH - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Kevin Federline on CSI…UGH

October 6, 2006 by  

For all that is good and holy in this world, DO NOT, repeat DO NOT watch CSI this Thursday night. Britney’s leech aka K-Fed is guest starring, and we don’t need to encourage him. CSI has big ratings anyway, but if they spike due to his appearance he’s going to assume people tuned it because they like him rather than the real reason…to see what a screw up he is. If you feel you MUST see K-Fed in action, then check out the clip below from Thursday’s CSI. But get your fix and then step away from the TV on Thursday. Do not encourage him…he’ll never go away.
[gv data=”SNb5KJxLftY”][/gv]

Filed under TV News


10 Responses to “Kevin Federline on CSI…UGH”

  1. MannieAnnie on October 6th, 2006 7:02 pm

    Nick got to do what I’ve wanted to do to him!!! YAY!!!

    K-Fed said that Nick was a joke, HAH! I wonder if the writers wrote that just for him!!!

  2. Kris on October 6th, 2006 7:52 pm

    NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Not on CSI!!!!!! Why?! Greg Sanders, do something!!!!

    That angers me that they’re sticking him on CSI. They honestly don’t need the ratings. Nick is too cool and hit the nail right on the head 🙂

    Question. If i DVR it and watch it later, does that still give it ratings? If i must sacrifice this Thursday’s CSI for the good of humanity, then i will, but just checking for sure that i MUST.

  3. jenny on October 6th, 2006 11:27 pm

    I’m glad I watched that if only to see KFed get punched. Thank you.

  4. sabrina on October 7th, 2006 12:43 am

    “Do not encourage him…he’ll never go away.”


  5. Shiqwan on October 7th, 2006 12:59 pm

    Must be the worst acting ever seen on CSI!!

  6. Kerry on October 8th, 2006 11:28 am

    It was almost worth it just to see him get punched….actually no, it was still a monumental waste of time. I think I just got crazy for a minute there. We should definately not encourage the K-Fed.

  7. Carrie on October 8th, 2006 10:46 pm

    I wish Nick would have punched him in the mouth.

  8. Sus on October 9th, 2006 8:07 am

    I agree with Carrie. He should have messed him up so bad he couldn’t speak or sing. Oh God…he doesn’t sing in this episode, does he?

  9. Sarcasmo on October 10th, 2006 11:22 am

    As long as you’re not a Nielsen family, whether or not you watch it will not affect the ratings. TiVo it and watch it later, if only for the satisfaction of being able to watch F*ked get punched over and over again.

  10. Kris on October 10th, 2006 9:19 pm

    Thanks, Sarcasmo, for the info. I’ll do just that. I don’t think i’m a Nielsen family anyway, but still.

    I tend to dvr The Office and CSI, but watch The Office episode again during CSI w/ family (who missed it at it’s earlier time slot), so yeah, i’ve got my Thursday set.

    Nick. Is. Awesome.

    K-Fed. Sucks. Ass.