This is How the "So You Think You Can Dance" Kids Party - Toga! Toga! - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

This is How the “So You Think You Can Dance” Kids Party – Toga! Toga!

October 18, 2006 by  

My oh my I do declare!! It seems that So You Think You Can Dance contestant Travis Wall (or BF Travis as he’s known around these parts) recently updated his MySpace page to include some hot, and I do mean HOT pics of himself along with other SYTCD contestants from Ivan Koumaev’s toga-themed 19th birthday.

SYTYCD Toga Party

Looks like Jailbait Ivan knows how to celebrate – bronzed skin and half naked (ok more than half naked) chicks. Ducky & I have speculated that even with all the Mormons in the group, the SYTYCD contestants are a little dirrty. And that’s why we love them.

(the pics can get very big, so you might want to click on them twice to get the FULL affect)

SYTYCD Toga Party - Travis SYTYCD Toga Party - Benji SYTYCD Toga Party - Allison & Travis (2) SYTYCD Toga Party - Allison & Travis SYTYCD Toga Party - Travis (2)
No word yet from SYTYCD dancer Jessica on the Providence show, but I’ll be sure to let you know if and when we hear anything. For now enjoy. (Oh and if you are in the Boston area and hear some serious screaming, it might just be the Duckster)


3 Responses to “This is How the “So You Think You Can Dance” Kids Party – Toga! Toga!”

  1. michelle on October 18th, 2006 2:24 pm

    Oh my! All bronzed up and barely dressed. Thanks for the pics! It’s been too long since I’ve seen those guys.

  2. Nicole on October 18th, 2006 10:41 pm

    Lol…I’ve never seen this show, and don’t know who anyone in the pictures are, but I had to comment on the fact that the one crouched down licking the thigh of the woman looks EXACTLY like Mario Lopez circa his stint as A.C. Slater on Saved By The Bell. Afro-mullet and all.

  3. Jennifer on October 18th, 2006 11:51 pm

    Does anyone else think these look a little *too* gay porn-y? Not that I’m complaining, just laughing…